December 2024 Board Minutes

December 2024 Board Meeting

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association
December 11, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
The Gathering Place, 135 Fairway Drive

Call to Order, Verification of Quorum

President Gerry Hatler called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. The quorum was established by the attendance of Gerry Hatler, Mark Anderson, Beverly (Sunny) Stern, and Susan Hamman.

Approval of Agenda

Betty moved to approve the December board meeting agenda, seconded by Mark, all approved.

Review and Approval of November Meeting Minutes

Gerry asked for the approval of the November meeting minutes, Betty so moved, seconded by Mark, all approved.

Old Business

Proposed Bylaws Revisions – Board Vote – Lawrence Charters

Lawrence presented the following proposed bylaw changes to the Board at the November board meeting, which approved it at that time. According to the governing documents, a notice was then sent out to the HOA membership, requesting comments before or during the December meeting.

1. Amend Article I, Section 2 from:

Offices: The business office of the Association is at 264 West Washington Street, Sequim, WA 98382.

Change to:

Offices: The business office of the Association is at 264 West Washington Street, Sequim, WA 98382. The mailing address is P.O. Box 1655, Sequim, WA 98382.

2. Amend Article II, Definitions from (change due to changes in state statutes):

Governing Documents shall be made up of Washington State Statutes (RCW 64.38) and the Association’s Articles of Incorporation, CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations.

Change to:

Governing Documents shall be made up of Washington State Statutes (RCW 64.38, RCW 64.90) and the Association’s Articles of Incorporation, CC&Rs, Bylaws, and Rules, and Regulations.

3. Amend Article III, Section 8 from:

8. Unit Rentals or Leases. Unit owners who do not reside in Sunland Division 17 shall not rent or lease their vacant unit(s) without first having submitted an Association Rental Notice to the SLOA Business Office. The notice must be received by the SLOA Business Office before a renter or lessee may occupy a unit.

All owners or property managers must provide a copy of the Sunland Division 17 CC&Rs and SLOA Rules and Regulations to the renter or lessee prior to submitting the notice. A member residing in Sunland Division 17 who owns more than one unit shall submit to the SLOA Business Office an Association Rental Notice for each owned unit to be leased or rented.

Change to:

8. Unit Rentals or Leases. Unit owners who do not reside in Sunland Division 17 shall not rent or lease their vacant unit(s) without first having submitted an Association Rental Notice to the SLOA Business Office, with a copy sent to the Division 17 Treasurer. The notice must be received by the SLOA Business Office and Division 17 before a renter or lessee may occupy a unit.

All owners or property managers must provide a copy of the Sunland Division 17 CC&Rs and SLOA Rules and Regulations to the renter or lessee prior to submitting the notice. A member residing in Sunland Division 17 who owns more than one unit shall submit to the SLOA Business Office and the Division 17 Treasurer an Association Rental Notice for each owned unit to be leased or rented.

4. Amend Article IV, Section 1 from:

1. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held in September of each year to elect directors, present a financial statement showing in detail the current financial condition of the Association, propose and ratify a budget for the upcoming year, determine if a certified public accountant will conduct an audit or a financial review of the Association’s accounts, appoint two inspectors of election, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly be addressed at the meeting.

Change to:

1. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held in the fourth quarter of each year to elect directors, present a financial statement showing in detail the current financial condition of the Association, propose and ratify a budget for the upcoming year, determine if a certified public accountant will conduct an audit or a financial review of the Association’s accounts, appoint two inspectors of election, and transact such other business as may properly be addressed at the meeting.

5. Amend Article IV, Section 3 from (change due to change in state statutes):

3. Quorum. At any annual or special meeting of the Association, the presence in person or by proxy of thirty-four percent (34%) of all voting members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for all purposes except as otherwise provided by law.

Change to:

3. Quorum. At any annual or special meeting of the Association, the presence in person or by proxy of twenty percent (20%) of all voting members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for all purposes except as otherwise provided by law.

6. Amend Article V, Section 4 from:

4. Term of Office. Board members shall be elected for staggered two (2) year overlapping terms.

Change to:

4. Term of Office. Board members shall be elected for staggered two (2) year overlapping terms, and, unless a Board member dies, resigns, or is removed, shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Board or until the Board member’s successor is elected, whichever is later.

7. Article II: common interest communities, add RCW 64.90 to RCW64.38

With no unit owner comments having been received, Gerry asked for a motion to approve these bylaw changes, Betty so moved, seconded by Mark, all approved.

Mt. Baker Roof Inspections – Repairs – Mike Johnson

Repairmen looked at the attics of three Mt. Baker buildings with similar building structure to that of a unit that had been previously discovered to have roof leak problems. In two buildings, rodent activity was discovered and is being addressed by the homeowners. There were leaks and mold in one unit attic as a result of roofing issues on that building. That building has “low nails” – top layer of shingles have to cover the nails and that was not found to be the case on that building.

Three or four buildings in the older part of Division 17 had roof issues; Mike went back through Basecamp and found some previous problems that had been addressed.

