Minutes – Annual Board Meeting – September 9, 2014

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Board of Directors /Annual Meeting September 9, 2014

Location: Sunland Golf and Country Club “Poolside Room”


Homeowner Forum:

Per established Board procedure, the meeting began with an open Homeowners Forum. Two people spoke. There were 37 owners present.

Call to Order:

The annual meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association was called to order at 1:07 PM by President Susan Hamman.

Roll Call and Quorum:

The chair confirmed a quorum with four members present: Susan Hamman, President; Cindy Rhodes, Treasurer; Judy Field, Secretary; David Jelin, Member at Large. Then Secretary Judy Field confirmed a quorum of owners present or by proxy for purposes of the annual meeting.


The chair introduced the 2014 board members (see above) and also the 2014- 2015 Board candidates: Terry Main and Tom Steffen.

Purpose: The chair explained the main purposes of the meeting:

-Satisfy the general requirement for an annual meeting in September

-Review and approve the minutes from the August 2014 meeting

-Elect two new directors to the Division 17 Board

-Approve a budget for the calendar year 2015

-Vote for a CPA audit or a full financial review of the Association’s accounts

-Appoint two new inspectors of elections for 2015

-Conduct any business that may properly be addressed at the meeting

Review and Approval of Minutes:

Draft minutes for the August 5, 2104 were previously sent to Board members.

Motion: Judy Field moved to approve the minutes as presented; the motion was seconded and approved.

Deadline for Casting Ballots:

At 1:45 PM, the President announced the deadline for casting ballots.

New Business:

  1. The appointment of Dave Froula and Gerry Busch as election inspectors for 2015 was announced by Susan Hamman.

Motion: David Jelin moved to approve the appointment of Dave Froula and Gerry Busch as 2015 election inspectors; the motion was seconded and approved.

  1. An annual CPA Financial Review of the Association’s accounts was completed. The auditor made two recommendations, one of which was adopted by the Board at the August meeting and one was not adopted.*

*See minutes from August 5, 2014 regular Board meeting.

  1. Division 17 Owners Association needs a certification of their Reserve Fund every year; a Full Reserve Study must be performed every 3 years. This year we paid $2700 for a full reserve study that included an on-site visit by a professional analyst and photographic documentation of common components. Next year we can update the numbers and send them off for certification and the cost will be considerably less. $600 is budgeted for that expense next year.
  2. 2015 Budget and Assessment Increase: Treasurer Cindy Rhodes made available pertinent handouts for those attending the meeting. These same charts and explanations had been included in the election packet previously sent to each homeowner:

-A fact sheet comparing Division 17’s annual assessment to other Sunland divisions with attached units.

-Reserve Fund status: Table displaying 2015-2020 the projected shortfall with no assessment increase

-2015 Sunland North proposed budget including a $30 a month assessment increase that had been approved by the Board. (See minutes from August 5, 2014 regular Board meeting).

Presentation of Gift:

At this time, President Susan Hamman deviated from the Agenda to present a special plaque to Cindy Rhodes, who retired from the Board this year. This gift was presented with gratitude for Cindy’s dedication to our community. During these first two years of our homeowner managed association, Cindy has volunteered at every position, wherever she was needed: Secretary, Treasurer and President.

Old Business:

Homeowner Fritz Field delivered a report summarizing a meeting with Tyler Ross, from the Clallam County Roads Department. Mr. Ross listened to Division 17’s concerns about road safety and stated that the County would consider adopting most of our recommendations.

Homeowner Richard Helmenstine presented a petition for the construction of a round-about at the intersection of Sequim-Dungeness Road and Woodcock Road, which will be presented to the County. Homeowners were asked to sign the petition as they left the meeting.

President’s Report:

  1. Susan Hamman announced that the Governing Documents Committee had completed their assigned tasks. After 18 months of almost weekly meetings, the committee will be abolished on October 1, 2014.
  2. Susan thanked the many volunteers who help this association function and run smoothly. Without volunteers, the homeowners would have to hire a professional management company, which would hire subcontractors to perform the very duties our volunteers perform at no cost. The addition of such services could cost the homeowners approximately $20,000 a year. An appeal was made for more volunteers. She reminded attendees that above all, we are a community; the Board strives to make decisions that benefit everyone.

