June 2015 Board Minutes


Board of Directors Regular Meeting June 10, 2015

Location: The Gathering Place

**Approved **

Homeowner Forum: Per established Board procedure, the meeting began with an open Homeowners Forum. Twenty residents were in attendance. Two people spoke.

Call to Order: The annual meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association was called to order at 2:28 PM by President Susan Hamman.

Roll Call and Quorum: The chair confirmed a quorum with all members present: Susan Hamman, President; Terry Main, Treasurer; Judy Field, Secretary; David Jelin, Member at Large One; Tom Steffen, Member at Large Two.

Review and Approval of Minutes: Draft minutes for the May 13, 2015 meeting were circulated to the Board in advance.
MOTION: Judy Field moved to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.

Old Business:

1. Earthquake Insurance Results. The final tally was 56% voting yes and 44% voting no. The 75% approval rate was not met, so the measure did not pass. Purchase of earthquake insurance will not be placed in the budget for 2015-2016. It is possible that it could be discussed for the 2016-2017 budget.
2. Adoption of Personal Planting Changes to the R&R’s. Eldon Dennis had distributed his proposed changes to the Board prior to the meeting.
MOTION: Terry Main moved to adopt the changes to the R&R’s as presented by Eldon Dennis, Landscape Chair. The motion was seconded and approved.

3. Traffic Signage. Fritz Field requested approval from the Board for an expenditure of not more than $260 to purchase two sign posts if the County does not provide them.
MOTION: Judy Field moved to approve the sum of not more than $260 to purchase two sign posts, if necessary. The motion was seconded and approved.

4. Reserve Study Update. Terry Main performed a line by line review of the items listed as requiring funding in our Reserve Fund. She identified three items which could be removed, thus saving approximately $200,000 from our Reserves. They are:

A. Caps on privacy fences. That cost will now move into our operating budget.
B. Meter setters. With only five setters remaining to be installed, that cost can be removed from the Reserves.
C. Individual mailboxes. With the Post Office leaning toward replacing individual boxes
with cluster boxes, that expense can be removed from our Reserves. Terry will send this revised list to Associate Reserve Managers to reflect the savings in our Reserve Fund.

5. Financial Review. Terry Main will ask Duane Wolff, CPA to perform our annual financial review.

6. 2015-2016 Board and Committee Chairs – Need for Community Volunteers. Susan Hamman asked for residents to consider running for the three Board positions and two committee chairs which become vacant this year. She reminded everyone that unless volunteers step forward, it will become necessary to investigate the hiring of a Property Management Company.
7. Storage Shed. David Jelin stated that the cost of a container would be approximately $1500. This container or shed would be used to store maintenance and landscaping supplies. Before the Board agrees to a purchase, a few questions remain:

A. Can we see photos of a container/shed?
B. Where in the Division would it be located?
C. How would it be moved here and at what cost?

David agreed to investigate further and provide answers to the above listed questions.

New Business:

1. Patio Replacement. Richard Helmenstine cited a cracked, sunken back patio at 381 Blakely Boulevard. It is a tripping hazard and in an area that is difficult to access. The cost estimate is over $5000.
MOTION: David Jelin moved to approve the expenditure of $2918 (the Homeowners Association’s share) to replace the patio. The owner graciously agreed to pay the other $2918. The motion was seconded and approved.

2. Driveway repair at 211 Mt. Baker Drive. Susan Hamman met last week with Estes Builders, their landscape contractor and our Association’s landscape contractor (Parsinen Landscaping). The financial responsibility for repairing this driveway will be split four ways at a cost of $500 per party.
MOTION: David Jelin moved to approve the expenditure of $500 to cover the Homeowners Association’s responsibility. The motion was seconded and approved.

3. Nominating Committee. Jim Hammond has agreed to serve on this committee. We need one more volunteer.

3:25 PM. At this time, Member at Large One, David Jelin, requested that the Board meet in a closed Executive Session to discuss two administrative issues. Susan Hamman informed him that he was out of order because his request had not been placed on the Agenda nor had the Board members been notified ahead of time. David Jelin cited the By-laws which supported his right as a Board member to request such a meeting.
MOTION: Susan Hamman moved to take a short recess and asked the Board to convene in the upstairs room of the Gathering Place. The motion was seconded and approved.

3:40 PM. The Board returned to the site of our regular meeting and proceeded with the pre-approved items on the Agenda.

Committee Reports:

1. President’s Report: Susan Hamman apologized for the interruption and stated that the Board took no action during the short recess.
2. Secretary: Judy Field reported that there are four occupied units and four unoccupied units for sale. We still have not received any notification from the bank regarding the possible foreclosure of one unit.
3. Treasurer: Terry Main will purchase a new CD later this month when a current CD expires. We currently have $103,853 in our checking account and $179,448 in our Reserve Fund accounts.
4. Member at Large One: David Jelin reported that the Sunland Water District requested that the water be turned off at 81 Mendel, an unoccupied unit.
5. Member at Large Two: Tom Steffen had no report.
6. Governing Documents: Gene Ross reported that the committee will next undertake a clarification of the CC&R’s dealing with deductibles.
MOTION: Judy Field moved that the Governing Documents Committee continue with the
clarification of certain terms in the CC&R’s. It was seconded and approved.

7. Insurance Committee: Ron Payne brought two items before the Board:

A. He met with a company representative at CAU and requested that CAU
re-examine the Market Value of Division 17 versus replacement costs. Currently, our Market value is listed at $46,000,000 and the committee feels that is too high.
B. He met Susan Stead at Parker, Smith and Feek, an Insurance Brokerage firm located in Seattle. She has agreed to review all of our insurance documents and present recommendations to the Board at our regular August meeting.

MOTION: Terry Main moved to approve the expenditure of a $100 stipend to cover the expenses for Susan Stead to travel to Sequim in August and appear at the Board meeting. The motion was seconded and approved. There were four votes aye and one vote nay.
8. Architecture: Cindy Meek had no report
9. Developed Landscape: Earlier in the meeting, the Board approved Eldon Dennis’s request for changes in the R&R’s regarding personal plantings. Eldon recommended that all new owners be given this information at the time of purchase. He also reminded residents to expect light green and brown areas in their lawns during this period of extreme warmth.
10. Exterior Maintenance: Richard Helmenstine

A. Painting of 8 buildings has begun and will continue 6 days a week until finished.
B. Roofs: the committee is trying to stay current with roof treatments and gutter repairs. They are considering the use of a contractor to treat a couple of buildings to assure the treatment works.

11. Greenbelt: Tim Paschal announced the poison hemlock is gone…for now.
The Greenbelt has been mowed and garbage was picked up along Sequim Dungeness Road. The chain at the rear of the RV Park is damaged and needs to be replaced because it is a security issue. He will replace the posts and place signs, tags or reflectors on the fence to prevent another accident.
12. Newsletter. Renee Jones will publish the next newsletter in July
13. Welcome Committee. Barb Gruner reported that 3 visits had been made in May.

Homeowner Comment Period. One person spoke


MOTION: Tom Steffen moved that the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded and approved.
The meeting adjourned at 4:17 PM Respectfully submitted, Judy Field, Secretary