Sunland North Happy Hour, August 25, 2022

When: Thursday, August 25, 2022
Where: The Cabana, located at 1510 Jamestown Rd
Time: 4-6 PM

Bring an appetizer or dessert to share and your choice of beverage. Sue and I will provide plates, cups, napkins and cutlery. Spouses, friends and neighbors are welcome so if you know of someone who didn’t get this email and wants to come, please forward it to them.

Please RSVP so we can be sure to have enough plates and cups. RSVP to Lisa Parise.

Bring your lawn chair if you prefer to sit outside (weather permitting). COVID information – Due to the increase in COVID cases, please follow CDC regulations.

Note: While Washington State health officials are permitting such meetings, please note it is recommended that unvaccinated folks avoid such meetings, and everyone should wear a mask when in such gatherings to protect others. Clallam County is currently seeing a High rate of COVID-19 infections. (click on the View The Clallam COVID-19 Dashboard with Statistics link.)

Lawn Problem

There are a number of brown areas appearing in the many of the lawns of Sunland North, especially on Blakely Blvd, Cascadia Loop and Mendel. As you likely know, we have an ongoing battle with broadleaf weeds and clover that requires treatment. In a recent application, a generally-accepted herbicide was used on several lawns, but by accident the applicator was mistakenly replenished with Roundup. This is why we have brown spots, and these spots will require reseeding in the next month or so. Precautions have been taken so this kind of accident will not be repeated in the future.

Not all of the division has suffered the consequences.  The red areas indicate lawns mistakenly sprayed with Roundup.  The yellow areas should be fine. 

Tom Steffen, Chair

Sunland North Developed Landscaping Committee

Map of lawn with improper spraying.
Map of lawn with improper spraying.

Sunland North Board Meeting Agenda, July 13, 2022

The agenda is also on the web at:

Note: While Washington State health officials are permitting meetings, please note it is recommended that unvaccinated folks avoid such meetings, and everyone should wear a mask and socially distance when in such gatherings to protect others. Clallam County is once again in the High Risk category for COVID-19 infections.

Monthly Board Meeting of Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Wednesday, July 13, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., The Gathering Place,, 135 Fairway Drive

2:30 Call to Order; Verification of Quorum

2:40 Review and approval of June 16, 2022, Board minutes

2:45 Old Business

Approve Annual Meeting Documents

ACC Chair

External Maintenance Chair

Authorization to proceed with CD, at Washington Fed and Sound Bank

Unauthorized construction after ACC review

New Business


Website status

Cascadia Rising / Washington Shakeout / Emergency Preparedness preparation

Proposed Budget for 2023 

Financial Review Report

Reserve Study Results

Volunteers to assemble voter packets

Call for Board nominations from the floor

4:00 Officer, Committee and Coordinator Reports

President Update — Gerry Hatler

Secretary Update — Lawrence Charters

Treasurer Update — Betty Gwaltney

Vice President — Shirley Legg

Board Member at Large — Mike Johnson

Architectural Control Committee — Mike Johnson, acting

Insurance Committee — Susan Hamman

Developed Landscape — Tom Steffen

Exterior Maintenance and Inspection — Mike Johnson, acting

Natural Habitat — Sarah Miller

Communications and Outreach — Kathy Gross

Sunland Water District Update — Tom Hamman

4:20 Homeowner Comment Period

If possible, please submit comments electronically, in advance.

4:30 Adjournment

Sunland North Happy Hour

Join us for Sunland North Happy Hour

When: Thursday, July 21, 2022
Where: The Cabana, located at 1510 Jamestown Rd
Time: 4-6 PM

Bring an appetizer or dessert to share and your choice of beverage.  Sue and I will provide plates, cups, napkins and cutlery.  Spouses, friends and neighbors are welcome so if you know of someone who didn’t get this email and wants to come, please forward it to them.  

Please RSVP so we can be sure to have enough plates and cups.  RSVP to Lisa Parise at

Bring your lawn chair if you prefer to sit outside (weather permitting).  

COVID information – Due to the increase in COVID cases, please follow CDC regulations.  

