Agenda – Board Meeting – November 5, 2013

Final Agenda – Board Meeting

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room

November 5, 2013 Room reserved: 9:00–11:30 am

9:00 Homeowner Forum: time divided among those wanting to speak

9:15* Call to order, Verification of quorum

9:20 Review and approval of October 1, 2013 Board Meeting minutes

9:25 President’s Report

9:40 Consider appointment of a new board member: David Jelin

10:00 Committee Reports

    1. Vice president–Susan Hamman
    2. Treasurer’s Report–Cindy Rhodes
    3. Secretary–Judy Field
    4. Developed Landscape–Eldon Dennis
    5. Greenbelt Landscape–Tim Paschal
    6. Exterior Change Requests–Cindy Meek
    7. Exterior Maintenance and Inspection–Richard Helmenstine
    8. Governing Documents Review: CC&Rs–Gene Ross
    9. Welcome Committee–Renee Jones

10:30 Old business

    1. Meeting schedule: Dec. 3, 9:00–11:30, The Gathering Place
    2. Update on Div. 7 tree removal
    3. Revised table of committees and coordinators
    4. Standing water and drainage problem

10:20 New business

    1. Meeting to discuss hillslope and SLOA tree policy, Nov 5, 3 pm
    2. Consider officer reorganization after resignation of Jim Karr in November

10:45 Adjourn


*Target times only