December 2020 Board Minutes

Note: Washington State’s Stay Home-Stay Healthy directive places limits on all but very small gatherings. The Sunland North December 9 meeting was held virtually, via Zoom

Monthly Board Meeting of Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

December 9, 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m. by President Susan Hamman

Verification of Quorum

All Board members were present: President Susan Hamman, Vice President Dianne Bresnahan, Treasurer Betty Gwaltney, Secretary Lawrence Charters, and Board Member-At-Large Mike Johnson.

Review and approval of minutes

November 2020 minutes approved as submitted.

Old Business

Communications and Outreach Committee welcome team.

Dianne Bresnahan will chair the Communications and Outreach Committee until we have a volunteer who wishes to take on the role.

ACC Memorandum of Record with SLOA.

The Architecture Control Committee is trying to reduce duplicate paperwork and reduce the time delay in approving ACC requests by sending approved requests to SLOA for their records, rather than for their approval. Division 17 processes are stricter than SLOA, and waiting for SLOA’s approval does not add any benefit. Susan Hamman and Richard Helmenstine revised an existing 2018 Memorandum of Record between SLOA and Division 17 and sent it to SLOA for review. SLOA is amenable, but noted Division 17 has cut down some trees (to cope with emergencies) without going to SLOA. The overall Sunland Rules & Regulations restrict tree removal, including tree removal by the Sunland North HOA. Division 17 was faced with an emergency situation when the Sunland Water District identified tree roots endangering the water lines, but technically the proposed removal should have gone through the SLOA Architectural Review Committee, which has the review responsibility within SLOA (not Landscaping, as one might expect). Sunland North will submit a revised memorandum.

New Business

Year-end summary of finances.

Betty Gwaltney will include a summary of year-end expenses as part of her treasurer’s report.

Officer, Committee, and Coordinator Reports

President Update — Susan Hamman

With regard to the Cascadia Loop restoration, the restoration contractor wanted to bill Division 17 $30,000 more than their bid because of delays in construction. The insurance company rejected this claim, but the contractor did not formally rescind the bill. Division 17 contacted the contractor, and they dropped the charge. Sunland North then requested the district court to dismiss their claim for recovery of costs against the homeowners, with prejudice. This means there are currently no active suits involving the Association.

Secretary Update — Lawrence Charters

Nothing to report.

Treasurer Update — Betty Gwaltney

Monthly Expense Report: The preliminary October monthly expense report shows our total operating expenses for the month were $5,702 which brings our total year-to-date expenses to $262,865 vs year-to-date Budget of $ 262,817 (over budget by $48). This does not include a late-arriving invoice for $10,000.

Bank account management: Division 17 anticipates moving at least $70,000 from First Federal Money Market Account to Sound Community Bank, adding it to the Sunland North Reserves Money Market account by end of the year.

Welcome Letters: One new welcome letter was sent to new Division 17 homeowners.

Christmas Parade: to work within the pandemic guidelines, participants will parade – not congregate or cluster or gather. A note will be sent out to clarify. “See each other from a distance.”

Vice President — Dianne Bresnahan

Nothing to report.

Board Member at Large — Mike Johnson

Mike walked through the neighborhood and noticed several external water hoses still connected. There is at least one recreation vehicle semi-permanently parked in a drive, in violation of rules and regulations.

Mike discussed the need to review rules and regulations for clarifications and reducing inconsistency.

Architectural Control Committee — Richard Helmenstine

Richard is working on a couple of small projects, but most activity has died down. There was one issue with a contractor on a unit roof, in violation of our rules and architectural needs. The contractor did not appear to be licensed, bonded, or insured. It is the homeowner’s responsibility that a contractor is insured, bonded, licensed, etc.

Insurance Committee — JoAnne Estes

Nothing to report.

Developed Landscape — Gerry Hatler / Eric Mahnerd

Dormant season work has been completed, trimming bushes and trees. Removed a tree that was growing into an electrical service box and a water district drain. A tree between two units will need to be removed, as it has collapsed horizontally. The mulching project will begin after the first of the year, possibly around March.

Exterior Maintenance and Inspection — Michael VanDiver

One unit has an unidentified suspected water leak. An audio engineer attempted to locate the leak, but was unable to do so. Looking to put a shutoff valve in the home, to see if the leak is in the home or outside.

We are looking for a new technique for moss abasement.

One request for concrete repair was declined, as they did not meet HOA criteria.

Natural Habitat — Sarah Miller

With the new native plants now in the ground, we will be looking for volunteers to water the plants when the winter rains begin to decrease. If you are interested in helping with this task, please contact me at If we get enough volunteers, no one will have to do it too frequently. Please save any gallon milk or water jugs you collect along with their lids, to help with this project. Let me know when you have a few and I will come to pick them up. Thank you!

On an unrelated topic, the Trumpeter Swans in the area are using Kirner Pond (Gaskell Slough In Google Maps) at the intersection of Woodcock Road and Kirner Road for their night roosting location. If anyone is interested in seeing them fly in and land there each evening, it tends to happen between 3:45 and 5 pm. If one is careful and times it right, one can drive slowly by the pond around 4 pm and see several of these majestic birds dropping onto the pond surface. They throw up quite a wake, with much trumpeting and head bobbing resulting! The best views are had from Kirner Road.

Communications and Outreach — Dianne Bresnahan

Leah Prince is stepping down from the communications committee after heading the welcome team for two years. Dianne asked for volunteers to help with the welcome team.

Sunland Water District Update — Al Frank

The Sunland Water District Office is limiting itself to one customer at a time (masked) to enter the office for business.  Office Hours are 9:00 to 1:00, Monday through Friday.

The 2021 Sunland Water District – Water / Sewer Rates will be $1,340 annually, or $335 quarterly.

Homeowner Comment Period

Susan thanked all the volunteers who have helped the association over this very trying year.


Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.