January 8, 2025 Board Meeting
Sunland Division 17 Owner Association
January 8, 2025, 2:30 p.m.
The Gathering Place, 135 Fairway Drive
Call to Order, Verification of Quorum
President Gerry Hatler called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. The quorum was established by the board members of Gerry Hatler, Mark Anderson, Betty Gwaltney and Susan Hamman. Beverly Stern was absent.
Approval of Agenda
Gerry asked for a motion to approve the meeting’s agenda, Betty so moved, seconded by Mark and all approved.
Review and Approval of December Meeting Minutes
Gerry asked for the approval of the December 2024 board meeting minutes, Betty so moved, seconded by Mark and all approved.
Old Business
1) Mt. Baker Roof Inspections – Repairs – Mike Johnson
Mike reported there had been no activity since the last meeting.
2) Exterior Maintenance – Paint Bid for 2025 – Mike Johnson
Mike received two bids for the 2025 painting of seven buildings within Division 17. Oscar Lopez Painting and Sublime Painting were the bidders. There was some discussion about the two companies, and it was determined that the association would stay with Oscar Lopez. Gerry asked for a motion to approve of Oscar Lopez’s bid, Betty so moved, seconded by Susan and all approved.
3) Concrete Repair Bids – Mike Johnson
Mike spoke with the owners of Ground Works (formerly Matvey) about doing some concrete repair within Division 17; they will be in touch to come out and review the needed work.
New Business
1) Ratification of Resolution – Moving Funds and Purchasing New CD – Betty Gwaltney.
Betty had previously asked for the Board’s approval for moving a maturing CD of $51,200 from the US Bank to Kitsap Bank and purchasing two new 13-month CDs at Kitsap Bank, one for $30,000 and another for $51,200. Gerry asked for a motion to approve, Mark moved, seconded by Susan, and all approved.
2) Board Approval for Records Disposition – January 2025 – Susan Hamman
Several records were eligible for disposal/shredding at the end of 2024, among them election records, financial records, and unit owner violations. Gerry asked for approval of the disposition, Betty so moved, seconded by Mark and all approved. Gerry signed the disposition notice, and the records were turned over to Betty for secure disposal at Bell & Bell.
Officer Reports
President Update – Gerry Hatler
Gerry received the amended and recorded hard copy of the CC&Rs from the law firm, which were duly filed in the Division 17 filing cabinets, as well as placed on the website.
Bob Eichhorn, President of SLOA, contacted Gerry to talk about the arborvitae on Division 17 priority outside the RV lot fence. The branches are pushing through the fence and creating pressure. Bob had spoken with some landscaping companies who recommended that the trees be trimmed from outside the fence, which might result in damage to the trees, including possibly killing some of them.
Gerry told Bob this same issue had been addressed a few years ago and that a Division 17 work party had trimmed the protruding branches from the inside in order to avoid damaging the trees.
Gerry and Bob walked around the RV perimeter to examine the issue. Bob assured Gerry that he didn’t believe this was an issue to be resolved by Division 17. Gerry said he would talk with the Board about possible solutions that would be acceptable to Division 17. Bob said he would give some thought to trimming the trees from inside the RV fence. Gerry said if the trees were trimmed from the outside, resulting in damage or killing of the trees, Division 17 would expect SLOA to replace them. Bob agreed and indicated that a written agreement could be drafted that would outline what they agreed upon, including replacing dead trees up to three years after the trimming.
Susan said she would provide the records related to the previous issue and trimming to Gerry after the meeting.
Vice President Update – Mark Anderson
Nothing new to report.
Secretary Update – Susan Hamman
Susan reported that she had been contacted by the Sequim Museum about the location of the 3 Crabs Restaurant sign that had formerly been on Division 17 property. With John Lewis’s assistance, it was determined that the sign had been donated to the Clallam County Historical Society.
Treasurer Update – Betty Gwaltney
1) Monthly Expense Report December 2024
- Operating expenses: $2430, YTD $387,390, Over budget $9,940
- Interest income $3,469, YTD: $30,941
- Total Reserve contribution for 2024: $158,000
2) Total Funds on hand:
Operating Accounts $ 47,533
Reserve Accounts $ 962,344 (84% in CDs)
TOTAL $ 1,009,877
3) Financial Transactions:
- Opened account at Kitsap Bank (Reserve Account)
- Moved funds from maturing CD ~$51,200 at US Bank to Kitsap Bank
- Moved $30,000 from Operations Checking account at First Federal Bank to Kitsap Bank as a yearend Reserve Contribution
- Purchased two new 13 month CDs at Kitsap Bank – one for $30,000 and another for $51,200
4) Maturing CD
Kitsap Credit Union 27-month CD matures 01/17/2025 (~$81,500). Betty recommended renewing it for 12 months at 4%. Mark made the motion, seconded by Susan, and all approved.
Member-at-Large – Beverly Stern
Nothing to report.
Committee Reports
Architectural Control – Barbara Ross
The finished rails on Cascadia need final inspection. Barbara received the list of buildings to be painted in 2025 from Mike Johnson. She prepared the cover letter to the affected owners, which will be accompanied by an Exterior Color Change Request form. Building owners may keep their current colors or change colors, subject to ACC approval.
Insurance – Susan Hamman
Susan expects the CAU renewal process to begin either at the end of January or the beginning of February.
Gerry mentioned the tree next to the RV park that had fallen a couple of years ago and damaged a trailer, which the HOA insurance paid for. There is another tree similar to it that Gerry asked Sarah Miller (Natural Habitat Chair) to have removed.
Developed Landscape – Tom Steffen
Nothing to report.
Exterior Maintenance – Mike Johnson
Mike received three bids to replace a 12-foot section of privacy fence at the rear of 310/320 Blakely. The bids were all $3,000; Mike approved one contractor to replace that fence. There was some discussion again about whose responsibility it was to maintain privacy fences, the owner or the HOA. Gerry asked Mark to research fences and the history in the HOA.
There is an ad hoc committee to address roof issues: Mark Anderson, Mike Johnson, and John Lewis.
Mike received one bid for roof treatment from Superior Services. The amount per visit for gutter cleaning was $2,540 and moss treatment was $7,645. There are 16 buildings to receive treatment. Mike said the bid approximates that of last year. Northwest Gutter Pros will submit a bid to the HOA as well. These bids will be on February’s agenda.
Natural Habitat – Sarah Miller
On January 6th, a work party of 12 volunteers with equipment in hand cleaned up natural habitat debris (fallen limbs and branches, ivy removal). There are 5 or 6 stacks of debris to be picked up later when the greenspace has dried up enough to permit a vehicle to do so. Another work party is scheduled for January 20th, 2025.
Welcome Committee – Kay Hatler
Nothing to report.
Communications and Outreach – Kathy Gross and Lawrence Charters
The January 2025 newsletter was sent out and received several positive comments, especially the new “meet your neighbor” section.
Owner Comment Period
One resident expressed concerns about an uptick of people not picking up after their dogs on Division 17 property. Gerry asked Susan to send out another reminder to Division 17 residents about this issue.
Gerry adjourned the meeting at 3:11 p.m.