Governing Documents
There are many advantages to owning property in a homeowner association community such as Sunland North, but it can also be different in some important ways that one may not initially realize. It is important to become familiar with the association’s governing documents. The following three kinds of documents determine governance in Division 17.

Introduction to the Governing Documents
Five official sources govern the administration and operations of Sunland Division 17 Owners Association. These are listed below in descending authority:
Washington State Statutes in the form of the Revised Codes of Washington (RCW) document the scope, responsibilities, and authority of homeowner associations and are the primary legal source outlining Association authority and operations. The primary RCWs that apply to Sunland Division 17 Owners Association include: RCW 64.38 (Homeowners’ Associations) and RCW 64.90 (Washington Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act).
Articles of Incorporation (PDF, 1 megabyte) establish the nonprofit corporation and introduce its legal name, purpose, and organization. The original articles were created in 1999 by the developer.
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) describes the rights and obligations of the membership to the Association and the Association to the membership. The CC&Rs are provided to every Division 17 Unit owner. They cover, but are not limited to, restrictions on the use of the property; member and Association maintenance duties; enforcement powers; lender protection provisions; assessment obligations and lien/collection rights; duty to insure; and dispute resolution. CC&Rs can be amended only by a vote of the general membership. PDF version of Sunland Division 17 CCRs 2024 as recorded with Clallam County, November 2024 (1.1 megabytes).
Rules and Regulations
The Board is authorized to adopt Rules and Regulations as are necessary to enforce the CC&Rs for the benefit of the members and the Association.
The Bylaws
Bylaws govern the internal operations of the Association and address such provisions as the several powers of the Board; members and officers of the Board; rules for meetings, notices, and elections; fiscal management and reporting; record keeping; appointment of member committees, etc. Provisions in the current bylaws permit amendments to be made by the Board or by the general membership. The Board on behalf of the Association and its members shall exercise all the powers enumerated in RCW 64.38.020 and RCW 64.90 (Washington Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act).
Reserve Fund Management Policy
The Reserve Fund Management Policy guides the Board in how it manages funds for the Association Reserve.
Practices and procedures
Practices and procedures are also periodically established by board decisions in specific areas that clarify a procedure or ideas to be used as the basis for addressing similar issues in the future. Where appropriate, such decisions are subsequently adopted as part of the Division 17 Bylaws or Rules & Regulations.
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Conformity to Law: The Sunland Division 17 Owners Association Board of Directors shall in all actions, regard, and performance act in conformity with Washington State Law.
No provision in these documents discriminates against or places restrictions on individuals protected under state statutes RCW 64.38.028, “Discrimination Provisions in Governing Documents.”
The operating principles of the Board commit its Directors to respect one another and their homeowner neighbors, to approach issues with a willingness to understand alternative perspectives, and to strive for openness and transparency in their deliberations and decision-making. In return, homeowners are asked to remember that Board members serve as volunteers. They need homeowner support and assistance to be successful.
The purpose of these governing documents, developed by the owners themselves, is to help uphold the attractive qualities of the community, such as well-maintained yards and building exteriors, and to ensure the upkeep of shared common spaces and the operation of recreational facilities. They also document how the Association’s business is to be conducted.
Other documents
Division 17-SLOA Memorandum of Record on ACC processes (January 2021, PDF)
Records Retention Schedule Sunland North Revision May 2023 (PDF, 88K) Corporate Accounts
Sequim Prairie Tri-irrigation Association Water Line Easement (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Survey and description of easement for irrigation water line for the Sequim Prairie Tri-irrigation Association. This irrigation line runs underground along the western and northern edges of Sunland North, in the natural habitat area.
Historical documents
Articles of Incorporation
As a historical reference, the original Sunland Division 17 Articles of Incorporation, May 1999, are available (PDF, 1 MB).
Final plat approval 2008, incorporating Phases 1 through 6, from Clallam County for development of Sunland Division 17 (PDF, 1 MB).
Natural Habitat area
The CC&Rs specified two options for the open space tracts surrounding Sunland North: either a 9-hole golf course, or acquisition by Division 17 as open space. The two tracks were purchased by Sunland Division 17 in 2012, negating the golf course option. They are now part of the Sunland North common area, maintained as a natural habitat and buffer between our homes and adjoining roads and hillsides.
2012 deed transferring Tracks A and B to Sunland Division 17 Owners Association as open space (PDF, 323K)
Sunland Owners Association (“SLOA”)
Owners and residents of Sunland Division 17 need to be familiar with two parallel sets of governing documents:
- Sunland Division 17 Owners Association (“Division 17,” or “Sunland North”): Sunland Division 17 is one of seventeen different divisions within the overall Sunland community. Division 17 was authorized as a “planned unit development” (PUD), and as such the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association has an elected board of directors and a set of governing documents specific to its unique features, with its own Bylaws, CC&Rs and Rules & Regulations. These documents are linked above.
- Sunland Owners Association (“SLOA”): Owners of Division 17 homes are concurrently required to be members of the Sunland Owners Association (SLOA), which encompasses a total of over 800 homes, the Sunland swimming pool and tennis courts, etc. SLOA has a separate elected board of directors that makes decisions relevant to all of Sunland, and as such SLOA also has a set of Bylaws, CC&Rs, and Rules & Regulations with which owners and residents should become familiar.
Please read each set of governing documents in conjunction with the other, since in general, both apply to Sunland Division 17 owners and residents. Links to SLOA documents are provided below.
Sunland (SLOA) Bylaws
Sunland (SLOA) Bylaws (this link takes you to the SLOA website)
Sunland (SLOA) CC&Rs
Sunland (SLOA) CC&Rs (Revised & posted on SLOA Website Sept 2017)
Sunland (SLOA) Rules & Regulations
SunLand (SLOA) Rules & Regulations (this link takes you to the SLOA website)