Minutes – Board Meeting – September 3, 2013

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Board of Director’s Meeting September 3, 2013

Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room

(Approved October 1, 2013)

Homeowner Forum:

Per established board procedure, the meeting began with an open Homeowners forum. Two people spoke.

Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association was called to order at 9:10 A.M. by President Jim Karr.

Roll Call and Quorum:

The chair confirmed a quorum with three members present: Jim Karr (President), Cindy Rhodes (Treasurer), and Judy Field (Secretary). Susan Hamman (Vice-President) was absent.

Review and Approval of Minutes:

Draft minutes from the August 6 Annual Meeting and draft minutes from the August 7 Organizational Meeting had been circulated to the board in advance.

Motion: Cindy Rhodes moved to approve the August 6 minutes as corrected. The motion was seconded and approved.

Motion: Cindy Rhodes moved to approve the August 7 minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.

President’s Report:

Jim Karr reported on the SLOA Board meeting of August 20. Proposals introduced included a new sidewalk on Taylor Boulevard from Sequim Dungeness to Holland Drive and new signage at additional entrances.

Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Cindy Rhodes provided a revised and expanded handout of the financial status of Division 17 owners association. Our accounts (a money market account, a checking account and 3 CD’s) total $226,257.
  2. Secretary’s Report: Judy Field reported that there are 107 completed units, including 15 rentals. New contact forms will be re-sent to the 27 owners who did not reply to the July mailing.
  3. Developed Landscape: No report.
  4. Greenbelt Landscape: Tim Paschal submitted a written report. At this time, mowing of the UCS is not recommended. Thistles and Poison Hemlock appear to be under control.
  5. Exterior Change Requests: No formal applications have been submitted.
  6. Grievance Committee: No issues to report.
  7. Exterior Maintenance: Richard Helmenstine reported that the trim painting is complete for this year. Fall inspection will begin next month.
  8. Governing Documents: The Board had received the final corrected set of bylaws in advance.

Motion: Judy Field moved that the board adopt the bylaws as corrected. The motion was seconded and approved.

Gene Ross and his committee are currently studying the CC&R’s. The chapters dealing with Destruction, Damage, and Reconstruction are proving to be difficult to understand and he asked permission to consult attorney Alan Millet for clarification.

Motion: Cindy Rhodes moved to authorize up to $500 to pay for the consultation with Alan Millet. The motion was seconded and approved.

Old business

  1. The meeting schedule for the remainder of the year continues to be the first Tuesday of each month: 10/1, 11/5/12/3 from 9-11:30 A.M. in the Gathering Place. If a meeting is cancelled, a notice will appear on the website or as an e-mail.
  2. Reserve Study Interpretation: New calculations, based on revised input seem to indicate we are presently funded at 30% but should ideally be at 70-100%. The chair suggested a reserve study with on-site inspection to be completed early in 2014.
  3. Update on Division 7 tree removal: The chair spoke to this issue at the SLOA Board meeting held on August 20. After viewing the proposed tree removal site, it was decided that Jeff Edwards, the incoming SLOA Board President, would solicit bids for tree removal without impacting Division 17 property.
  4. Discussion of Employee Dishonesty/Fidelity Premium Bond: The Fidelity Bond provides insurance in case of employee (Board member, homeowner, etc.) theft. CAU recommends we increase our coverage.

Motion: Judy Field moved that our employee dishonesty limit be raised to cover actual loss sustained. The annual premium will be $683 in 2014. The premium for this year is pro-rated. The motion was seconded and approved.

New business

  1. Appointment of Committee Chairs and members: According to Division 17 Bylaws, the Architectural Control Committee and the Grievance Committee shall be composed of three members each. It is further noted that for the Architectural Committee only, the Board President appoints the chair and the members.

Chairs, Liaisons, and Members:

  1. Architectural Control Committee: Chair: Cindy Meek; members: Tom Hamman and Gerry Busch
  2. Exterior Maintenance: Richard Helmenstine
  3. Landscaping: Eldon Dennis and volunteers as needed
  4. Greenbelt Landscape/ Open Space: Tim Paschal and volunteers as needed
  5. Grievance Committee: Chair and Board member: Judy Field; members: Elena Karr and Bob Finnie
  6. Governing Documents: Gene Ross; members: Cindy Meek, Tim Paschal, Cindy Rhodes
  7. Water Meter Setter: Lee Cox

Motion: Jim Karr moved to appoint volunteers as defined above to serve through the 2014 annual meeting or as otherwise noted. The motion was seconded and approved.

  1. Proposed letter to listing agents and escrow/title companies: The chair reported that he is drafting a letter to notify listing agents and escrow/title companies of the required document fee adopted earlier by the Board.

Adjourned at 10:47 A.M.

Motion: Cindy Rhodes moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and approved.

Prepared by Judy Field, Secretary