Note: While Washington State health officials are permitting such meetings, please note it is recommended that unvaccinated folks avoid such meetings, and everyone should wear a mask when in such gatherings to protect others. Clallam County is currently seeing a High rate of COVID-19 infections.

Sunland cabana
Sunland Cabana

The cabana is at the north end of Serpentine, and has a sign on the side saying it is “Sunny Shores Beach Club.” The beach is just feet away, on the other side of Jamestown Road, with a view of the lighthouse. The cabana has a parking lot.

Two items of interest

Third quarter assessments

Third Quarter Assessments ($849) are due no later than July 1. Assessments received after that date are subject to a late fee.


Sara Miller, our Natural Habitat Coordinator, received a question about bees.

“I’m responding to [a] question about the feasibility of leaving part of the natural habitat area unmowed to provide flowers and food for the bees. You might have noticed that we don’t often mow the natural area. Typically, we mow it three times a year. There are often many flowering plants present by the time we do mow, and those  provide good food for the pollinators. We try to time the mowing so that we are able to 1) ensure that the biomass present in the grass doesn’t risk providing fuel in case of fire and 2) eliminate blooms of any noxious weeds before they are able to set seed. We have poison hemlock in our natural area and one mitigation measure includes properly timed mowing.

I appreciate [the] suggestion… about trying to help the bees, and I’m certain they do benefit from the wild flowers that grow in our tall grasses.”

Sunland North June 2022 Board Agenda

Due to scheduling conflicts, the June 8 Sunland North Board meeting is being moved to Thursday, June 16, and due to a lack of available rooms, the meeting will be held virtually via Zoom. A revised agenda and link to the meeting will be sent via email on June 12 or 13.

Monthly Board Meeting of Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Thursday, June 16, 2022, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., to be held virtually via Zoom.

2:30 Call to Order; Verification of Quorum

2:40 Review and approval of May 2022, Board minutes

2:45 Old Business

Moss abatement contract
Committee vacancies
Financial Review
Nominating Committee

3:00 New Business

IRS Form 1099s for contractors
Annual Meeting packet information

4:00 Officer, Committee and Coordinator Reports

President Update — Gerry Hatler

Secretary Update — Lawrence Charters

Treasurer Update — Betty Gwaltney

Vice President — Shirley Legg

Board Member at Large — Mike Johnson

Architectural Control Committee — Mike Johnson, acting

Insurance Committee — Susan Hamman

Developed Landscape — Tom Steffen

Exterior Maintenance and Inspection — Mike Paine

Natural Habitat — Sarah Miller

Communications and Outreach — Kathy Gross

Sunland Water District Update — Tom Hamman

4:20 Homeowner Comment Period

If possible, please submit comments electronically, in advance.

4:30 Adjournment

Entrance sign update

Hi Neighbors,
As many of you have noticed, the letters on our entrance sign are biting the dust and falling off the entrance structure. Today I removed the remaining letters. We are in the process of getting bids for a new sign so you should see a big improvement in the near future.
Last week Kathy and I pulled all the weeds and trimmed the bushes in the entrance gardens. And speaking of flowers, (we were?) Kathy has picked out an assortment of flowers for the entrance gardens. She is waiting for the temperature of the soil to get a little warmer (do remember warmer temperatures?) before she plants them. Hopefully this weekend.
And speaking of this weekend, the forecast is for sunny weather with the temperatures in the 60’s!  So grab your sunscreen and get out and enjoy the sun while you can!!
Eric Mahnerd

Sunland North beautification assistance requested

The local irrigation district gave Sunland North several trees to plant along our border with Woodcock Road. These young trees get thirsty during the dry months, and volunteers are needed for July and September (other months are covered).

Volunteers are also needed to do trash cleanup along Sequim-Dungeness Way and along Woodcock Road on Monday, June 6. Meet at Woodcock and Blakely at 10 am. Trash bags will be provided, please bring gloves. If you have a high-visibility vest, please wear it. We will have a standing volunteer day for trash cleanup on the first Monday of each month.

Contact me at to volunteer for either opportunity, or to dispose of the collected garbage if you have any room in your trash can.

Sarah Miller, Chair
Sunland North Natural Habitat Committee