Mike is working with Mark Anderson to develop a plan for a thorough review of roofs. He said the condition of what we cannot see is a real concern, especially with the tile roofs. All gutters should be reviewed, skylights with broken seals, chimney chase problems, outside edges of roofs (flashing not present), all these things can promote moisture intrusion. Mike proposed putting together a committee to discuss how to proceed with roof inspections. The committee needs someone in the association who has roof expertise. Additionally, the issue of homeowner responsibility versus HOA responsibility needs further definition.

New Business

Exterior Maintenance – Paint Bid for 2025 – Mike Johnson

Mike received one bid from Lopez for approximately $75K; he requested other bids for the 14 units, 7 buildings to be painted; one other contractor bowed out due to the size of the project. Beverly requested at least one more bid, if not two.

Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting – FINCEN – Betty Gwaltney

The HOA was made aware of a U.S. Treasury dept. requirement that all small businesses, including HOAs, had to report beneficial ownership information (how money is spent, etc.). If an HOA did not report by Dec. 31, 2024, they would accrue a $500 a day penalty. Our accountants, Bell & Bell, filed the information for the president, vice president and treasurer (required a government issued i.d., such as a driver’s license). Two days after the submittal, a court stay was put on the requirement. However, the HOA had already filed. Every time officers change, this information has to be refiled.

Officer Reports

President Update – Gerry Hatler

 Gerry thanked Kathy Mahnerd and Renee Jubien for heading up the Division 17 holiday party, which was a great success, with 65 attendees.

The CC&R amendments were recorded on 11/27/24. The attorneys mailed the completed amendments to the HOA (not yet received at the time of this meeting).

Vice President Update – Mark Anderson

 Mark proposed writing an article for the next newsletter about rodents and how to look for them to mitigate damage.

Secretary Update – Susan Hamman

We have the Gathering Place reserved for the second Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the first three months of 2025. Under the new SLOA rules, the room can only be reserved three months at a time, on a first come, first serve basis.

Treasurer Update – Betty Gwaltney

Monthly Expense Report:

    1. Operating expenses for Nov. total $44,019, year to date operating expenses $384,960. This is $22,425 OVER Budget year to date for Operational expenses – Note – Dec Landscaping contract paid in Nov ($12,551)
    2. Interest income Oct. $2,359 YTD: $30,460

Total Funds on hand:

Operating Accounts $ 91,318

Reserve Accounts  $ 928,691 (84% in CDs)

  TOTAL  $ 1,020,009

Financial Transactions:

    • Opened New CD at Kitsap CU (4% 12 month)

Maturing CD

US Bank CD # 1344 $51,160 matures 12/16/24. Recommend renewal at US Bank or other bank with better CD rates and add excess funds (~$30k) from 1st Fed checking for contribution to Reserves.

Mark made the motion to renew US Bank CD or other bank with CD rates, seconded by Beverly, all approved.

$128K has been deposited in reserves this year; approximately $30K will be added by the end of the year.

Member-at-Large – Beverly Stern

Nothing to report.

Committee Reports

Architectural Control – Barbara Ross

Handrails were added to a Mt. Baker unit and final inspection was completed on 12/9/24. Railings were being added to a Mendel unit and a Cascadia unit. A request to install a generator apparently stopped after the owner received the bid.

Insurance – Susan Hamman

Nothing to report.

Developed Landscape – Tom Steffen

Nothing to report.

Exterior Maintenance – Mike Johnson

Mike took a walk along Blakely Blvd and noted that almost all the units had hose bib covers and that owners had disconnected hoses. Mike thanked everyone for doing so.

Security lights; there was an owner issue when they tried to connect Christmas lights; the homeowner is responsible for the repair. A half dozen security lights are not working; an electrician will be coming out to repair those lights.

Natural Habitat – Sarah Miller

A small volunteer crew braved a cold and rainy day on November 25th to continue stacking downed branches for later transport to Cascade Soils. Thanks go to Tom Hamman and Barry Burns. Barry also worked yet another day stacking branches today, 12/10. Two more work days are scheduled for January 6th and January 20th, 2025. Volunteers are needed!

Barry continues his monthly frontage road cleanups gathering trash along Sequim-Dungeness Way and Woodcock Road. This work really helps keep Sunland North looking sharp.

We’ve had reports of two dead deer in the natural habitat in the last couple months. If we can get to the carcass while still relatively fresh, we may be able to move it to a less conspicuous area to allow the normal decomposition process. Please contact as soon as you notice a dead deer.

There have been reports of mole activity in some of the natural habitat areas, along with an expressed desire to eliminate the offenders. Moles are resident, similar to our deer, so when they’re in the natural habitat, they’re ‘home free’.

Anyone who is interested in helping maintain the Natural Habitat is invited to contact me. Not only does it help to keep the neighborhood neat, it helps decrease fire danger, and improves volunteer fitness! Get a jump on your New Year’s resolution by joining a work party!

Welcome Committee – Kay Hatler

A new unit owner, David Johnson, moved in during November; the welcome committee will schedule a visit.

Communications and Outreach – Kathy Gross and Lawrence Charters

Officers and committee chairs are asked for submissions for the next newsletter, deadline Dec. 23rd; the newsletter is scheduled to be released by Dec. 31st.

2025 Division 17 assessment invoices were mailed out by Bell & Bell this past week.

Owner Comment Period

Dave Walp is taking CERT training.


Gerry adjourned the meeting at 3:20 p.m.