Minutes – Board Meeting – January 7, 2014

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Board of Director’s Meeting January 7, 2014

Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room


Homeowner Forum:

Per established Board procedure, the meeting began with an open Homeowners Forum. One person spoke.

Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association Board of Directors was called to order at 10:01 AM by President Cindy Rhodes.

Roll Call and Quorum:

The chair confirmed a quorum with all four members present: Cindy Rhodes, President; Susan Hamman, Treasurer; Judy Field, Secretary, David Jelin, Member at Large.

Review and Approval of Minutes:

The draft minutes had been distributed earlier, and were included in the Board packet. There were no further corrections.

Motion: Judy Field moved to approve the Minutes as submitted. It was seconded and the motion passed.

President’s Report: President Cindy Rhodes addressed the following topics:

–The Annual Assessment invoices have been mailed. Homeowners can expect their checks to be deposited on January 10, 2014.

–SLOA Divisions’ Presidents’ Meeting (Tree Removal) will be held on January 14, 2014. The Board was handed an e-mail from Jeff Edwards (SLOA Board President), listing the current Rule (#15) regarding tree cutting and his proposed changes to that Rule. Even though our Board accepted his changes, President Rhodes responded with added comments and recommendations.

–President Rhodes submitted a proposed Calendar of Division 17 Required / Recurring Actions. She asked that any additions or corrections be brought to the Board’s attention. The item” 2014 Mulching begins” should be moved from March to February.

–Because two Board members will be absent on our next regular monthly meeting date (February 4, 2014), it was decided to postpone that meeting. If the meeting is cancelled outright, a notice will be sent to all the Homeowners. –President Rhodes distributed Division 17 Business cards to Board members and committee heads.

–Regarding the Division 17 roads transition to the County, the Clallam County Public Works Department has submitted a quit claim deed which must be signed by Kevin Estes and all Division Presidents where their Divisions border Blakely Boulevard up the hill to Fairway Drive. This involves easements and should signal the final step in turning over our roads to the County.

Committee Reports:

  1. Secretary Report: Judy Field reported that currently there are two occupied units and one unoccupied unit for sale. There are new owners (former renters) at 421 Blakely Boulevard and a new renter at 151 Cascadia Loop.
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Susan Hamman announced that Division 17 finished the year within 2% of its budget. The 2014 budget is the first developed and approved by an owner led association. She repeated the fact that willing, active volunteers allow us to keep our costs down and she encouraged homeowners to help wherever and whenever they can. She reported that we currently have $45,756 in our checking account and $178,189 in our Reserve account for a total of $223,945 in all of our accounts.
  3. Architecture/Exterior Changes: Chair Cindy Meek reported one request: to replace an ill-fitting front door. The request was granted.
  4. Developed Landscape: Richard Helmenstine spoke for Eldon Dennis and stated that the drainage issues are ongoing. However, new pilot holes have been dug in the area around 191 Cascadia Loop and similar holes plus French drains have been created between 280 and 290 Cascadia Loop. Parsinen Landscape Maintenance, Inc. will perform more aggressive pruning this year, to remove overgrown vegetation away from the houses to facilitate painting this spring and summer.
  5. Exterior Maintenance and Inspection: Coordinator Richard Helmenstine has sent referrals for painting to three painters for unit and trim painting this year. Not all have responded at this time. He singled out resident Tim Paschal, who has personally donated equipment (bulbs and sensors) to keep our street lights functioning as we transition to LED lights.
  6. Governing Documents: Chair Gene Ross reported the following:

–The committee has finished rewriting of the Bylaws and is currently working on the CC&R’S with assistance from attorney Alan Millet. Committee members are also composing drafts of:

  1. Amendments to be presented to the Board
  2. An actual list of CC&R’S
  3. Rules and Regulations to enforce the CC&R’S
  4. Grievance Committee: No report.
  5. USC/Greenbelt: Coordinator Tim Paschal submitted a written report as well as spoke to the Board. His written report stated the following:

–Three mowings are anticipated for 2014.

–Poison Hemlock is alive and well and patches are found in the usual places. One of the worst outbreaks is located at the RV berm (which is SLOA’s responsibility) and we need their permission to spray that area again.

–He reminded homeowners that they are always notified before spraying occurs and the sprayed areas are flagged. Tim spoke to the Undeveloped Common Space/Greenbelt issue: looking at our area map, Tracts “A” and “B” came to Division 17 as unencumbered, under control of our Board. The term “Greenbelt” would infer that this area be left “natural” as opposed to “Undeveloped” which could infer development at some future date. He recommends the area be referred to as “Greenbelt” in all future references.

Motion: Judy Field moved that the wording “Undeveloped Common Space” be changed to “Greenbelt” in all future references. It was seconded and the motion passed.

