Minutes – Board Meeting – May 7, 2013

Sunland Division 17 Homeowners Association

Board of Directors Meeting May 7, 2013

Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room

MINUTES—Approved June 4, 2013

Homeowner Forum

In a new procedural step, the board scheduled an open Homeowner Forum from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM, immediately preceding the board meeting itself, rather than waiting to hold a comment period at the end. There were 11 observers in attendance, but only one spoke. There being no additional homeowner comments, the board started its regular meeting.

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association board of directors was called to order at 9:06 AM by president Jim Karr.

Roll Call and Quorum

Jerry Schmidt and Cindy Rhodes were absent. The chair confirmed a quorum with the three board members who were present.

Review and approval of minutes

In another new procedural step, draft minutes from the April 2 board meeting had been approved by email for the specific purpose of more timely posting on the Division 17 Website, but still needed official approval at an in-person board meeting.

MOTION by Lee Cox that the minutes be approved as posted; the motion was seconded and approved.

President’s Report

Chairman Jim Karr provided a number of announcements and updates, including the resignation that morning of Vice President Jerry Schmidt, who is building a new home and will be moving out of the division. He also stated that the annual paperwork and $10 fee to renew association’s registration as a non-profit was filed in May.

Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Lee Cox reported that as of May 1, the association had $167,780 in Reserves and $50,705 in its checking account, for total funds of $218,492. Lee stated that the checking balance was lower than usual because three large bills had been paid: $2,357 for roof cleaning; $41,300 for the annual premium for the association’s master insurance policy; and $2,195 for poison hemlock spraying.
  2. Developed Landscape: Volunteer Coordinator Eldon Dennis reported that the division-wide irrigation system has been turned on for the summer. There were problems with 4-5 of the zone valves or computers, and Sanford Irrigation has been authorized to repair those. He had also contacted a local vendor to get bark costs for mulching, but the job was too big for that supplier. An infestation of tiny caterpillars has been identified in a number of ornamental trees, and the landscape contractor has agreed to do the spraying.
  3. Greenbelt Landscape: The chair announced that Tim Paschal had volunteered to take over the greenbelt coordination, including supervision of periodic mowing and monitoring weed control efforts.

MOTION by Lee Cox to confirm the appointment of Tim Paschal as Greenbelt Coordinator; the motion was seconded and approved.

Weed eradication is being implemented in stages: (a) Alder Grove Construction, a contractor, did the first, large scale spraying for hemlock throughout the greenbelt; (b) Volunteer Tim Paschal has begun a section-by-section inspection, with spot-spraying of newly-identified or still living hemlock plants and thistle; and (c) Tim Paschal will continue spot-spraying for hemlock and thistle through the growing season.

  1. Exterior Change Requests: In Jerry Schmidt’s absence, the chair reported two homeowners had agreed to be appointed to a new Architecture Committee to review exterior change requests (see committee appointments under New Business). He indicated at least one exterior change request was pending.
  2. Exterior Maintenance and Inspection: Volunteer coordinator Richard Helmenstine stated that several more roofs showing evidence of moss had been treated, and that trim painting will begin soon for the five buildings identified in this year’s scheduled maintenance plan. Some fence repair will also begin soon, replacing badly deteriorated sections with either cedar or pressure-treated wood, to match the area.
  3. Governing Documents Review: Gene Ross reported that his committee’s first work product, revised bylaws, was now in the hands of the board members for their review and comment. After board members are satisfied with the proposed bylaws, the document will be sent out in June for attorney review to ensure compliance with state law and adequate protection of the Association. The Review Committee at the July 2 Board meeting will formally present the proposed 2013 Bylaws Amendment for Board approval. The proposed amendment will then be posted on the Division 17 website. The Board will act on the adoption amendment at the August 6 Annual Meeting. Gene said starting this Thursday the committee will take up review and revision of the Division 17 CC&Rs.
  4. Secretary: In Cindy Rhodes’ absence, the chair reported her continuing work as part of the Governing Documents Review Committee; her finalization of the reconciled homeowner roster; and continued work on Reserve Study requirements, which he said will be a major topic for the June board meeting.

