November 2024 Board Meeting
Sunland Division 17 Owners Association
November 13, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
The Gathering Place, 135 Fairway Drive
Call to Order, Verification of Quorum
President Gerry Hatler called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. The quorum was established by the board members of Gerry Hatler, Mark Anderson, Beverly (Sunny) Stern, and Susan Hamman.
Approval of Agenda
Betty moved to approve the October board meeting agenda, seconded by Mark, all approved.
Review and Approval of October Meeting Minutes
Gerry asked for the approval of the October meeting minutes, Betty so moved, seconded by Mark, all approved.
Old Business
Approved Amendments to Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) -– Gerry Hatler
The approved CC&Rs were given to the attorneys last month to submit to Clallam County for registration. However, there was a format issue that delayed the registration. Lawrence reprinted them in a corrected format, Gerry and Susan signed them once again, and the CC&Rs will be sent to the attorneys for registration.
Proposed Bylaws Revisions – Board Vote – Lawrence Charters
Last month’s board meeting voted on a bylaw amendment to increase a unit’s sale processing fee from $100 to $250. Gerry asked for comments from the owner attendees. With no comments received, Betty moved to approve the change, Mark seconded it, all were in favor.
Lawrence presented the following proposed bylaw changes to the Board:
1. Amend Article I, Section 2 from:
Offices: The business office of the Association is at 264 West Washington Street, Sequim, WA 98382.
Change to:
Offices: The business office of the Association is at 264 West Washington Street, Sequim, WA 98382. The mailing address is P.O. Box 1655, Sequim, WA 98382.
2. Amend Article II, Definitions from (change due to changes in state statutes): Governing Documents shall be made up of Washington State Statutes (RCW 64.38) and the Association’s Articles of Incorporation, CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations.
Change to:
Governing Documents shall be made up of Washington State Statutes (RCW 64.38, RCW 64.90) and the Association’s Articles of Incorporation, CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules, and Regulations.
3. Amend Article III, Section 8 from:
8. Unit Rentals or Leases. Unit owners who do not reside in Sunland Division 17 shall not rent or lease their vacant unit(s) without first having submitted an Association Rental Notice to the SLOA Business Office. The notice must be received by the SLOA Business Office before a renter or lessee may occupy a unit.
All owners or property managers must provide a copy of the Sunland Division 17 CC&Rs and SLOA Rules and Regulations to the renter or lessee prior to submitting the notice. A member residing in Sunland Division 17 who owns more than one unit shall submit to the SLOA Business Office an Association Rental Notice for each owned unit to be leased or rented.
Change to:
8. Unit Rentals or Leases. Unit owners who do not reside in Sunland Division 17 shall not rent or lease their vacant unit(s) without first having submitted an Association Rental Notice to the SLOA Business Office, with a copy sent to the Division 17 Treasurer. The notice must be received by the SLOA Business Office and Division 17 before a renter or lessee may occupy a unit.
All owners or property managers must provide a copy of the Sunland Division 17 CC&Rs and SLOA Rules and Regulations to the renter or lessee prior to submitting the notice. A member residing in Sunland Division 17 who owns more than one unit shall submit to the SLOA Business Office and the Division 17 Treasurer an Association Rental Notice for each owned unit to be leased or rented.
4. Amend Article IV, Section 1 from:
1. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held in September of each year to elect directors, present a financial statement showing in detail the current financial condition of the Association, propose and ratify a budget for the upcoming year, determine if a certified public accountant will conduct an audit or a financial review of the Association’s accounts, appoint two inspectors of election, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly be addressed at the meeting.
Change to:
1. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held in the fourth quarter of each year to elect directors, present a financial statement showing in detail the current financial condition of the Association, propose and ratify a budget for the upcoming year, determine if a certified public accountant will conduct an audit or a financial review of the Association’s accounts, appoint two inspectors of election, and transact such other business as may properly be addressed at the meeting.
