February 2025 Board Minutes

February 12, 2025 Board Meeting

Sunland Division 17 Owner Association
February 12, 2025, 2:30 p.m.
The Gathering Place, 135 Fairway Drive

Call to Order, Verification of Quorum

President Gerry Hatler called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. The quorum was established by the board members in attendance of Gerry Hatler, Mark Anderson, Beverly (Sunny) Stern, and Susan Hamman. Betty Gwaltney was absent.

Approval of Agenda

Gerry asked for a motion to approve the meeting’s agenda, Mark so moved, seconded by Susan, and all approved.

Review and Approval of January Meeting Minutes

Gerry asked for the approval of the January board meeting minutes, Mark so moved, seconded by Susan, and all approved.

Old Business

Baker Roof Inspections – Repairs – Mike Johnson

A roofer is scheduled to repair mold issues and a roof leak at 61 Mt. Baker. Mark Anderson and Mike are looking for an inspection company to continue attic/roof inspections.

Concrete Repair Bids – Mike Johnson

Starting in early March, Groundworks Concrete Company will provide estimates for concrete repair (lifting and patching) for 10-11 locations in Sunland North.

Privacy Fences History – Maintenance and Repairs – Mark Anderson

Mark reported that the CC&Rs govern everything that we do but are not really clear on fences. There are 1) privacy fences approved by the ACC, 2) propane tank enclosures, 3) divider fences between units, and 4) the exterior split rail fence surrounding the association. Many of the existing fences were put in place by Estes Builders before they turned over the management of the association to the unit owners. The Rules and Regulations address issues related to association responsibility and owner responsibility.

Historically, when the ACC approved a privacy fence, everybody was happy until the fence needed maintenance or replacement. Gerry stated there were two issues, maintenance versus replacement. Maintenance was taken on by HOA because owners (and subsequent owners) were not maintaining the fences. However, the HOA didn’t definitively address the responsibility of fence replacement. Mark stated that the treasurer reported there are funds for replacement of fences in the reserves (line item). There is a question of burdening the association with privacy fences that individual owners want on their property. Gerry suggested that Mark come back to the next Board meeting with an inventory of all the fences and recommendations on maintenance and/or replacement.

New Business

241 Mt Baker tree

Gerry stated that the owner is concerned about moss on the roof. The roof had been moss treated within the past year. The question is it the tree causing the moss to re-grow or something else. Mark, Mike, and Sunny to work with Tom Steffen to either take the tree out or come up with some other recommendation. The tree has the potential to grow to 130 feet and was inappropriately planted in that area.

Ratification of Resolution –Purchase of a 3-Month CD at First Fed

Betty Gwaltney. Betty utilized operational funds to buy a 3 month CD for $100K at First Fed, yielding 2.75%. If the money had been left in the money market, it would have only generated .1% in interest. With this CD maturing in three months, it can be used to pay the HOA insurance renewal premium due around that date. Mark motioned to ratify the purchase, seconded by Sunny, all approved.

Second Bid for Gutter Cleaning and Moss Removal – NW Gutter Pros – Mike Johnson

There were two bids for gutter cleaning and moss removal, one by NW Gutter Cleaning and the second by Superior Window cleaning. The two bids were very close. Mike recommended trying Superior Window Cleaning for the next round of cleaning (approximately ¼ of the buildings in the HOA). Mark moved to hire Superior Window Cleaning, seconded by Sunny, all approved.

Officer Reports

President Update – Gerry Hatler

Nothing further to add.

Vice President Update – Mark Anderson

Nothing further to report.

Secretary Update – Susan Hamman

Nothing to report.

Treasurer Update – Betty Gwaltney

1) Monthly Expense Report January 2025

      1. Operating expenses: $42,176 YTD $42,176 Over budget $9,235
      2. Interest income $2073 YTD: $2073
      3. Extra Maintenance expenses on 12 units accounts for the over budget amount.

