Agenda – Board Meeting – September 3, 2013

Agenda – Board Meeting

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room

September 3, 2013 Room reserved: 9:00–11:30 am

9:00 Homeowner Forum: time divided among those wanting to speak

9:30* Call to order, Verification of quorum

9:35 Review and approval of August 6 and August 7, 2013 Board Meeting minutes

9:40 President’s Report

9:50 Committee Reports

    1. Vice president–Susan Hamman
    2. Treasurer’s Report–Cindy Rhodes
    3. Secretary–Judy Field
    4. Developed Landscape–Eldon Dennis
    5. Greenbelt Landscape–Tim Paschal
    6. Exterior Change Requests–Cindy Meek
    7. Exterior Maintenance and Inspection–Richard Helmenstine
    8. Governing Documents Review: Bylaws–Gene Ross

10:25 Old business

    1. Meeting schedule: Oct. 1; Nov. 5; Dec. 3. 9:00–11:30, The Gathering Place
    2. Reserve Study interpretation
    3. Update on Div. 7 tree removal request
    4. Discussion of Employee Dishonesty Premium/Fidelity Bond bid from CAU

11:00 New business

    1. Appointment of committee chairs and members: Architectural Control (3 members, 3-yr terms, 1 expire per year, appointed by President), Exterior Maintenance, Landscaping, Undeveloped Common Space, Nominating (appointed in May or June), Inspectors of Elections (appointed at annual meeting), Grievance (odd number, ≥ 3 members, 3-yr terms, staggered, chair is board member), Water Setters, Governing Documents

Underlines Require Motion and Vote

    1. Proposed letter to listing agents and escrow/title companies

11:30 Adjourn


*Target times only