5. Amend Article IV, Section 3 from (change due to change in state statutes):
3. Quorum. At any annual or special meeting of the Association, the presence in person or by proxy of thirty-four percent (34%) of all voting members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for all purposes except as otherwise provided by law.
Change to:
3. Quorum. At any annual or special meeting of the Association, the presence in person or by proxy of twenty percent (20%) of all voting members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for all purposes except as otherwise provided by law.
6. Amend Article V, Section 4 from:
4. Term of Office. Board members shall be elected for staggered two (2) year overlapping terms.
Change to:
4. Term of Office. Board members shall be elected for staggered two (2) year overlapping terms, and, unless a Board member dies, resigns, or is removed, shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Board or until the Board member’s successor is elected, whichever is later.
7. Article II: common interest communities, add RCW 64.90 to RCW64.38
Gerry asked for a motion to approve these bylaw changes, Betty so moved, Mark seconded, all approved. The proposed amendments will be opened to unit owner comments at the December board meeting.
Mt. Baker Roof Inspections – Repairs – Mike Johnson (no report at this time)
New Business
2024 Financial Review Engagement Letter – Betty Gwaltney
The HOA used Newman CPA firm for the 2023 financial report. The firm sent an engagement letter for the 2024 financial report with a fee of $2,100. Gerry asked for a motion to approve, Susan so moved, Sunny seconded it, all approved.
2025 Bell & Bell Contract Renewal – Betty Gwaltney
Bell & Bell, the HOA accountants, submitted a contract renewal for 2025. The monthly fee went from $500 to $600. Gerry asked for a motion, Susan so moved, Sunny seconded it, all approved.
Officer Reports
President Update – Gerry Hatler
No further report.
Vice President Update – Mark Anderson
No further report.
Secretary Update – Susan Hamman
The 2025 Gathering Place Reservation Request Form was submitted to SLOA on Oct. 29, 2024. SLOA changed its policy on room reservations. The room cannot be reserved for more than three consecutive months at a time. 30 days prior to the 3 month expiration, group leaders must resubmit their reservations for the next 3 month period.
In response to a unit owner’s inquiry about the license plate reader at the Sunland North entrance, Bob Eichorn, SLOA president, said that at the moment, the readers only read incoming traffic. SLOA is waiting for the final camera installation at the Taylor/Sequim Dungeness entrance. Once that is completed, SLOA will update everyone on the units, the intended purpose, and the assurance of privacy.
Treasurer Update – Betty Gwaltney
Monthly Expense Report:
- Operating expenses for Oct total $12,827, year to date operating expenses $340,942. This is $9,427 OVER Budget year to date for Operational expenses
- Interest income Oct $2,480 YTD: $25,543
- NOTE CORRECTION ON September YTD Total operating expenses was $328,115
Total Funds on hand:
- Operating Accounts $ 116,664
- Reserve Accounts $ 926,301 (84% in CDs)
- TOTAL $ 1,042,964
Financial Transactions:
- Renewed CD at First Security (21m @3.75% matures 07/22/26)
Contract Renewals:
- Newman HOA CPA – financial Review $2,100
- Bell & Bell CPA – Accounting and Tax Services $600/month
- Maintenance Expense approval Foremost Builders $ 13,149.79 repairs on 19 units
Maturing CD
Sound Com Bank CD $107,876 matures 11/22 Recommend opening 12 month CD at Kitsap CU @4%APY
Maturity date | ||
Sound Com Bk CD #5076 | 18 mo 4.2% | 11/22/2024 |
US Bank CD #1344 7m 4.65% Matures 12/16/24 | 7 mo 4.65% | 12/16/2024 |
US Bank CD #344 7m Matures 12/16/2024 4.65% | 7 mo 4.65% | 12/16/2024 |
Kitsap CD #002 | 27 mo 3.49% | 1/17/2025 |
US Bank CD #514 | 19 mo 4.83% | 2/14/2025 |
WA Fed CD #716 | 19 mo 4.5% | 9/18/2025 |
Sound Com Bk CD 24 m 4.28% #4375 Matures 05/16/26 | 24 mo 4.28% | 5/16/2026 |
First Security #2260 CD 21m @4.03 M 06/26/26 | 21 mo @ 4.03 | 6/26/2026 |
First Security CD #1680 21 month @ 3.75 Mat 07/22/26 | 13 mo 5.05 | 7/22/2026 |
Betty asked for board approval for the Foremost Builder Invoice, work done on 19 units in the amount of $13,149.79. Mark so moved, Susan seconded it, all were in favor.
