Board of Director’s Meeting May 13, 2015
Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room
Homeowner Forum: Per established board procedure, the meeting began with an open Homeowners forum. Sixteen residents were in attendance. No one chose to speak.
Call to Order: The regular meeting of the Sunland Division 17Owners Association was called to order at 2:30 PM by President Susan Hamman.
Roll Call and Quorum: The chair confirmed a quorum with five members present: President: Susan Hamman; Secretary: Judy Field; Treasurer: Terry Main; Member at Large One: David Jelin; Member at Large Two: Tom Steffen.
Review and Approval of Minutes: Draft minutes from the Regular Board meeting of April 8, 2015 and the Draft minutes from the Special Board Meeting of April 29, 2015 had been circulated to the board in advance. MOTION: Tom Steffen moved to approve the minutes as written from both the April 8 and April 29, 2105 meetings. The motion was seconded and approved.
1. Earthquake Insurance Ballots: The ballots were mailed on May 1, 2015 and are due to be returned byMay 20, 2105. Reminder emails and postcards will be sent.
Dave Froula and Gerry Busch have been appointed Election Inspectors. The ballots will be counted on Thursday, May 21, 2015 and the results will be revealed on Sunday, May 24, 2015.
2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the Website: Our website ( offers a list of frequently asked questions about Division 17. The Board recommended a few changes to the list to update it. David Jelin proposed we add a link to the Sunland Water District and add the web address for SLOA. MOTION: Judy Fieldmovedto approve the changes made to the FAQ on our website. It was seconded and approved.
3. Personal Planting Changes to the Rules and Regulations: Eldon Dennis, our Landscape Coordinator, proposed changes and clarifications to the R&R’s regarding personal plantings. After reading the changes aloud and some discussion, Eldon decided that further changes were needed. MOTION: Terry Main moved that Eldon Dennissubmit the final proposed changes to the Board before the next Board meeting. At that Board meeting, Eldon will read aloud his proposed changes and the Board will vote to accept or reject his revisions. The motion was seconded and approved.
4. Rossi Mowing Contract: Tim Paschal, Greenbelt Coordinator, submitted a request from Jim Rossi to have a mowing contract rather than the hourly rate under which he currently operates. Tim suggested that we continue with the hourly rate for this year, but develop a contract for 2016 year. MOTION: Judy Field moved to retain the 2015 contract as it stands. Tim will meet with Treasurer Terry Main to work on the 2016 contract for next year’s budget. It was seconded and approved.
5. Reserve Study: Treasurer Terry Main has purchased a “Do it yourself” –DIY.kit to perform our Reserve Study this year. We had a full Reserve Study done last year so a smaller study is allowed this year.
6. Financial Review: Terry will be interviewing a new auditor sometime this week to perform this year’s financial review.
- Reconvening the Government Documents Committee: During the study of earthquake insurance coverage, the Board uncovered areas of the CC&R’s which need further clarification and possible changes. As a result, we are asking that the Governing Documents Committee be reconvened.
Gene Ross has agreed to chair this committee. The members are: Terry Main, Cindy Rhodes, Cindy Meek, and Tim Paschal. The committee will provide monthly reports to the Board.
2. 2015-2016 Board and Committee Chairs: Three Boardmembers and three committee chairs will be leaving this year. Volunteers are needed to fill these positions. It was decided to hold an ice cream social in June so residents can meet the Board members and familiarize themselves with the duties of each member. Hopefully, this will encourage new volunteers to step forward.
1. President: SusanHamman announced that as of May 1, 2015, our Master Insurance Policy with CAU is in place. It is on our website, if anyone wants to read it.
Report on the April SLOA meeting: 1.) A number of diseased trees have been removed and more are slated for removal in the future. 2.) There was extensive flooding in some areas of Sunland during the heavy rains in March. Residents are reminded to regularly clean out the ditches on their property.
2. Secretary: Judy Field announced that two occupied units and four unoccupied units are for sale. Six units have sold during the previous two months.
3. Treasurer: TerryMain reported that one unit is in foreclosure, although we have not been officially informed of that fact by the bank. The Board might consider placing a lien on that property. As of April 30, 2015, our Association has $332,584 in our accounts; $153,194 in checking and $179,389 in Reserve funds.
4. Member at Large One: David Jelin announced that most of the meter setters are in place, as are the Irrigation meters. For the present, the meters will be monitored for amount of usage and to check for leaks.
5. Member at Large Two: Tom Steffen expressed his gratitude to the Board and residents who offered condolences when Jules Steffen’s mother passed away.
6. Insurance Committee: Ron Payne/Lindsay Busch: Ron Payne will meet with an Insurance Broker in Seattle in a couple of weeks. He suggests that the Association might be better served by a broker (who can solicit a number of bids) than a single entity (like CAU) who offers one set price.
7. Architecture Committee: Cindy Meek reports three requests for changes have been approved. A few other requests are pending.
8. Developed Landscape: Eldon Dennis has sent out a notice about pop-up sprinkler heads. He asked residents to tamp down any heads that appear to be stuck in the “up” position.
Currently, irrigation sprinklers are set to water two times a week, increasing to three times a week as the weather gets warmer. With the recent drought designation for Clallam County, it is possible that the landscapers will stay with the two times a week schedule.
We may need to replace the water control computers because they are aging and often malfunction. This item might have to be placed in the budget for future repairs and/or replacement.
When a new unit is built, new landscaping and irrigation are installed as well. It would be helpful if a diagram of the new irrigation system could be provided to us and our landscape company by Estes Builders.
9. Exterior Maintenance: Richard Helmenstine is half way through the annual Spring-Summer walk through the Division, checking for units needing any exterior maintenance.
Reports of leaking gutters are increasing and he is having a hard time staying on top of the incoming reports. It might be time to consider hiring a professional outside company to clean out the gutters and replace seals.
Richard suggested that the Association request a “walk through” and “walk about” new units when they are completed but before the new owners take possession. Such an agreement with the builder would define specific areas of responsibility and prevent any confusion if a problem should arise.
The purchase of a storage shed to hold paint cans and equipment will be discussed at the June Board meeting. This item has come before the board on other occasions and needs to be addressed.
Richard reminded the residents to clean out their dryer vents to prevent fires and to check that their heat pumps and propane tanks are at least ten feet apart.
10. Greenbelt: Tim Paschal announced that mowing will take place the week of May 18th. Red flags have been placed to mark the areas where new trees have been planted. Apparently, 70% of the newly planted trees have survived.
11. Newsletter: Renee Jones said the next newsletter will be sent in July.
12. Welcome Committee: There were no visits made in April.
HOMEOWNER COMMENT PERIOD: Jim Voorheis, a new resident was introduced.
MOTION: Judy Field moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded and approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:19 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Field