Agenda – Board Meeting
Sunland Division 17 Owners Association
Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room
September 3, 2013 Room reserved: 9:00–11:30 am
9:00 Homeowner Forum: time divided among those wanting to speak
9:30* Call to order, Verification of quorum
9:35 Review and approval of August 6 and August 7, 2013 Board Meeting minutes
9:40 President’s Report
9:50 Committee Reports
- Vice president–Susan Hamman
- Treasurer’s Report–Cindy Rhodes
- Secretary–Judy Field
- Developed Landscape–Eldon Dennis
- Greenbelt Landscape–Tim Paschal
- Exterior Change Requests–Cindy Meek
- Exterior Maintenance and Inspection–Richard Helmenstine
- Governing Documents Review: Bylaws–Gene Ross
10:25 Old business
- Meeting schedule: Oct. 1; Nov. 5; Dec. 3. 9:00–11:30, The Gathering Place
- Reserve Study interpretation
- Update on Div. 7 tree removal request
- Discussion of Employee Dishonesty Premium/Fidelity Bond bid from CAU
11:00 New business
- Appointment of committee chairs and members: Architectural Control (3 members, 3-yr terms, 1 expire per year, appointed by President), Exterior Maintenance, Landscaping, Undeveloped Common Space, Nominating (appointed in May or June), Inspectors of Elections (appointed at annual meeting), Grievance (odd number, ≥ 3 members, 3-yr terms, staggered, chair is board member), Water Setters, Governing Documents
Underlines Require Motion and Vote
- Proposed letter to listing agents and escrow/title companies
11:30 Adjourn
*Target times only