Tim had a question regarding the tax valuation of Tracts “A” and “B”. The Board deferred discussion on this topic until after the 2014 tax statements are received.

  1. Welcome Committee: Chair Renee Jones reported that visits with new owners and residents seem to be well received.
  2. Newsletter: Volunteer newsletter coordinator Renee Jones said the next quarterly newsletter will be sent out this week.
  3. Website and Archived Records: Susan Hamman requested the residents let her know in writing or via e-mail if changes need to be made to the website. Also, she asked Board members and Committee heads to start new binders for 2014 to keep track of documents for archiving. Please give her all 2013 documents and records if you no longer need them for reference.
  4. Water Board and Water Setters: David Jelin attended the Sunland Water District meeting. He reported on two topics:

–A contract has been awarded to clean out one water pond. That project will start sometime between April and June, 2014. In May, 2014, a building contract will be awarded for construction of a “lagoon emptying project”: one pond will be cut in half to create two ponds for the purpose of potential overflow. This project should begin in June, 2014. The impact on nearby homeowners is unknown at this time. However, an overflow alarm and an alarm for detection of chlorine gas are in place.

–The Water District has asked Washington State to delay implementation of the water meters and sensors throughout Sunland. If possible, the District asked that they be allowed to use their own Reserve Funds for “incremental implementation” as they test various types of meters to find the most efficient and the best value.

Old Business

  1. Standing Water and Drainage Issues: These were covered during the Exterior Maintenance Committee report.
  2. Delinquent Homeowner Assessment: President Rhodes and Treasurer Hamman addressed this topic. One homeowner is significantly in arrears. A letter, approved by attorney Alan Millet, was mailed on January 2, 2014, asking the homeowner to submit a payment plan. President Rhodes asked Board member David Jelin to work with the Governing Documents Committee to develop a policy and standards regarding letters to delinquent owners. These letters would set specific dates (30 days late, 60 days late, etc.). David Jelin accepted this role.
  3. 2014 unit and trim painting. Coordinator Richard Helmenstine submitted a written report listing the affected units.
  4. Annual Independent Review: Treasurer Susan Hamman reported that the state mandates such a review be performed once a year for the prior year. Duane Wolfe, CPA will conduct the review after April 15 at a cost of up to $1,000.00. He will issue a report to the Board upon completion of the review.
  5. Welcome Committee Letter, Owner Contact Form:

A proposal was made to make some revisions to the Owner/ Contact form:

–Add the question: “May we share this information with Sunland Owners Association?”

–Delete the question: “Do you want to be included in the neighborhood directory?” These proposed revisions were accepted by the Board. As for the Welcome letter, the names of the current Board members should be added. Any further discussion was tabled until the next regular Board meeting.

New business

  1. 2014 Mulching agreement proposal: Parsinen Landscape Maintenance, Inc. submitted an estimate for re-barking in 2014. They propose coverage for one year for the entire Division instead of mulching one third of the Division each year for three years. The mulching should start in February 2014 and be completed within a definite time frame.

Motion: David Jelin moved to accept the proposal up to $16,650 presented to us by Parsinen Landscape Maintenance Inc. for mulching in 2014. The Board Secretary will send out a notice when mulching will commence. It was seconded and the motion passed.

  1. Speed Control: Cars continue to exceed the posted speed limit on our roads, especially at the corner of Blakely Boulevard and Cascadia Loop. The SLOW sign near this corner has been knocked down. Clallam County has been notified but budget constraints prevent them from any further speed control enforcement.

Motion: David Jelin moved that Division 17 acquire and erect 15 mph signs at the corners of Blakely Boulevard and Cascadia Loop and at the corner of Blakely Boulevard and Mt. Baker Drive. It was seconded and the motion passed.

Motion: David Jelin moved that the Board establish a committee to discuss speed controls with the Clallam County Commissioners. It was seconded and the motion passed.

  1. 2015 Reserve Study: This study should be completed in 2014. Discussion was tabled until the next regular Board meeting.
  2. Debit or Credit Cards for the Association: The Board decided not to pursue this idea.
  3. Basecamp Account: The name on this account has been transferred from Jim Karr (past President) to Susan Hamman as the account holder.

Items Not on the Agenda

David Jelin mentioned two items:

–Lights have been left on 24 hours at the top of the mailbox structure on the Mt. Baker Drive street side. Should sensors be installed?

–Two pocket parks, one on the corner of Mt. Baker Drive and Blakely Boulevard and one at the entryway to Sunland North, show an unusual high water usage. Parsinen Landscape Maintenance, Inc. finds that both areas are well established, thus there is no need for more water. Sunland Water District is examining the water lines to turn off irrigation water to these two areas without affecting homes or other irrigation areas.

Adjourned at 12:10 PM

Motion: Judy Field moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and passed.

Prepared by Judy Field, Secretary