Another CD is maturing at Sound Community Bank. Betty recommended opening a 12 month CD at Kitsap Credit Union, at 4%. Sunny so moved, Susan seconded it, all were in favor.
Member-at-Large – Beverly Stern and Tom Steffen (Landscaping)
- An owner in our HOA reported to me his recovery from an unfortunate encounter with a barberry thorn. While doing a little cleanup around his residence, he felt a poke from the thorn. Several hours later, his hand was badly swollen, and he met with his local doctor. An antibiotic was required and after three weeks still lacks full mobility of the hand. Friendly reminder: please wear thick leather gloves when working with thorny plants.
- During last week’s wind storm, we lost much of what was remaining of a badly damaged tree near the east end of Cascadia Loop. The tree experts with whom we consult recommend that the tree be cut down and removed. Next to it is a much smaller tree that has been dead for years; two owners have asked that it be removed. I’ve authorized both to be removed; the work will take place the week of 18 November.
- The following picture is an example of the laminated cards that are being prepared, placed and secured in irrigation boxes in our HOA. Cards have been created for boxes on Mendel and Cascadia Loop. Mt Baker information has been collected and cards will soon be created. I need to organize a small crew to help with collecting data from the systems on Blakely Blvd.
Irrigation System at 330/340 Cascadia Loop
Zone #1 – 340 north shrubs
Zone #2 – 330/340 west side/mail box and side lawns
Zone #3 – 330 front south shrubs
Zone #4 – 330/340 back lawns
Zone #5 – 330 south shrubs
Zone #6 – 340 rear and front shrubs
- Our irrigation plumber is busy testing our backflow preventers.
- Our landscaping crew continues to mow and prune as needed.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control – Barbara Ross
The following ACC requests were approved during the past month: 1) a satellite dish on Blakely, 2) a mailbox replacement on Cascadia Loop and approved handrails on front porch and rear patio of the same unit; and 3) on Mt. Baker, installation of handrails on the front steps.
Insurance – Susan Hamman
Nothing to report.
Developed Landscape – Tom Steffen
See above in Member-at-Large report.
Exterior Maintenance – Mike Johnson
No report.
Natural Habitat – Sarah Miller
The season of strong winds has begun! Thanks to many volunteers, we’ve had a successful first work day this season in the Natural Habitat. Thanks to Dianne Bresnahan, Jim Jansen, Greg King, Tom Hamman, and Barry Burns, we’ve taken our first couple of loads of downed branches to Cascade Soils on Veterans Day, November 11th. While they were busy, Teresa Frank, Diana Burns, and Elaine Mae Starz-Brown made much progress on the ivy removal project.
There are two more days already scheduled, so please join in the fun if the spirit moves you on Nov 25th and Dec 10th. The more the merrier!
Welcome Committee – Kay Hatler
Nothing to report.
Communications and Outreach – Kathy Gross and Lawrence Charters
Lawrence reported that attacks on website have dropped off dramatically since Election Day. There were 100,000 attacks on the website on Election Day.
Owner Comment Period
One unit owner noted the increased deer problem, not only eating plants but leaving lots of bodily waste. The landscaping crew has noted larger groups of deer in certain areas of Sunland North.
The SLOA Board will go from monthly to quarterly meetings, starting in January.
Lawrence stated that the HOA is aiming for a general revision of the bylaws. Board committees under the new state law requires 2 board members. Board committees are those that are authorized to spend funds: Architectural Control, External Maintenance, and Landscaping are full board committees. Others could be advisory committees; advisory committees do not require two board members,
Gerry adjourned the meeting at 3:12 p.m.