Minutes – Board Meeting – April 2, 2013

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Board of Trustees Meeting, April 2, 2013

Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place,” Ground Floor Meeting Room

Minutes–Approved May 7, 2013

Call to Order:

The regular meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association board of trustees was called to order by President Jim Karr at 9:02 AM.

Roll call and quorum:

Jerry Schmidt was absent due to illness. The chair confirmed a quorum.

Review and approval of minutes (board packet item #1):

The minutes from the March 5 meeting were approved as circulated in advance to board members.

Old Business:

  1. Meeting schedule: The chair reminded board members of the upcoming regular meetings scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month, specifically May 7, June 4 and July 2.
  2. Annual meeting: The chair reminded the board members of the association’s annual meeting, set for August 6, at 1:00 PM, at the Poolside Room of the Sunland Golf & Country Club.
  3. Update on hemlock control efforts during previous month:

Volunteer Landscape Coordinator Eldon Dennis gave an update on the required hemlock remediation. The contractor sprayed on Friday & Saturday [March 29 and 30].

  1. Proposal received to harvest hay from green belt:

The chair summarized his recent conversation with the farmer, especially new or changed elements that would be included in the farmer’s haying proposal. Extended discussion followed, with many aspects of the proposal discussed.

MOTION: Lee Cox moved to accept the farmer’s proposal, subject to further negotiation of the details; there was no second and the motion failed.

MOTION: Cindy Rhodes moved that the board proceed with the previously approved poll of homeowners, to better inform the board’s decision; it was seconded and the motion passed. The piece will be distributed by US mail, rather than email.

Lee Cox suggested that greenbelt management be split out as a separate job from landscape coordination, since with the weed control and haying proposal it is a much larger job. Eldon Dennis, the current volunteer landscape coordinator, agreed, and stated he would no longer be willing to handle the greenbelt as well. No additional volunteers offered their services.

  1. Fact Sheet: Welcome to Sunland North (board packet item #3): During March, volunteer Susan Hamman prepared and circulated several drafts of a “Welcome to Sunland” letter, which also refers new residents to both the SLOA and Division 17 Web sites, and summarizes some key rules. Two final changes were identified, and Susan will make those modifications.

ACTION: By consensus, the board agreed to begin mailing the Welcome Letter to new owners and residents.

  1. Reserve Study Initiative (board packet item #4): The chair stated that board member Cindy Rhodes had agreed to serve as point on Reserve Study requirements. Cindy briefly presented an information sheet she had compiled, “2013 Div 17 Reserve Study – Common Component Items.”
  2. Budget planning, organization and tracking (board packet items #5, #6 and #7–“Budget vs. Actual” for the first quarter of 2013; “2014 Budget Planning Schedule;” and “Budget Organization and Tracking Codes”): The chair stated that he is continuing to develop the information needed to build a proposed 2014 budget. He said Treasurer Lee Cox had declined the task. The chair stated that the association is switching from the previous “accrual basis” for accounting (possibly more appropriate for builders and developers) to a “cash basis,” which he expects will make the association’s financial situation clearer. He will continue to work with the other board members in building the proposed budget for board approval in July and ratification at the August annual meeting.
  3. Insurance coverage of volunteers (board packet item #8): The chair shared an email exchange he had with the association’s insurance representative, confirming that other volunteers, as well as board members, are covered by the association’s policy.
  4. Search for backflow prevention devices and shut off valves (board packet item #9): Lee Cox introduced elements of a letter from Sanford Irrigation, a contractor used by the association in the past. The letter described three phases to identification of the Division’s “Doublecheck/Backflow Prevention Devices”, which will be necessary before water meters can eventually be installed [per Water District Requirements]. Discussion followed.

ACTION: By consensus, the board authorized payment to Sanford Irrigation of Phase 1[at an estimated $163] and Phase 2, estimated at $400 [for an estimated expenditure of around $563].

Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Lee Cox reported that the association had a total balance of $245,000, including $78,000 in its checking account; $112,000 in a money market account; and three CDs totaling $54,000. The chair confirmed that the checking account is basically the operating budget, and the balance of funds are the association’s required Reserves. Lee Cox reported that he had learned the association is also required by law to maintain a year’s worth of insurance premium in reserve. The chair stated that the annual insurance premium is around $41,000.

ACTION: Revised budgeting and accounting procedures will need to fulfill that requirement.

