Minutes – Board Meeting – December 3, 2013

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Board of Director’s Meeting December 3, 2013

Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room


Homeowner Forum:

Per established Board procedure, the meeting began with an open Homeowners’ Forum. No one spoke.

Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association Board of Directors was called to order at 9:02 by President Cindy Rhodes.

Roll Call and Quorum:

The chair confirmed a quorum with all three members present: President Cindy Rhodes, Treasurer Susan Hamman, and Secretary Judy Field. At- large member David Jelin arrived at 9:30 AM.

Review and Approval of Minutes.

The draft minutes had been distributed earlier, and were included in the Board packets. There were no corrections.

Motion: Susan Hamman moved to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and approved.

President’s Report: President Cindy Rhodes addressed the following topics:

  1. Transition: all residents have been notified of the changes on the Board with the departure of Jim Karr. This is the first regular meeting with the new alignment of the Board.
  2. Committee Chair Orientation meetings: President Rhodes and Treasurer Hamman met with the chairs and coordinators of all the committees.
  3. SLOA Board meeting: President Cindy Rhodes attended the regular SLOA Board meeting and reported that the following topics were discussed:
  4. SLOA has a caretaker living in the RV lot. There have been six break-ins in the last two years. In early 2013, a basic alarm system was installed, but SLOA has no money budgeted for security upgrades, such as cameras, etc.
  5. Between four and six foreclosures have occurred in Sunland and some owners are overdue with payment of their assessments. However, two new homes will be constructed in 2014, which is a positive sign.
  6. Jeff Edwards, SLOA Board President, has met with the County Commissioners to discuss a possible turn lane from Sunland onto Sequim-Dungeness Road and a new sidewalk on Taylor. The actions were added to the County’s unfunded improvement plans.
  7. Guidelines will be written relating to limbing and cutting of trees (see Old Business).
  8. Calendar of Division 17 Required/Recurring Actions: President Rhodes will draft a calendar that indicates important dates which require action by the Board; i.e. dates for various contact renewals; due dates for assessments, dues, etc. She will address this at the next Board meeting

Committee Reports:

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Susan Hamman reported that 8 units are thirty-sixty days delinquent with their assessments. One homeowner is significantly overdue.

Motion: Judy Field moved that the Board President and Treasurer draft a letter to owners who are overdue to address a payment plan. The motion was seconded and approved.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Attendees indicated they would prefer that an e-mail be sent reminding the homeowners of the next monthly Board meeting. The Agenda will be placed on the website for review.
  2. Greenbelt Landscape (Meadow)–Volunteer Coordinator Tim Paschal submitted a written report.
  3. Exterior Change Requests–Volunteer Coordinator Cindy Meek reported that no requests for exterior changes were received since the last board meeting.
  4. Exterior Maintenance and Inspection–Volunteer Coordinator Richard Helmenstine reported that there are three to four areas in the Division with poor drainage. More holes have been dug next to 280 Cascadia Loop but some standing water remains. A discussion followed about how to handle the drainage issues.
  5. Governing Documents: Chair Gene Ross reported that as of now, the Association has a very limited policy regarding how to address delinquent homeowner assessments. His committee will draft a policy and bring it to the Board for review. Tim Paschal’s meeting with the attorney regarding CC&R’s went very well. Some sections of the CC&R’s just need disclaimers, while others will need to be re-written. Tim Paschal is presently researching the unoccupied common space issue as it relates to the CC&R’s. He will report at the next Board meeting.
  6. Grievance Committee: Chair Judy Field has nothing to report.
  7. Welcome Committee: Chair Renee Jones was absent. Committee member Nancy Borrell stated there was no report.
  8. Web site/Archives: Susan Hamman reported that the website is a little behind but shortly everything will be current. As to archives, she is developing a list of what exactly is required and how long the items must be retained. The issue of electronic records arose. E-mails are not generally considered to be records unless impounded under litigation, when everything is considered a “record”.

Old Business

  1. Standing Water/Drainage Issues: Richard Helmenstine, Eldon Dennis and David Jelin will co-ordinate the response to these problems. This issue was discussed at length during the Exterior Maintenance report.
  2. SLOA Divisions’ Presidents Meeting (Tree Removal): The next meeting is this afternoon and President Rhodes will attend. Thus far, conditions of notification have been met.
  3. Revised Table of Committees and Coordinators: Volunteer Barbara Brooner’s revised list was approved and can be placed on the website.
  4. Clallam County Commissioners’ meeting: Four residents attended the meeting and reported that the County has accepted our roads as part of the County wide system.

New Business

  1. 2014 Board meeting time change: The Secretary has requested that the time of our regular Board meetings be changed from 9:00 AM-11:30 AM to 10:00 AM-12:30 PM. We should receive a response by the end of this week.

2 .2014 Annual Assessment: Invoices will be sent out middle to late December. The question was raised concerning the difference between water setters/water meters covered under the Association’s Reserve Funds and those to be installed at each unit, plus the anticipated costs: who pays for them- the homeowner or the Association? David Jelin will contact the Water Board and deliver a definitive answer at the January meeting.

  1. 2014 Landscaping Agreement Proposal: Parsinen Landscaping, the current landscaping company, submitted a written proposal to continue their services with Division 17. The 2014 Agreement includes a 3% cost increase over 2013. Once again, the issue of responsible ownership was cited: if a homeowner does not want the landscapers to prune or weed in the common outside areas near their unit, that owner MUST see to it that those tasks are undertaken and performed to the Division 17 standards. Otherwise, these actions will be done by the landscapers. It was requested that the landscapers give notice when any herbicide is going to be used.

Motion: Susan Hamman moved that the Board approve and sign the Landscaping Agreement for 2014. The motion was seconded and approved.

  1. Mulching Agreement: This issue will be discussed at the January meeting. Parsinen Landscaping has been asked to provide a proposal/draft Agreement, including labor and material costs, for Board review.
  2. 2014 Painting Plans: Outside bids are now being accepted for unit siding, trim and fence painting in 2014 as outlined in the 2014 Reserve Study.
  3. Review of Financial Documents/ Files: The CC&R’s, Bylaws, and Washington HOA Statutes require that an annual independent financial review of accounting records/files is performed. What company should we use?

Motion: Judy Field moved that we use Burwell & Wolfe, Inc., PS (Certified Public Accountants) and that we request Duane Wolfe to conduct the review. The motion was seconded and approved.

Summary of Board actions and issues to be considered at the January meeting: The Board must develop protocols for the following:

  1. Handling delinquent accounts
  2. Dealing with homeowners who do not live up to their agreement to maintain their property (this would apply to outdoor landscaping issues).
  3. Speed control

Adjourned at 11:03 AM:

Motion: Judy Field moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and approved.

Prepared by: Judy Field, Secretary