2) Total Funds on hand:

Operating Accounts $ 293,592

Reserve Accounts $ 964,538 (84% in CDs)

TOTAL $ 1,258,130

3) Financial Transactions:

      1. Purchased new CD at First Fed $100,000 3 month 2.75% from Operation MM

4) Maturing CD

      1. US Bank CD $107,534 matures Feb 17, 2025
      2. Recommend verifying interest rates Feb 17 before renewing

Member-at-Large – Beverly (Sunny) Stern

Will give a report under the Natural Habitat report.

Committee Reports

Architectural Control – Barbara Ross

The handrails for 131 Cascadia Loop have been completed and the ACC approved the work. A final inspection has been completed.

ACC received drawings of handrails to be made of metal and to be powdered coated a color to blend in with the home at 110 Cascadia Loop. The work will be done and installed by Welding Fab both in front and back of the home. The work has been approved by the ACC and final inspection will be made when installation is completed. All required paperwork was submitted.

A request for a Hardi Plank privacy fence to be built, painted to match the siding and installed at 421 Blakely by Platinum Earthworks (licensed). All required paperwork was completed with drawings. The fence has been approved by the ACC. When the project is finished, the ACC will make the final inspection.

For the 7 buildings (14 units) to be painted in 2025, 4 buildings (8 owners) have selected their colors. 3 buildings want new colors and 1 building is retaining the current color. They have been approved by the ACC. A letter was sent to the owners specifying the colors selected and informed them that the Maintenance Committee will contact them with dates and times for the painting. A copy of the letters with all Rodda painting colors and color numbers was given to Mike Johnson. 3 buildings have yet to submit their color preferences.

Insurance – Susan Hamman

Susan received an e-mail from Dianna Kaspar that the renewal process would probably start in late February or early March. In the meantime, Susan is collecting information that CAU has historically requested in the past.

Developed Landscape – Tom Steffen

The landscaping company is continuing with its winter maintenance schedule of pruning and cleaning up the grounds.

Exterior Maintenance – Mike Johnson

No further report.

Natural Habitat – Sarah Miller

Volunteers continue their commitment to maintaining the Natural Habitat year-round. We’ve had several NH Work Parties over the last few months, and have constructed many large piles of debris which our small birds especially enjoy. The deer also regularly munch on the branches that we pile up. We will continue building piles on February 17 and March 17, meeting at 10 am along the Woodcock tree line, starting behind 360 Blakely Blvd. Sarah is attempting to find someone with a large dump truck to help us haul all the debris piles to Cascade Soils. Doing this with a pickup truck would take many days and many (expensive) trips. Tom Steffen (Landscaping) said he would contact the landscaping crew about the possibility of hiring their big dump truck to haul off this debris.

The Clallam County Noxious Weed Inspector discovered a large new ‘crop’ of poison hemlock blooming behind the blackberry bushes along the toe of the slope below Fairway Drive. Greg King is keeping an eye on it and digging out plants before they set seed. The inspector, Sam(antha) Fischbein, has offered to provide some additional training for us, which I will be setting up in March when it should be warm enough for spraying.

Barry Burns continues his regular monthly (plus) patrol and litter pickup along our frontage roads. We are so fortunate to have many committed volunteers to help us keep Sunland North looking sharp.

Special thanks to (and apologies if I missed anyone):

  • Allan Alana
  • Julie & Mark Anderson
  • George Bannon
  • Dianne Bresnahan
  • Barry & Diana Burns
  • Gerry Busch
  • Teresa Frank
  • Susan & Tom Hamman
  • Gerry Hatler
  • Jim Jansen
  • Gary Jubien
  • Greg King
  • John Meyer
  • Bill Murphy
  • Steve Romberg
  • Elaine May Starz-Brown

As you might guess, we have a bit of fun with such a large group, but there’s always room for more! Come join us! If you’d like to help, please reach out to me at information@sunlandnorth.org or (206) 947-1347.

Welcome Committee – Kay Hatler

Nothing to report.

Communications and Outreach – Kathy Gross and Lawrence Charters

Lawrence said the attacks on the Sunland North website have not abated since the election. There were 4000 attacks over the last few days.

Owner Comment Period

No owner comments.


Gerry adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m.