Officer, Committee and Coordinator Reports:

  1. Secretary: Judy Field announced that of the 109 built units, 15 are listed as rentals and all are occupied. Separately, 8 units are for sale with prices ranging from $265,000 to $305,000. There are 2 new buildings (4 units) under construction, two of which have already been sold.
  2. Treasurer: Cindy Rhodes presented our financial status as of August 31, 2014. We have $ 67,762 in our checking account and $152,703 in our Reserve accounts for a total of $220,464. There were no overdue assessments.
  3. Board Member at Large: David Jelin reported that a few buildings have had water setters installed. Homeowners reported water disruption was minimal. The water District has removed 30 years worth of sludge from the retention pond. It has been split in half to make two ponds so one half can always be in use.
  4. Architecture/Exterior Changes: Cindy Meek announced that no changes had been requested.
  5. Developed Landscape: Eldon Dennis presented an overview of what had been accomplished in 2014:

-Mulch had been applied throughout Division 17: 279 cubic yards at a cost of $24/yard.

-Shrubs were pruned extensively last winter. -Broken sprinkler heads are a constant problem (Mike Main will cover this committee while Eldon is out of town).

-Moles continue to turn up.

-Our Landscapers continue to work hard to keep our Division looking well groomed. We are receiving excellent value for the money we spend.

Looking ahead:

-Older irrigation controllers might need replacing

-Some trees are getting too tall, with roots encroaching into lawns and on to roads. Such is the case with the large cottonwood tree at the corner of Mt. Baker and Blakely Boulevard. Some of these trees might have to be removed.

-Newer units have a gravel barrier between the house and the grass/garden. Older units don’t have such a feature and the association might have to create such barriers to protect the exterior of the homes.

  1. Exterior Maintenance/Inspection Update: Richard Helmentstine reported that in 2014, his committee received 200 work orders and 127 were completed. 16 units were painted and 16 units had trim painting only. Looking ahead:

-The perimeter fence is deteriorating and the Board must decide to replace it (approximate cost: $26,000) or tear it down.

-The painting contract for 2015 is now being negotiated.

-Putty around the chimneys in some of the older units is aging and drying out, so water may leak into the chimney. Residents should be aware of the sound of water coming down the chimney and notify the committee.

-Fall inspection will begin in October

-Replacing mailboxes could be an issue. Whether we have individual boxes (which most of us have now) or central mailboxes (which require a key to open), the Board will decide after residents’ input and coordination with the Post Office. Mail boxes are no longer paid for by the USPS and are an Association Reserve Fund Expense.

-Roof tiles are moving and cracking. This could cause serious problems in the future since the company that did the roofing is now out of business.

  1. Governing Documents: Gene Ross delivered his committee’s final report.
  2. Greenbelt: Tim Paschal submitted a written report. The third and final mowing has been completed. The thistles were controlled by the end of July and Poison Hemlock has been controlled for the second of most likely five seasons. Bleach will continue to be the spray agent of choice. The dirt piles in the Mt. Baker area were smoothed the day before the Annual Meeting. Tim will re-seed the bare soil this Fall/Winter and Scotts Broom will be pulled this fall.
  3. Welcome Committee: Renee Jones announced that the Christmas party will be held on December 11, 2014 at the Casino. The next newsletter will be sent in October.

Voting Results:

Susan Hamman announced the election results provided by the 2014 election inspectors Fritz Field and Renee Jones. The successful board candidates are Terry Main and Tom Steffen. The proposed 2015 budget and assessment increase was approved (99 accept and 8 reject) as were the five CC&R amendments (104 accept and 0 reject). A CPA financial review (98 votes in favor) was chosen over a full financial Audit (3 in favor).

Board Actions:

  1. Adoption of the 2014-2015 Budget and Assessment increase: Judy Field moved to adopt the 2014-2015 budget and assessment increase; it was seconded and approved.
  2. Adoption of CC&R Amendment Corrections: David Jelin moved to adopt the amended CC&R’s as submitted by the Governing Documents Committee; it was seconded and approved.
  3. Adoption of CPA Financial Review: Judy Field moved to adopt a financial review for 2015; it was seconded and approved.

Final Homeowner Question and Answer Session: No questions were asked.

Announcement of the next meetings:

  1. The Board Organizational meeting will take place on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 2:30 PM in the Upstairs Conference Room at the Gathering Place. This is an open meeting.
  2. The next Regular Division 17 Board meeting will be held on Thursday, October 8, 2014 at 2:30 PM at the Gathering Place. This is an open meeting.


Motion: David Jelin moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:14 PM.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Field Secretary