Please submit your request in writing, describing what item(s) you feel need attention or the landscape change you would like to make. You may use the Landscape Maintenance Request Form Rev-Feb-15-2016 (PDF) and mail it in:
Sunland Division 17 Owners Association
PO Box 1655
Sequim, WA 98382
Or use the online form below.
Before submitting your request, please note:
- Review the Sunland Division 17 Rules and Regulations, Appendix B, Division 17 Landscape Maintenance Guidelines.
- Requests and concerns should be in writing, to facilitate tracking and follow-through.
- Requests are reviewed and responded to by the board-appointed Landscape Coordinator within 30 days of receipt.
- Be advised that all personal plantings are cared for by the unit owner and will not be maintained by the landscape maintenance providers.
- Any personal plantings that result in damage to the common area will be repaired at the expense of the unit owner.
- Personal plantings cannot affect the exterior aesthetics and common architectural or decorative theme of the neighborhood.
- Do not communicate landscape maintenance items to the landscape providers directly.
Note: we have received reports that the online form may have problems on some Android devices.
Please make sure you press the Submit button.