August 2, 2011
10:00 a.m.
Sunland Golf & Country Club, 109 Hilltop Drive, Sequim
Approved August 2, 2012
Minutes of the 2011 Sunland Division 17 Owners Association Annual Meeting
Kevin Estes called the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association (Association) to order at 10:05 a.m. Members present were Kevin Estes, Lee Cox and Kris Osborn. Kevin Estes announced that he would remain after the meeting to answer any questions that Owners might have. There were approximately 25 Owners present.
Kevin Estes confirmed a quorum.
A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes from the 2010 Annual Meeting.
Kevin Estes advised that a Purchase and Sale Agreement to purchase the Open Space Tracts of Sunland Division 17 for $2,000.00 from Sunland Associates has been signed by all parties. Closing is expected by September 30, 2011 pending confirmation of the legal description of the Open Space Tracts.
Kevin Estes advised that the transfer of the roads in the Association is moving forward and thanked Owners of the Association for signing letters of petition. Kevin Estes has met with representatives of the County of Clallam to discuss what remains to resolve before the County will accept the roads as agreed in the original platting of the development. Once the roads are accepted by the County, chip-seal will be the standard of road maintenance, as are all County roads.
Kevin Estes discussed the Department of Ecology’s impending enforcement of water meter installation on each individual home/unit in Sunland. There is no new action with regard to the Sunland Water District plan to comply with the Ecology requirement for water meter installation at all units of the Association by the year 2016. Owners should still plan for and budget for the approximate $350 cost for their individual meter. This cost is approximate as the type of meter does not appear to have been decided. Cost of installation of splitter installation per unit is at the expense of the unit owner. All costs for splitter installation on irrigation connections are the expense of Sunland Division 17 Owners Association.
Kevin Estes reminded all Owners in attendance that there will be an election for the Board position held by Lee Cox and if there is interest in being on the Ballot, please contact the Association by September 1, 2011. Richard Helmenstine is voluntarily assisting the Association with exterior maintenance management. Owners should notify Mr. Helmenstine of any exterior maintenance item that needs attention by the Association.
Kevin Estes discussed the three year guaranteed rate insurance policy for the Association which was effective May 1, 2009. The entire structure is covered and bodily injury and property damage are $1,000,000 per Occurrence. The deductible remains at $5,000. The policy provides coverage at Full Replacement Value thus eliminating the need to estimate full replacement value of the Units per Section 18.1 (a). Earthquake coverage is included with limit of insurance as $35,175,000 with 10% per building deductible. The Board confirmed the annual insurance review and appraisal by a representative of the insurance carrier writing the master policy. The policy expires in May 2012 at which time the Association will proceed with renewal.
Kevin Estes presented the Members Report and number of Members, found in the official records at 103. A financial review of the year 2011 YTD Operating Budget and proposed Estimated Operating Budget 2012 was discussed. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the Financial Report for 2012 with no change in the quarterly assessment amount of $444.00. A Reserve Study for 2012 was prepared by Association Reserves Company and shows the Association in strong position. Kevin Estes lauded the volunteer efforts of Board Members Lee Cox and Kris Osborn.
No other items came before the Board.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.