  1. Landscape: Volunteer Landscape Coordinator Eldon Dennis reported on two new items needing attention:

(a) Tree Removal: Two large Atlantic Cedars needing removal, one between 230 and 240 Blakely, and the other between 351 and 361 Blakely. The trees are a threat to the building foundations. He said these two trees will not be replaced, since there is inadequate space and the problem would recur. Eldon also commented that the problem will recur with additional homes, as those trees get large enough.

ACTION: By consensus, the board approved the expenditure to remove the two trees described, estimated at $175/tree or a total expenditure of about $350, using the same contractor as previously.

(b) Mulching/Re-barking: The second item had to do with mulching of the landscaped areas, or “re-barking.” Eldon stated that mulching is recommended every three years, and is now due again. Estimated cost would be $17,000, with most of that going for labor. Two problems are that funds were not included in the current year’s budget, plus the window of opportunity in the association’s landscape contractor’s schedule has passed for this spring. The board discussed various options and alternatives.

ACTION: The board will continue to work on this problem.

  1. Exterior change requests: Board member Jerry Schmidt was absent, but sent an emailed report that there had been no requests for changes in the past month.
  2. Exterior maintenance and Inspection: Volunteer coordinator Dick Helmenstine reported that he and volunteer Jim Follis completed the spring inspection as of April 1; that the rest of the roofs scheduled for pressure washing were being completed, with just a few roofs left to also treat. He said recommendations on the split rail fence were yet to be determined.
  3. Governing documents review: Board member Gene Ross reported that his committee has met for 2-3 hours every Thursday, for the last 9 weeks, and that by next Thursday’s meeting [April 11] they expect to do a final edit and proofreading of the proposed revised bylaws for Division 17. He said his committee will next tackle the articles of incorporation. Gene indicated they will probably need legal advice for this, and that the revised bylaws should probably have a legal screening, too. He noted that there is not currently a budget for legal advice. He does not know at this point what the cost would be, and is open to recommendations on who might be appropriate.

ACTION ITEM: Gene reported that the association’s required non-profit annual report to the Secretary of State’s office is due May 12, and gave the paperwork to the chair. The filing fee is $10. The chair will complete and submit the form in a timely manner.

  1. Secretary’s Report: Cindy Rhodes reported she had reconciled four different owner lists—the list held by the association’s accountant, by Estes Builders, by SLOA and the division’s social roster–and for the first time we seem to have a current, complete list that also matches property records. She said the division comprises 109 built units, of which 104 are occupied and 5 vacant. In terms of the quarterly newsletter, 80 owners were emailed, 12 are non-resident owners to whom the newsletter was mailed; and 13 are resident owners without email, to whom she hand-delivered. Occupied units also include 15 renters, who do not currently receive the division’s newsletter.

In addition to the newsletter distributed March 19, Cindy said she also distributed two subsequent notices on the spraying for poison hemlock. The spraying notices were delivered to renter-occupants, as well as the distribution to owners.

Cindy raised the question whether the newsletter should also be distributed to renters. Discussion followed.

ACTION: By consensus, the board decided to distribute the Division 17 quarterly newsletter to renters, as well as owners.

There was also a discussion about election notices.

ACTION: By consensus, the board agreed with the Secretary’s recommendation that all notices about the next election would be sent via postal mail, rather than via email.

New Business

  1. Approval and posting of minutes: Board meeting minutes are usually approved at the subsequent board meeting and posted a week or two after that. The chair stated he would like to find a way to approve the meeting minutes sooner for posting on the Division’s Web site, so the information would be available to owners sooner. He distributed a two-page handout of relevant excerpts from Robert’s Rules of Order, for board member consideration. Preliminary discussion of some factors followed, but no decision was made.
  2. Preparation and distribution of board member packets: The chair asked board members if they were satisfied with how he was preparing and delivering board packets before each meeting.

ACTION: The consensus decision was to continue with the packets and their delivery in hardcopy.

Visitor Comment Period

There were approximately 20 visitors attending as observers, and 5 signed up to speak. More participated as the conversation evolved. Several visitors had left early, possibly not understanding that the comment period is held at the end of the regular board business meeting. Several visitors expressed their appreciation to the board for the work they are doing. Virtually all of those speaking had questions or comments about the haying proposal received by the board.

Adjourned at 11:32 AM.

MOTION by Cindy Rhodes to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded and approved. Meeting was adjourned at 11:32 AM.

Submitted by: Barbara Brooner, Volunteer Recorder