Homeowner Forms and Other Downloads

Requests to make exterior changes, for exterior maintenance, or to identify landscaping issues that need attention, should be submitted in writing using the forms below, so the item can be routed to the right person and tracked.
The forms themselves have more information, plus please see the Owner Info page for a broader explanation of exterior maintenance and landscaping, as well as links to downloadable copies of our Governing Documents (CC&Rs, Rules & Regulations, etc.).
Additional miscellaneous downloads of interest to owners are linked from this page.
Exterior Changes – Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
If you are proposing a change to your unit exterior, your request must be reviewed by your immediate neighbors and the Architectural Control Committee. The forms and processes are available on the Exterior Changes page.
Landscape Maintenance – Landscaping Committee
Landscaping requests may only be considered after submission of a Div 17_Landscape Maintenance Request Form (October 2019)
Exterior Maintenance – Exterior Maintenance Committee
All requests for exterior maintenance must be submitted via the Exterior Maintenance Request Form (October 2019)
Required contact information
Owners are required by law to keep both Div 17 HOA and SLOA informed of their current contact information:
Sunland Division 17 Owner Contact Information 2024 (March 2024)
In order to keep HOA fees as low as possible, most of the management and much of the labor to run Sunland North is performed by volunteers, serving on both the HOA Board and on various groups that help with maintenance, communications, and other tasks.
A downloadable version of Sunland Division 17 Volunteer Committees (PDF)
Community Volunteer-Application (Dec. 2020). This also describes volunteer positions.
Transfer and historical documents
Document-processing-fee-form_rev-Jan-2015 Instructions to Title Company and HOA Unit Transfer Document Processing Form (January 2015)
Sunland North Division 17 Request for Official Documents (January 2022)
Downloadable Schematic Map of Sunland Div 17 (June 2019)
Downloadable Sunland Division 17 Plat Map Filed 2008
Sunland Division 17 Website Guide (Dec. 2021)

If you are buying or refinancing your home, please check the Insurance page for information on the Sunland Division 17 Homeowners Association insurance coverage.
Board management
Board and Committee Chair Reimbursement Request Form (2022)
The board is exploring the development of other forms to standardize a variety of processes and activities. If you have suggestions, please write to secretary@sunlandnorth.org.