September 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

Sunland North Division 17 Owners Association

Sept 11, 2019, 2:30-4:30 pm
Ballroom, Sunland Golf and Country Club
109 Hilltop Dr.
Sequim, WA.

Homeowner Forum

No comments were offered from those assembled. The election monitors requested that, in the future, the ballot specifically ask for printed names and addresses, as the monitors were having considerable difficulty matching up names with those eligible to vote.

Call to Order

President Gary Fortmann called the meeting to order at 3 p.m. He stated that this was an annual meeting that would, among other things, elect new board members and vote on the 2020 budget.

Verification of Quorum

All Board members were present. The By-laws require that over 34% of all voting members be either present at the meeting or represented through proxy, and meeting registrations and proxies more than met this requirement.

Review and Approval of Minutes

The August 14, 2019, meeting minutes were approved as submitted.

Old Business

Governance Documents Committee

A proposal to establish a Governance Document Committee was reviewed by Secretary Lawrence Charters. He noted that the proposal, while comprehensive, overlapped with some Board responsibilities, as well as those of the Secretary, the Communications and Outreach Committee, the Association archivist, and the Grievance Committee. He requested the Board table the issue until after the new Board is constituted. The Board agreed.

Clallam County Conservation District Project

John Lewis said that the Clallam County Conservation District has a preliminary design proposal to convert existing open trench irrigation ditches into covered pipelines. As an irrigation ditch crosses the Sunland North greenbelt on the west and north, this will require extensive work on Sunland North property. An additional pipeline would be used to “recharge” the irrigation pipeline with groundwater.

John Lewis moved that the Board conduct negotiations with the Clallam County Conservation District for its project to convert the existing irrigation ditches on HOA property to a pipeline with groundwater recharge capability. He also moved that the Board approve the pipeline project, subject to determining the work is not encumbering the intended use of the Sunland North property. Approval will also be subject to the District preparing an easement for the pipeline at no cost to the HOA, including legal review and recording.

The motion passed.

New Business

Transfer fee

Jim Jones noted that every sale in Sunland North involves a Sunland North transfer fee, in addition to a SLOA transfer fee. The Sunland North fee is $100. SLOA is increasing its fee from $100 to $200. After consulting with the Sunland North accountant, we have been told our actual cost is currently less than $100. The Board does not see any need to raise the Sunland North fee at this time.

Community resilience planning

Lawrence Charters reported on some recent incidents in which Sunland North residents had suffered personal loses that, while falling outside the area of concern of the homeowners association, were still of concern to the neighborhood as a whole. These personal losses — the onset of disabilities, loss of a spouse or other close family member — are sometimes unknown to neighbors until other problems become evident. On a larger scale, events such as Katrina have amply demonstrated that, for region-wide disasters, help must come from individual families and neighbors, not from local or regional authorities.

As all the power for the Olympic Peninsula comes from elsewhere, and the area is prone to windstorms, and is in an earthquake zone, and is near active volcanoes, and that Hood Canal Bridge sank in 1979 and was not reopened until 1982, he suggested that Division 17 could promote community resilience planning. While not an official HOA function, Sunland North could promote awareness of community resources and needs, and awareness of programs such as Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) and Community Emergency Response Teams.

Introduction of 2018-2019 Directors and 2019-2021 candidates

Before introducing candidates for the Board, President Gary Fortmann acknowledged the stellar work of retiring Treasurer Jim Jones and his ability to meld humanity and a strong sense of service with attention to detail. Gary also praised the many other volunteers, formal and informal, for their work in making Sunland North a warm and friendly community.

Board candidates Randy Woodson, Susan Hamman, and Mike Johnson were then introduced.

Vice President John Lewis added to Gary’s remarks, lauding, in particular, those individuals and groups who fixed things in the neighborhood, not as formal volunteer effort but just because they needed to be done, ranging from building the Mt. Baker mini library to lubricating sticking sprinkler heads.

Officer, Committee, and Coordinator 2018-2019 Summaries

President’s Report — Gary Fortmann

Gary mentioned again the many community volunteers for 2018-2019 who devoted hundreds of hours to trimming trees and vegetation to replacing burned-out street lights. Volunteer efforts not only foster a more friendly neighborhood but also save the association thousands of dollars that otherwise would be spent on contracted services.

Secretary — Lawrence Charters

Lawrence thanked the many people who helped him with the association website, helped create the Communications and Outreach Committee, helped with the annual meeting and election planning and staffing, and in general made the Secretary workload easier to bear.

Treasurer — Jim Jones

Monthly Expense Report: The preliminary August 2019, expense report shows our total expenses for the month were $25,877 which brings our total expenses for the first eight months to $241,825. The delayed timing of the 2019 painting program was the primary reason our actual expenses were $50,923 less than Budget, but Operating expenses were $18,709 over Budget. The unplanned purchase of the Injunction Bond and the higher than planned legal fees more than offset the lower than planned cost for Sunland Water District irrigation water and minor maintenance. At the end of August, the Operating Fund balance was $111,543 and the Reserve Fund balance totaled $94,573 which excludes the $250,000 from Reserves used for the cash collateral for the bond.

