Sunland Division 17 Owners Association
Board of Director’s Meeting October 1, 2013
Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room
(Approved November 5, 2013)
Homeowner Forum:
Per established board procedure, the meeting began with an open Homeowners forum. No one spoke.
Call to Order:
The regular meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association was called to order at 9:03 A.M. by President Jim Karr.
Roll Call and Quorum:
The chair confirmed a quorum with four members present: President Jim Karr, Vice-President Susan Hamman, Treasurer Cindy Rhodes, Secretary Judy Field.
Review and Approval of Minutes.
Draft minutes from the September 3 Regular Board meeting had been circulated to the board in advance. There was one correction.
Motion: Judy Field moved to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion was approved and seconded.
President’s Report: Jim Karr addressed several topics, including:
–He addressed the break-in at the RV Park;
–He attended the regular monthly SLOA meeting, at which the following items were discussed: water meters, new entry signs, and the tree cutting issue (see under Old Business);
–He announced that the Karr home is for sale. He and his wife have accepted an offer and should be moving sometime in November;
–He has received a complaint from a homeowner regarding a roaming, unleashed cat. He emphasized that all animals should be on a leash, including cats.
Committee Reports:
- Vice-President’s Report: Susan Hamman provided the Board an inventory of the current Division 17 records. She will investigate the requirements for keeping old and future records.
- Treasurer’s Report: Cindy Rhodes reviewed our current financial summary. As of September 30, we have $ 54,471 in our checking account and $167,998 in our Reserve Fund. She will call the owners of two units in arrears.
- Secretary’s Report: Judy Field reported there are three homes for sale; one home should close on October 5.
- Developed Landscape: Renee Jones reported for Eldon Dennis. Two requests have been completed.
- Greenbelt: Tim Paschal is developing plans for the long term management of the UCS, also referred to as meadow/greenbelt/open space.
- Exterior Changes: Chair Cindy Meek reported that two requests had been approved. There followed a discussion about projects undertaken without prior approval.
- Governing Documents: Gene Ross reported that his committee continues to review the CC&R’s. Per the motion approved at the September Board meeting, Tim Paschal and Jim Karr will meet with the attorney.
- Exterior Maintenance: Chair Richard Helmenstine pointed out that owners need clarification of who is responsible for the maintenance of added railings, fences, and other similar changes.
Old Business:
- Next Meeting: Our next regular meeting will be November 5, 2013
- Update on Division 7 Tree Removal: The SLOA president is organizing a meeting of the three Division presidents (#7, #11, #17) and two Association representatives that border the hillside. The date is to be announced.
- Update on the Employee Dishonesty/Fidelity Bond: Per the approved motion at the September 5 meeting, our Dishonesty/Fidelity Bond has been increased to cover actual loss.
New Business:
- Report on the Recent Water Board Meeting: Division 17 was invited to participate in one water district meeting. Homeowner David Jelin attended as our representative and distributed a written report to the board.
- Division 17 Committees and Coordinators: Homeowner Barbara Brooner created a chart showing all Division 17 appointed committees, chairs, coordinators and liaisons; the chair asked board members to review and direct any needed changes directly to Barbara.
- Possible Board Member Changes: There was discussion of potential Board changes due to a resignation or a Board member’s moving. The ideal is a five member Board as that would prevent a mere three member Board in the event of a resignation. Greater homeowner participation is encouraged so possible Board vacancies can be filled.
- Newsletter and Welcome Committee: Homeowner Renee Jones has volunteered to write the quarterly newsletter and chair a newly created Welcome Committee.
Adjourned at 10:50 A.M.
Motion: Judy Field moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved and seconded.
Prepared by Judy Field, Secretary