Agenda – Board Meeting – April 2, 2013

Agenda – Board Meeting

Sunland Division 17 Homeowners Association

Location: Sunland’s “The Gathering Place” Ground Floor Meeting Room

April 2, 2013 Room reserved: 9:00–11:30 am

*9:00 Call to order

    1. Verification of quorum
    2. Sign-up sheets circulating for visitor attendance and comment period

9:05 Review and approval of March 5, 2013 Board Meeting minutes (circulated in draft to board members in advance)

9:15 Old business

    1. Reminder of meeting schedule: May 7, Jun 4, Jul 2
    2. Annual meeting; 6 August, 1:00 pm, Poolside Room at SGCC
    3. Update on hemlock control efforts in last month–Eldon Dennis
    4. Proposal to harvest hay from green belt
    5. SLOA waiver of greenbelt management rule
    6. Changes in farmer proposal
    7. Letter from homeowner, other comments
    8. Fact Sheet: Welcome to Sunland North
    9. Reserve study initiative–Cindy Rhodes
    10. Budget planning, organization, and tracking
    11. Insurance coverage of volunteers
    12. Search for backflow prevention devices and shut off valves–Lee Cox

10:25 Committee Reports

    1. Treasurer’s Report–Lee Cox
    2. Landscape–Eldon Dennis
    3. Exterior Change Requests–Jerry Schmidt
    4. Exterior Maintenance and Inspection–Richard Helmenstine
    5. Governing Documents Review–Gene Ross
    6. Secretary–Cindy Rhodes

10:50 New business

    1. Approval and posting of minutes
    2. Are the Board packets useful?

11:00 Visitor comments (time divided among those wanting to speak)

11:30 Adjourn



*Target times only