Board of Directors Regular Meeting August 12, 2015
Location: The Gathering Place
Homeowner Forum: Per established Board procedure, the meeting began with an open Homeowners Forum. No one spoke. There were 24 attendees at the beginning of the meeting; 36 in attendance when the meeting was adjourned.
Call to Order: The annual meeting of the Sunland Division 17 Owners Association was called to order at 2:31 PM by President Susan Hamman.
Roll Call and Quorum: The chair confirmed a quorum with four members present: Susan Hamman, President; Terry Main, Treasurer; JudyField, Secretary; Tom Steffen, Member at Large Two. David Jelin, Member at Large One, was absent.
MOTION: Tom Steffen moved to approve the Agenda as presented; the motion was seconded and approved.
Review and Approval of Minutes: Draft minutes for the July 8, 2015 regular meeting and the July 29, 2015 Board election packet working session were distributed to Board members earlier.
MOTION: Judy Field moved to approve the draft minutes of the July 8, 2015 regular meeting; the motion was seconded and approved. MOTION: Judy Field moved to approve the draft minutes of the July 29, 2015 election packet working session; the motion was seconded and approved.
- Traffic Signage. Fritz Field announced that SLOA purchased the signs we requested from the County. Kevin Estes donated posts for the signs; sometime next week, volunteers will plant the posts and attach the signs.
The petition from Division 17 requesting a round-about traffic configuration be placed at the intersection between Woodcock and Sequim Dungeness Roads has made it to a committee within the Clallam County Council. A meeting will be held on October 1, 2015 in the new City Hall to discuss this issue and our residents are encouraged to attend.
2. Reserve Study Results. Terry Main reported that the 2016 Reserve Study has been returned to us. We are 17% funded, an increase from 11% last year. The study recommends that ideally, we should be contributing much more in order to reach 100% funding. However, we are a young association so full funding will take more time.
3. Financial Review Results. Terry Main has received the review from Duane Wolfe, CPA. He reports that our records are in order and offered no other suggestions.
4. Board Review/Approval of 2016 Budget: MOTION: Tom Steffen moved that the Board approve the 2016 budget as presented by Treasurer Terry Main and that the 2016 budget be presented to the homeowners on the 2015 ballot for their approval. The motion was seconded and approved.
5. Introduction of 2015 Board Candidates. The following homeowners have volunteered to run in the 2015 election: Craig Baker, Richard Edes, Jill Hummel, and Jim Jones.
6. Board Approval of 2015 Annual Meeting Election Inspectors.
MOTION: Judy Field moved to approve the appointment of Fritz Field and Eileen Farley as election inspectors for 2015. The motion was seconded and approved.
1. Division 17 reached an agreement with Kevin Estes Builders regarding landscaping around new home construction in Sunland North. The agreement is as follows:
July 20, 2015
Dear Susan,
Moving forward, here is a list of agreed items that Estes Builders will provide on the landscaping of any new homes that are built in Sunland North:
- Consult with Division 17 landscape coordinator to coordinate with Estes Builders landscape contractor to develop a plan about the type, location, and density of plants at newly constructed units.
2. Make sure Estes Builders Trade Partner does not install any gravel to grass around new homes. All grass will be installed next to bark. All bark will be installed next to gravel. This will prevent rocks being kicked up by lawnmowers or trimmers.
3. Any tree that is part of a landscaping plan will be located at least 18 feet from the nearest building.
4. No ornamental grasses are to be used in the landscaping plan. These ornamental grasses are more labor intensive to maintain.
5. Estes Builders Trade Partner will also provide an “as built” diagram and photos of the irrigation system for each new home. Let me know if you have any questions.
Sincerely, Ryan Oase Construction Quality Specialist and Completed Home Service Manager
2. Kevin Estes addressed the water issue at 30 Mt. Baker Drive. Irrigation has been turned off to that unit to make sure water is not coming into the garage from the outside. A tree and two shrubs were removed from alongside the unit because the roots were growing under the slab.
3. The new storage trailer (donated by Kevin Estes) is located in slot #89 in the RV Park.
4. The Sunland Water District has flagged three fire hydrants in our Division that are obstructed by shrubbery or other obstacles. The owners of nearby units have been notified to clear the areas around the hydrants.
5. Secretary Judy Field announced that the 2015 election packets would be mailed on Monday, August 17, 2015. She explained that the Absentee Attendance ProxyForm is necessary to establish a quorum for the Annual Meeting.
HOMEOWNER COMMENTS: there were two:
-send a short reminder to owners and their guests, requesting that people refrain from parking on lawn edges, which can damage sprinkler heads
-request that homeowner assessments automatically be raised a small percentage each year so we can stay ahead of large dues increases and/or special assessments in the future.
The meeting was turned over to Susan Stead, a Principal and Vice-President at Parker, Smith and Feek, an insurance brokerage firm in Seattle. She agreed to review our CC&R’s, By-Laws, and the coverage we currently have with CommunityAssociation Underwriters of America, Inc. (CAU). She spoke for over an hour, delivering a wide ranging presentation, with her main focus on our present coverage, liability coverage, property coverage and deductibles. She ended her presentation with these main points:
- CAU is an excellent choice for our mandatory, general insurance needs. They are highly rated and a great resource if we have questions. She did not advise pursuing a broker to seek out alternative insurance companies, which would add to the Association’s costs.
2. “Replacement costs” refers to the condition of your unit at the time of purchase. If you have made any improvements or modifications to your unit (hardwood floors, new appliances, cabinets, etc.), you must have tangible proof (photos) to provide to your individual insurance provider at the time you present a claim.
3. Susan stated that personally, she is “risk adverse” and therefore would recommend that our Association purchase earthquake insurance. However, because of its high cost and high deductibles (“why buy the insurance if you can’t afford the deductibles?”), she recommends that the Board and homeowners engage in “robust” (her word) discussions to assure that the majority of homeowners are willing to payfor it.
ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Judy Field moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded and approved.
The meeting adjourned at 4:47 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Field