Fire Trust Fund: There were no expenses from the Fire Trust Fund in August. The Fund earned $167.29 in interest, and at the end of August, the Fire Trust Fund balance was $299,885.

Correspondence: One welcome letter was sent to a new owner since the last Board meeting.

The 2020 reserve study and 2018 financial review are posted on the Sunland North website.

Vice President — John Lewis

John reported that the Cascadia Loop fire restoration project is proceeding. The exterior of the building, including roofing and siding, has been completed. The landscape contractor is working to rehabilitate the lawn and plants. Interior work is proceeding.

Board Member at Large — Michael Johnson

Michael thanked the landscape and exterior maintenance teams for their work this year. He asked all members of Sunland North to be the “eyes and ears” of the association and report problems you see (moss accumulations on roofs, bald spots in the lawn, sickly plants, etc.). Mike is currently on a quest to get rid of moles. Mike also is concerned about trees that can pose a hazard to people and homes. He is also concerned that the irrigation system is aging and needs attention.

Architectural Control Committee — Susan Hamman

Susan reported there were 28 Architecture Control Committee requests, primarily railings, screen doors, etc. Four buildings changed colors during the annual painting. She noted that satellite dishes must comply with Division 17 and SLOA regulations. If you remove dishes, please contact exterior maintenance to ensure that walls are properly patched.

Insurance Review — Donna Carson

Donna reported it was a tough year for insurance due to claims against the association policy, and a rise in rates. She introduced Dianna Kasper, a Community Association Underwriter account manager. Dianna has been with CAU for thirteen years, and she spoke (and answered questions) about what the Sunland North policy covers and doesn’t cover.

Briefly summarized: the policy covers exterior and permanent things attached to the building. Interior coverage would include carpet, cabinets, built-in appliances, and remodeled work (new kitchen, etc.). All losses are subject to a $5,000 deductible. She said owners should tell their personal policy insurance agent that you need an HO6 policy and that CAU is an “all-inclusive” policy. CAU does not cover personal property or personal liability. Homeowners’ personal policy should also cover living expenses, in case a home is not habitable.

If you remodel your kitchen, bathroom, etc., keep documentation (photos, receipts) to inform adjusters of what was lost. A copy of the CAU certificate is on the Sunland North website.

Developed Landscape Coordinator — Eric Mahnerd

Eric asked members not to call or speak to coordinators about landscaping issues but, instead, use the form for landscaping requests, as this will flesh out vital details. Fill it out, and the committee will respond as soon as possible. The committee can get five to ten requests a week in spring, summer, and fall. One of the biggest problems right now: the irrigation system. The older parts of Sunland North have an aging infrastructure; the newest section has some poor quality pipes and sprinkler components.

A recent problem: some grass was killed off by incorrect use of a herbicide. The contractor is aggressively correcting the problem.

If you want to put in flowers next to your home, you do not need permission. If you want to put in landscaping, you do need permission. You also need to be careful not to damage sprinkler heads.

Exterior Maintenance Coordinator — Doug Hale

John Lewis reported that the painting program for the year is complete, gutter cleaning and moss treatment is nearing completion.

Mike Johnson noted that, if your security light is going out, please contact exterior maintenance.

Birdbaths, if you want one, need to be in mulch or on concrete, not in landscaping, as these are obstacles to landscaping maintenance.

Greenbelt — Tom Hamman

Susan Hamman reported that the last mowing of green space for the year is currently underway. If you see orange flags in the greenbelt, these are markers indicating noxious plants that need to be removed.

Communications and Outreach — Kay Hatler

The Secretary’s report covered Communication and Outreach.

Sunland Water District Liaison — Al Frank

No report.

Christmas Party — Ilse Long

The Sunland North Christmas Party will be at 7 Cedars Casino in Blyn on December 4. Fliers will be placed on doors in the last week of September.

Voting Results

The 2020 Sunland North Division 17 Operating Budget was passed, with 91 votes to accept, 3 to reject.

The vote for a 2020 financial review or a financial audit: financial review votes, 86, financial audit votes, 3.

Mike Johnson and Susan Hamman were elected to the 2020-2022 Board.

Board Actions

Adoption of 2019-2020 Budget (if passed by owners)

The Board unanimously adopted the budget, as approved by the members.

Adoption of Financial Review or Audit

The Board unanimously approved conducting a financial review in 2020.

Homeowner Forum

Question: if there is a loss covered by the [association’s group insurance policy], does the board contract for restoration or the board? Answer: the policy is with Sunland North Division 17, and the board must contract to rebuild.

Question: is the [Sunland Water District] water bill based on homeowner use or irrigation or both? Answer: the bill is based on connection per unit, not consumption.

Several individuals praised the Board for its performance over the past year.


Adjourned at 4:11.

New Board Organizational Meeting: Thursday, September 12, 2019, 1:30 p.m, SLOA Offices, 135 Fairway Drive, upstairs conference room.