November 9, 2022 Board meeting

Agenda for the November 9, 2022 Board meeting for Sunland North (Sunland Division 17)

2:30 p.m. The Gathering Place -135 Fairway Drive

2:30 p.m. Call to Order and Verification of Quorum

2:35 p.m. Approval of Agenda

2:40 p.m. Review and Approval of October 2022 Board Minutes

3:00 p.m. Old Business

3:15 p.m. New Business

3:45 p.m. Officer Reports

President Update – Gerry Hatler
Secretary Update – Shirley Legg
Treasurer Update – Betty Gwaltney
Vice President – Lawrence Charters
Board Member-at-Large- Warren Husman

4:00 p.m. Committee Reports

Architectural Control – Eric Mahnerd and Mark Anderson
Insurance – Susan Hamman
Developed Landscape-Tom Steffen
Exterior Maintenance – Mike Johnson
Natural Habitat- Susan Miller
Communications and Outreach

4:15 p.m. Owner Comments

2022 Sunland North Holiday Party

Division 17 Holiday Party

Date: Thursday, December 8th

Time: 5:00 pm No Host Cocktails; 6:00 pm Dinner

Place: 7 Cedars Casino

The flyer that was distributed announcing the December 8th Holiday Party, as well as the October 2022 Newsletter, incorrectly stated that the 8th is a Wednesday.  Please make note that December 8 is actually a Thursday. 

Sorry for the confusion.

For more information, please write to:


Join us for the last 2022 Sunland North Happy Hour September 29

When:             Thursday, September 29, 2022

Where:            The Cabana, located at 1510 Jamestown Rd

Time:              4-6 PM

Bring an appetizer or dessert to share and your choice of beverage.  Sue Purdy and I will provide  plates, cups, napkins, and cutlery.  Spouses, friends, and neighbors are welcome so if you know of someone who didn’t get this email and wants to come, please forward it to them. 

Please RSVP so we can be sure to have enough plates and cups.  RSVP to Lisa Parise at

Bring your lawn chair if you prefer to sit outside (weather permitting). 

COVID information – Please follow CDC regulations. Clallam County recommends masking in indoor settings, especially for those unvaccinated or when the vaccination status of others is unknown. Masking is recommended for high-risk groups.

Clallam County is currently seeing a Moderate rate of COVID-19 infections.

Results of Annual Membership Meeting, September 14, 2022

Results of Annual Membership Meeting, September 14, 2022

Formal minutes will be submitted for approval at the next Board meeting on October 12, 2022. The following election results were received and approved by the Board at the annual Membership Meeting on September 14, 2022.

  • Quorum: 87 members, both in person and via signed quorum statement.
  • 2023 Budget: 88 members voted to accept the budget, 3 voted to reject it.
  • Financial Records Review: 89 voted for a Financial Records Review, 9 voted for a full audit.

Candidate votes for election to two-year terms on the Board of Directors, three vacancies.

  • Warren Husman: 92
  • Betty Gwaltney: 95
  • Lawrence Charters: 94
  • Write-ins: 0

Photos of the meeting can be found on the website. [See below] A video presented at the meeting is also available.

New Board Organizational Meeting

The outgoing 2021-2022 Board met with members of the incoming 2022-2023 Board on September 21. The organizational meeting was used to elect Board officers and assign duties. Mike Johnson and Warren Husman were not present. Board President Hatler met with Husman after the meeting and briefed him on the Board assignments.

The Board elected officers from among their members:

    • Gerry Hatler was continued as President.
    • Lawrence Charters assumed the position of Vice President. He will serve as Board liaison for the Developed Landscaping Committee and Natural Habitat Committee, and chair of the Grievance Committee. He will continue the additional duties as manager of the communications accounts and the website.
    • Shirley Legg assumed the position of Secretary. She will also serve as the Board liaison for the Communication and Outreach Committee.
    • Betty Gwaltney was continued as Treasurer. She will also serve as the Board liaison for the Insurance Committee.
    • Warren Husman was elected as Member-At-Large. He will also serve as the Board liaison for the Unit Exterior Maintenance Committee and the Architectural Control Committee.

These positions will be reviewed and receive a formal vote by the Board at the next scheduled Board meeting on Wednesday, October 12.

Photos from the Annual Membership Meeting

President Gerry Hatler brings the Annual Member Meeting to order.
President Gerry Hatler brings the Annual Member Meeting to order.
President Gerry Hatler listens while Board Secretary Lawrence Charters works on notes for minutes.
President Gerry Hatler listens while Board Secretary Lawrence Charters works on notes for minutes.
Mike Johnson Discusses Exterior Maintenance Challenges
Mike Johnson Discusses Exterior Maintenance Challenges
Board Secretary Lawrence Charters discusses volunteer contributions for the year.
Board Secretary Lawrence Charters discusses volunteer contributions for the year.

Photos by Barbara Brooner.

