The agenda for the Sunland North Board Meeting, on February 14, at 2:30 p.m. can be found at the top of the Agendas and Minutes page, or you can go directly to the agenda.
Author: Lawrence Charters
January 2024 Board Meeting Agenda
Yes, it is 2024 already, and the Sunland Division 17 Board is meeting at 2:30 p.m. on January 10. You can find complete details on topics in the January 2024 Board Agenda.
Holiday Lights Brighten Sunland North
Banishing the gray of winter, the Sunland North community strung thousands of lights and other decorations to bring a festive atmosphere this year. Trees, bushes, garages, porches, and lamposts were covered with lights, ribbons, wreaths, and other seasonal decorations.
There was even a Santa Sasquatch.
Photos of Sunland North’s holiday garb in 2023
Sunland North Holiday Party 2023
For many years, Sunland North has had a holiday party in December. Due to a global pandemic, we had to forgo a party in 2021, but picked it up again in 2022. This year, we once again got together as a community to enjoy a meal together in a festive environment, and we didn’t have to clean up afterward.
Photos of the 2023 Holiday Party
Sunland North October 2023 Newsletter
The October 2023 newsletter is now available. Thank you, Kathy Gross, for putting together this issue, which includes information on the September annual meeting and election of the new Board of Directors, a short article on how the homeowner association handles investments, an article on earthquake preparedness, an announcement of a holiday party in December, information on insurance, a reminder to shut off external faucets and disconnect hoses, and an elk.
2023 Annual Member Meeting Results
At this year’s Annual Meeting the following were elected to two-year terms, Gerry Hatler and Mark Anderson. The budget was approved for 2024 and the HOA will use a Financial Review for our financials.
At a Board Organizational Meeting following the Annual Meeting, the following assignments and responsibilities were made by the Board:
There were 75 ballots cast out of a potential 139. There were 22 people in attendance at the meeting.