Lawn Problem

There are a number of brown areas appearing in the many of the lawns of Sunland North, especially on Blakely Blvd, Cascadia Loop and Mendel. As you likely know, we have an ongoing battle with broadleaf weeds and clover that requires treatment. In a recent application, a generally-accepted herbicide was used on several lawns, but by accident the applicator was mistakenly replenished with Roundup. This is why we have brown spots, and these spots will require reseeding in the next month or so. Precautions have been taken so this kind of accident will not be repeated in the future.

Not all of the division has suffered the consequences.  The red areas indicate lawns mistakenly sprayed with Roundup.  The yellow areas should be fine. 

Tom Steffen, Chair

Sunland North Developed Landscaping Committee

Map of lawn with improper spraying.
Map of lawn with improper spraying.

Entrance sign update

Hi Neighbors,
As many of you have noticed, the letters on our entrance sign are biting the dust and falling off the entrance structure. Today I removed the remaining letters. We are in the process of getting bids for a new sign so you should see a big improvement in the near future.
Last week Kathy and I pulled all the weeds and trimmed the bushes in the entrance gardens. And speaking of flowers, (we were?) Kathy has picked out an assortment of flowers for the entrance gardens. She is waiting for the temperature of the soil to get a little warmer (do remember warmer temperatures?) before she plants them. Hopefully this weekend.
And speaking of this weekend, the forecast is for sunny weather with the temperatures in the 60’s!  So grab your sunscreen and get out and enjoy the sun while you can!!
Eric Mahnerd

Sunland North beautification assistance requested

The local irrigation district gave Sunland North several trees to plant along our border with Woodcock Road. These young trees get thirsty during the dry months, and volunteers are needed for July and September (other months are covered).

Volunteers are also needed to do trash cleanup along Sequim-Dungeness Way and along Woodcock Road on Monday, June 6. Meet at Woodcock and Blakely at 10 am. Trash bags will be provided, please bring gloves. If you have a high-visibility vest, please wear it. We will have a standing volunteer day for trash cleanup on the first Monday of each month.

Contact me at to volunteer for either opportunity, or to dispose of the collected garbage if you have any room in your trash can.

Sarah Miller, Chair
Sunland North Natural Habitat Committee

Sunland North March 29, 2022 Board Meeting Agenda


Note: this will be an abbreviated Board meeting. There will be no routine committee reports, and only two agenda items on time-sensitive topics. This will be a virtual meeting via Zoom. A link to the meeting follows the agenda.

March 29, 2022, 2:30 p.m. — 3 p.m.

Board Meeting Agenda

This will be an abbreviated meeting to review and approve two time-sensitive matters. The usual agenda will be suspended.

2:30 Call to Order; Verification of Quorum

2:35 Old Business

Review and approval of HOA 2022-2023 insurance policy proposal

Review and approval of landscaping contract

Homeowner Comment Period

If possible, please submit comments electronically, in advance.

3:00 Adjournment
A link to the meeting was sent via email to registered members.

January 2022 Board Agenda

January 10, 2022

Monthly Board Meeting of Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

January 12, 2022, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., at The Gathering Place, 135 Fairway Drive

Note: While Washington State health officials are permitting such meetings, please note it is recommended that unvaccinated folks avoid such meetings, and everyone should wear a mask when in such gatherings to protect others. Clallam County is currently seeing a Very High rate of COVID-19 infections.

2:30 Call to Order; Verification of Quorum

2:40 Review and approval of December 8, 2021, Board meeting minutes

2:45 Old Business

Speed reporting signs (President)

Confirm Rules and Regulations changes in copying fee of association documents (Section II, Part 22; Board vote) (Secretary)

3:00 New Business

Sunland North Practices and Procedures update for mailing address (see Legal) (Board vote required) (Secretary)

Sunland North Bylaws change for bookkeeper, street address (Article I; Board vote, notify members, discuss and ratify in February) (Secretary)

Sunland North Bylaws change for financial management (Article VII, Section 4; Board vote, notify members, discuss and ratify in February) (Secretary)

Change email address in Rules and Regulations for general submissions (Section II, Part 10; (Board vote, notify members, discuss and ratify in February)

Change street address with Washington State Secretary of State (Treasurer)

Survey of trees in natural area by arborist (Insurance)

Records disposal (Secretary)

Shortage of volunteers (President)

Irrigation back-flow inspections (Landscaping)

4:00 Officer, Committee and Coordinator Reports

President Update — Gerry Hatler

Secretary Update — Lawrence Charters

Website design update

Treasurer Update — Betty Gwaltney

Vice President — Shirley Legg

Board Member at Large — Mike Johnson

Architectural Control Committee — Mike Johnson (acting)

Insurance Committee — Susan Hamman

Developed Landscape — Tom Steffen

Exterior Maintenance and Inspection — John Lewis

Natural Habitat — Sarah Miller

Communications and Outreach — Kathy Gross

Sunland Water District Update — Tom Hamman

4:20 Homeowner Comment Period

If possible, please submit comments electronically, in advance.

4:30 Adjournment


Volunteerism alive and well in Division 17 — and a light show

October 30, 2021
A big thanks to Tom Steffen, Mike Bresnahan (and his truck), Fritz Field and Anita Lewis for all the work pruning trees, pruning plants and general cleanup of the trees and plants on the east boundary of the driving range property and unit 311 Blakely.
Plus: sparkles. There is a chance we will see the aurora this weekend.

Landscape update and one other issue

October 4, 2021

Fall has arrived. I write to share a brief landscaping update and a couple of reminders.

  • Regarding irrigation: Given the amount of rain we have been receiving, all irrigation control panels have been set to “Off.” As is expected, we continue to repair leaks and replace faulty values and sprinkler heads.
  • Regarding pruning: General pruning will begin as plant life goes dormant. Expect to see our crew cutting and trimming by the middle of
  • December. It is best to move birdbaths, figurines/statuary, and electric or battery light strands away from bushes that require pruning, so that proper pruning can take place and debris removed. Moving personal items out of harm’s way is not the responsibility of our landscaping crew. And what about your favorite bush that you prefer pruning? Please clearly mark individual bushes with signs (the wind won’t blow off!) that indicate “DO NOT PRUNE.”
  • Regarding mowing, leaves, and fertilizer application: Cutting wet grass (especially when the ground is soaked) with large mowers is always a challenge and a risk. The usual weekly mowing routine will change to reflect the seasonal realities. Early leaves will be mulched whenever lawns are mowed; all remaining leaves will be collected and removed before winter. A final fertilizer (granulated) treatment will be applied before the end of the year.

If you have concerns or need assistance with landscaping issues, please contact me at I’ll do my best to reply within 48 hours.

Here’s to a great fall!

Tom Steffen
Landscape Coordinator

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And on a completely different subject: several residents have notified me that they found flyers in their mailboxes this morning. It is a violation of federal law for anyone to put anything in a mailbox except the owner and the U.S. Postal Service. Please report such violations to the U.S. Postal Service. Sunland North can’t act on your behalf; you must report the issue.