Old Business

  1. Meeting schedule: The chair reminded the board and audience of the next two regularly scheduled board meetings on Tuesday, June 4 and Tuesday, July 2, from 9:00 to 11:30 AM, at Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” meeting room.
  2. Annual meeting August 6: The chair reminded the board and audience of the Division 17 annual meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, in the Poolside Room of the Sunland Golf & Country Club. He noted that election of a new board, with potentially longer terms; ratification of the new budget; and approval of new governing documents will all be on the agenda for that meeting.
  3. Search for backflow prevention devices and shut-off valves: Lee Cox reported that Sanford Irrigation had completed the identification and mapping of all but two of the devices, which was a necessary pre-step to installation of the meter setters and water meters being required throughout Sunland by 2017. The map has been provided to the SWD manager.

MOTION by Lee Cox that he authorize the Sunland Water District to proceed with a phased installation of 1/3 of the meter setters in each of the next three years, which would spread out the cost; the motion was seconded and approved.

Lee Cox reminded the board that the association will bear the cost of the meter setters and meters for the irrigation system; but that installation of the meter setters and meters for each individual home will be a homeowner expense, currently estimated by the water district at an average of $350, although the specific meter model has not yet been selected.

  1. Summary of current association fund balances: The chair reviewed a summary he had prepared showing the association’s current bank accounts, including a breakout of the reserve funds, and also what the previous Reserve Study had projected for contributions and expenditures in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
  2. Budget organization, planning and tracking: The chair then reviewed a document showing the association’s 2012 actual expenditures, by category and line item; a second column showing what funds would be available for each major expenditure category based on current ownership numbers and assessment rates; and, in a third column, anticipated 2014 expenditures by line item and category. He asked board members and committee chairs to review the draft numbers and help refine them, and encouraged anyone with questions or suggestions, including homeowners, to contact him.

Specific discussion followed re: the electricity and water accounts to maintain a small “pocket park” and a small portion of landscaping in the Mount Baker area; although they use minimal electricity and water, just having the accounts costs around $1400/year, with minimal or no benefit.

ACTION: Volunteer landscape coordinator Eldon Dennis will work with board member Lee Cox to determine what would be required to close the accounts; and Jim Karr will communicate with Kevin Estes Homes, to see if they would like to assume responsibility for these two amenities as part of their Sunland North marketing; the topic will be brought forward to the next board meeting.

New Business

  1. Visit from Community Association Underwriters (CAU): The chair reported that the association’s master insurance provider, Community Association Underwriters (CAU) would like to visit in person.

ACTION: Jim Karr will work with CAU to schedule their attendance as part of the June or July board meeting.

  1. Committee appointments (Greenbelt; Architecture; Nominations; Grievance)

(a) Greenbelt Committee: Per action earlier in the meeting, Tim Paschal was appointed Greenbelt Coordinator to oversee mowing and weed control efforts.

MOTION by Gene Ross that Tim Paschal, Renee Jones and Susan Hamman be appointed as the Greenbelt Committee; the motion was seconded and passed.

(b) Architecture Committee

MOTION by Gene Ross that Cindy Meek and Tom Hamman be appointed to the Architecture Committee; the motion was seconded and passed.

(c) Nominating Committee

Gene Ross stated he is currently working to identify a committee of at least three homeowners who will nominate a slate of board candidates for the August election.

(d) Grievance Committee

MOTION by Gene Ross that Lee Cox and Judy Field be appointed to the Grievance Committee, with a third member yet to be named; the motion was seconded and approved.

As board member, Lee Cox will chair this committee, which will receive, evaluate and track any grievances. The board still needs to decide if the committee investigates and makes recommendations to the board, or if the committee is authorized to make the final decision re: a grievance.

  1. Other—Job Descriptions: The chair proposed that job descriptions would be helpful for board positions, committee memberships and other volunteer positions within the association, and that some initial work had already been done in this area.
  2. Other—Use of Base Camp Software: Richard Helmenstine encouraged wider use of the BaseCamp software for communication among board and committee members.

ACTION: Richard Helmenstine to enter names and email addresses for new committee members appointed at today’s meeting.

ACTION: Richard Helmenstine will set up short BaseCamp demonstration/training sessions for interested board and committee members.

  1. Status of Road Turnover: In response to an inquiry from the floor, the chair noted patch work had been done on the roads during recent good weather, which based on conversations with Kevin Estes Homes several weeks earlier would indicate they have moved forward with turnover of the roads within Division 17 to the county; however, this has not been specifically confirmed.

Adjourned at 10:47 AM

MOTION by Lee Cox to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded and approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:47 AM.