February 2020 Board Minutes

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

February 12, 2020, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Call to Order

John Lewis called the meeting to order at 2:30.

Verification of Quorum

President Gary Fortmann was ill; Vice President John Lewis chaired the meeting. All other officers were present.

Approval of Minutes

January 8, 2020 minutes approved as submitted.

Visitor presentation

Joe E. Holtrop, Executive Director, Clallam Conservation District, discussed the work being done on the irrigation ditch in Sunland North. The work is on the west side, bordering Sequim-Dungeness Way, and on the north, bordering Woodcock Road.

When the local irrigation district was formed in 1959, it consisted of 175 miles of open irrigation ditch. Today, 110 miles is piped. One of the remaining sections to be piped (i.e., encased in underground pipe rather than an open ditch) is through Sunland, and farmland to the west and north of Sunland bordering Evans Road. Sunland will be piped, but with an infiltration system that allows for continued refresh of the area, including Graymarsh Farm to the north and east.

Most of the funding for the piping is paid by a state grant (85%), from the state conservation agency.

Joe passed out brochures explaining both the role of the district (a government entity separate from Clallam County) and their role in conserving both the land and water systems and in assisting farms and associations such as Sunland North. He also offered to meet with Sunland North to form plans on what to do with Sunland North’s thirty-three acres of green space.

Old Business

Opening Washington Federal Money Market account

Treasurer Susan Hamman said that the HOA’s First Federal account is over the FDIC insurance limit. Susan proposed creating a new account at Washington Federal as a reserve fund, moving the existing reserve fund ($60,000). The Board unanimously approved the motion.

New Business

The only new business was the visitor presentation, noted above.

Officer, Committee and Coordinator Reports

President Update — Gary Fortmann

John Lewis, filling in for Gary, said the owner of 191 Cascadia has completed a walkthrough, and a contractor punch list. The final inspection by the county is this Friday. County will then conclude their role. A walkthrough of 201 Cascadia may occur next week.

A new yield sign, of regulation size, has been installed at Mt. Baker and Blakely. John has asked for an additional yield sign at Cascadia and Blakely.

The county has started preparation for taking down the cottonwood at Mt. Baker and Blakely.

Doug Hale is relinquishing his role as external maintenance coordinator. A new chair is required.

Secretary Update — Lawrence Charters

The Welcome Packet was refreshed for the new year.

The Communications Committee is working on a logo for the newsletter.

Lawrence will be assuming the lead for the long-range planning workshops. The next workshop will focus on one of our largest budget items: landscaping.

Treasurer Update — Susan Hamman

Susan made an appeal for a new external maintenance chair. Having served in this capacity, Susan said it is both critically important, and quite rewarding.

Monthly Expense Report: The preliminary January monthly expense report shows our total operating expenses for the month were $21,819, which brings our total year to date expenses to $21,819. The two biggest expenses this month were landscaping and the Sunland Water irrigation bill, the latter of which is paid in full for the year. At the moment, we are under budget by $2,917 for the year.

Fire Trust Fund: There was no activity in the fire trust fund in January. The fund earned $2.88 in interest in the month of January. The Fire Trust Fund balance at the end of January was $19,210.14.

Welcome Letter: One welcome letter was sent in January to a new owner on Cascadia.

Open New Account for Reserves: With first-quarter assessments coming in (and in many cases, residents have paid the entire year of their assessment), the First Federal account is now approximately $48,000 over the federally insured maximum of $250,000. After reviewing the association’s Reserve Fund Management policy, the treasurer’s recommendation was to keep the HOA’s assets liquid at the moment, rather than locking them into a CD or other long term investment.

Washington Federal is offering a premium business money market account with a $100 minimum to open and a $1000 minimum to earn interest. The interest rate is 1.14/1.15. The account allows six transactions per month. Susan recommended opening a Washington Federal account as a reserve fund account, moving the First Federal reserve fund account of $60,000 to Washington Federal.

As noted above, the Board approved the recommendation.

Vice President — John Lewis

See the president’s report, noted above.

Board Member at Large — Mike Johnson

Mike talked about the importance of the exterior maintenance committee and the need for volunteers. Doug Hale mentioned that the website now has an online form that generates an email to the committee, generating a paper trail for the committee to follow up on maintenance requests.

Doug also mentioned that architectural changes require approval, from both the ACC and your neighbors.

Mike said that streetlamps also need to be in good repair, so please tell the Board if lights are failing.

Mike noted there are rotted posts in the wood rail fence that divides homes from greenspace. We will need volunteers to replace the posts.

Architectural Control Committee — Richard Helmensteine

There were two requests this past month, one for a privacy fence and one to extend rear steps off the patio.

Insurance Committee — Donna Carson

Susan Hamman reported that Donna had received an inquiry from CAU [the current insurer] on the HOA’s financial review, budget, etc. Susan also noted the last Estes-owned building has half the building under contract, and it will be added to our policy.

Developed Landscape — Gerry Hatler / Eric Mahnerd

Not much going on but – do contact Developed Landscaping if you don’t want pruning.

Exterior Maintenance and Inspection — Doug Hale

Doug noted there is only one outstanding item: a gutter leak on Cascadia Loop.

“Natural Habitat” — Tom Hamman

No report, but possibly a new name for the Open Space Committee.

Communications and Outreach — Kay Hatler

There were two new welcome visits, plus one more scheduled for March.

Sunland Water District Update — Al Frank

John Lewis said the Sunland Water District will assist the Clallam Conservation District in pressure-testing the newly installed irrigation piping.

Homeowner Comment Period

There was one homeowner question about the recovery of attorney fees from the lawsuit regarding the Cascadia Loop fire. The Court has entered judgment requiring reimbursement. Not clear on when the fees will be collected.


John adjourned the meeting at 3:15.