Two items of interest

Third quarter assessments

Third Quarter Assessments ($849) are due no later than July 1. Assessments received after that date are subject to a late fee.


Sara Miller, our Natural Habitat Coordinator, received a question about bees.

“I’m responding to [a] question about the feasibility of leaving part of the natural habitat area unmowed to provide flowers and food for the bees. You might have noticed that we don’t often mow the natural area. Typically, we mow it three times a year. There are often many flowering plants present by the time we do mow, and those  provide good food for the pollinators. We try to time the mowing so that we are able to 1) ensure that the biomass present in the grass doesn’t risk providing fuel in case of fire and 2) eliminate blooms of any noxious weeds before they are able to set seed. We have poison hemlock in our natural area and one mitigation measure includes properly timed mowing.

I appreciate [the] suggestion… about trying to help the bees, and I’m certain they do benefit from the wild flowers that grow in our tall grasses.”