Sunland North Kudos

A reminder that the Sunland North Annual Membership Meeting will be next Wednesday, September 14, 2022.
In addition to voting to approve the budget, elect new Board members, and other administrative details, the Annual Meeting is a chance to review what has been done over the past year, and recognize accomplishments. You can help.
At the bottom of this message is a form you can download, fill out, and mail in to the Secretary (the address is at the bottom of the card), or you could save yourself a stamp and envelope and go here:
to send in a kudo online.
A recent example:
Michael Bresnahan has been watering the baby trees through August and now into September. He and Bill Bombadier have been tending the babies near the traffic circle, including weed-whacking between the deer fences.
Sunland North Kudos

2022 Sunland Division 17 Annual Member Meeting Agenda

September 14, 2022
(Times are estimated) The meeting will be held at the Sunland Golf and Country Club Ballroom, 109 Hilltop Drive, Sequim, WA. If an in-person meeting is not possible, the meeting will be held virtually via Zoom.2:30-2:45 Registration (if applicable)
2:45-3:00 Homeowner Forum —Time divided among those signed up to speak
3:00 Deadline for casting ballots
3:00     Call to Order and:
Verification of Quorum (announced with vote tallies)
Purpose of the meeting
Approval of Agenda
3:05     Approval of August 10, 2022, meeting minutes (board action item)
3:10     Old Business:
Reserve Study Results.
Financial Review Results
3:30     New Business:
To be announced
Introduction of 2021-2022 Directors and 2022-2024 candidates
Officer, Committee, and Coordinator 2021-2022 Summaries
President’s Report — Gerry Hatler
Community Volunteers 2021-2022 Thank you
2021-2022 Review/Comments
Secretary — Lawrence Charters
Treasurer — Betty Gwaltney
Vice President — Shirley Legg
Board Member at Large — Michael Johnson
Architectural Control Committee — Eric Mahnerd
Insurance Review — Susan Hamman
Developed Landscape Coordinator — Tom Steffen
Exterior Maintenance Coordinator — Michael Johnson
Natural Habitat — Sarah Miller
Communications and Outreach — Lawrence Charters
4:00 Voting Results
4:05 Board Actions
Adoption of 2023 Budget (if passed by owners)
Adoption of Financial Review or Audit
4:15 Homeowner Forum
4:30 Adjournment
New Board Organizational Meeting, TBA, September, 2022

Sunland North ballot stuffing

In an undisclosed garage in Sunland North, several volunteers got together on Friday, August 5, to stuff envelopes full of material for the Sunland Division 17 Annual Member Meeting on September 14. While that seems a long way away, we are using mail-in ballots for our Board election and other association decisions this year, and we want to make sure everyone gets their ballots, votes, and mails the ballots back in time to be counted before the annual meeting.
There are nine pages of information, with every page but one printed double-sided. You can expect to see them in your mailbox starting the week of August 7. Please return the ballot and quorum form (the only page printed on a yellow sheet) as soon as possible.
If you live in the Sequim area and don’t get a ballot by August 15, please contact me and I will check into the matter. Out-of-area members should contact me if they don’t receive anything by August 24.
I wish to thank George Bannon, Ronnie Bannon, Rindy Hainstock, Wende Ang, Bob Eifant, Susan Hamman and Tom Hamman for their invaluable help in assembling the meeting packets, placing mailing labels on everything, and then checking the packets to make sure we hadn’t missed anyone. And thank you, Wende, for documenting our work.
Membership packet sheets sorted and counted
Address and return address labels applied
Address and return address labels applied
Envelopes stuffed and then rolled flat to reduce trapped air and reduce postage costs
Envelopes stuffed and then rolled flat to reduce trapped air and reduce postage costs

Sunland North Happy Hour, August 25, 2022

When: Thursday, August 25, 2022
Where: The Cabana, located at 1510 Jamestown Rd
Time: 4-6 PM

Bring an appetizer or dessert to share and your choice of beverage. Sue and I will provide plates, cups, napkins and cutlery. Spouses, friends and neighbors are welcome so if you know of someone who didn’t get this email and wants to come, please forward it to them.

Please RSVP so we can be sure to have enough plates and cups. RSVP to Lisa Parise.

Bring your lawn chair if you prefer to sit outside (weather permitting). COVID information – Due to the increase in COVID cases, please follow CDC regulations.

Note: While Washington State health officials are permitting such meetings, please note it is recommended that unvaccinated folks avoid such meetings, and everyone should wear a mask when in such gatherings to protect others. Clallam County is currently seeing a High rate of COVID-19 infections. (click on the View The Clallam COVID-19 Dashboard with Statistics link.)

Sunland North Happy Hour

Join us for Sunland North Happy Hour

When: Thursday, July 21, 2022
Where: The Cabana, located at 1510 Jamestown Rd
Time: 4-6 PM

Bring an appetizer or dessert to share and your choice of beverage.  Sue and I will provide plates, cups, napkins and cutlery.  Spouses, friends and neighbors are welcome so if you know of someone who didn’t get this email and wants to come, please forward it to them.  

Please RSVP so we can be sure to have enough plates and cups.  RSVP to Lisa Parise at

Bring your lawn chair if you prefer to sit outside (weather permitting).  

COVID information – Due to the increase in COVID cases, please follow CDC regulations.  

Note: While Washington State health officials are permitting such meetings, please note it is recommended that unvaccinated folks avoid such meetings, and everyone should wear a mask when in such gatherings to protect others. Clallam County is currently seeing a High rate of COVID-19 infections.

Sunland cabana
Sunland Cabana

The cabana is at the north end of Serpentine, and has a sign on the side saying it is “Sunny Shores Beach Club.” The beach is just feet away, on the other side of Jamestown Road, with a view of the lighthouse. The cabana has a parking lot.