September 2016 Annual Meeting Agenda


Annual Meeting of Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Wednesday, September 14, 2016 1:30—3:30 p.m.

(Times are estimated)

Location: Sunland Golf and Country Club Ballroom

# Denotes documentation electronically provided to Board Members for review

1:15-1:45 Registration

1:30-1:45 Homeowner Forum—Time divided among those signed up to speak

1:45 Call to Order; Verification of Quorum; Approval of Agenda#

  1. Approval of August 10, 2016, meeting minutes#
  2. Purpose of the meeting
  3. Proposed 2017 budget; Draft August Expense Report#
  4. Introduction of 2015-2016 Directors and 2016-2017 candidates

2:00 Deadline for casting ballots

2:00 New Business:

  1. Appointment of 2016-2017 Inspectors of Election
  2. 2016 Reserve Study—Jim Jones
  3. Scheduling executive sessions (violations of the governing documents)

2:20 Old Business

  1. Approval of Rules and Regulations amendment “Appendix A, Exterior Maintenance #

2:30 President’s Report—Gene Ross

  1. Community Volunteers 2016—2017
  2. 2015—2016 Review

Officer, Committee, and Coordinator 2015—2016 Summaries

  1. Secretary—Tom Steffen
  2. Treasurer—Jim Jones
  3. Board Member at Large—Jim Hammond
  4. Architectural Control Committee—Barbara Ross
  5. Insurance Committee—Lindsay Busch
  6. Developed Landscape Coordinator—Valerie Holland
  7. Exterior Maintenance Coordinator—Richard Helmenstine
  8. Welcoming Committee—Barbara Gruner
  9. Website—Barbara Brooner
  10. Sunland Water District Liaison—Gary Fortman

3:00 Voting Results

3:05 Board Actions

  1. Adoption of 2016-2017 Budget (if passed by owners)
  2. Adoption of Financial Review or Audit
  3. Accept CC&R Insurance Deductible Amendment (if passed by Owners)

3:10 Homeowner Forum

3:30 Adjournment

New Board Organizational Meeting, Thursday, September 15, 2016, 1:30 p.m., SLOA Offices, 135 Fairway Drive, upstairs conference room