Proposed Amendment 4 of SunLand Division 17 Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions

This September, members of Sunland Division 17 will be asked to vote on amending the Association Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs). Over the past year your Board, with input from legal counsel and a small working group, studied the CC&Rs, looking for ways they can be streamlined. The goal of this revision is to update and clarify the language without changing the conditions. The revised CC&Rs require Owner approval before they can be adopted.

The current CC&Rs still have references to setting up the association and to the original developer, which are no longer required, plus several grammatical and numbering errors. These outdated references and typos make the CC&Rs difficult to read and interpret.

The current CC&Rs come to 27 pages and 12,292 words. The draft amendment comes to just slightly more than 20 pages and 10,030 words.

What has been changed

  • All references to the developer have been removed.
  • Updated to conform to Washington State law as of 2024, and to incorporate some new provisions coming into effect in the near future.
  • A new section on Reserve Studies was added (required by law; content currently included in Bylaws).
  • References to things that would be done at some future date (but were completed years ago) were removed.
  • Wherever possible, the language was revised to make it more readable.

Why this is important

The Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions are essentially an extension of your deed. They outline the obligations of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association to the individual owners, and the obligations of the individual owners to the Association. They establish the foundation that allows the Association to purchase insurance for the Association as a whole, and help the Association to ensure that standards are met in terms of architectural design, landscaping, and maintenance, and other items that help protect your investment and make Sunland North a pleasant community.

What you need to do

Please study the draft amendment and prepare to vote on it, in its final form, at the September, 2024 annual meeting ballot. You can find the draft here:

or you can download a PDF version from a link at the top of that page.

Our current CC&Rs are here:

We will be answering questions on the proposed amendment at our Board meetings during this summer. If you have questions, please come to the Board meetings, or write the Secretary,