Quarterly Newsletter January 2021
Email: sunlandnorth@gmail.com
Website: http://dvc.omx.mybluehost.me
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1655, Sequim, WA 98382
Business Hours: Monday – Friday; 9 AM – 3 PM
2020-2021 Sunland North Board of Directors
President: Susan Hamman, president@sunlandnorth.org
Vice President: Dianne Bresnahan, vicepresident@sunlandnorth.org
Treasurer: Betty Gwaltney, treasurer@sunlandnorth.org
Secretary: Lawrence Charters, secretary@sunlandnorth.org
Board Member-at-Large: Michael Johnson, member-at-large@sunlandnorth.org
Homeowners Association (HOA) Office Hours – Monday thru Friday, 9 am – 3 pm
Homeowners Association (HOA) Office Hours should be adhered to by all of us, except in the event of an emergency. Contact information for each Board and committee chair member is on the Sunland North Website: (https://sunlandnorthownersassociation.com/about-us/); or use the generic “Contact Form” that is on the website (https://sunlandnorthownersassociation.com/contact-us/).
Remember, we don’t have paid administrative staff, and people may be away from home or otherwise occupied; anticipate at least a few days for a response.
Upcoming Sunland North “Virtual” Board Meetings
Homeowner Association (HOA) monthly Board business meetings are open for owner observation, and always include a separate “Owner Comment Period”. In-person gatherings continue to be prohibited under Washington State’s ongoing COVID-19 Emergency Proclamation, but the meetings are available to you via Zoom video calls (or phone audio, if you prefer). Meetings are announced in advance via email and include the Board’s meeting agenda. Board members Mike Johnson and Lawrence Charters have offered to set up one or more “practice sessions,” if you’d like a chance to play around with using the Zoom technology outside of the meeting itself (it might even be fun to try it out on the grandkids, once you get the hang of it).
Sitting in on Board meetings is a great way to learn what’s going on, and to hear from a wide range of community volunteers handling different aspects of our shared homeowner association life.
The Sunland North Board Meeting schedule for the first quarter of 2021 is as follows:
- Wednesday, January 13 (2:30 to 4:30 pm)
- Wednesday, February 10 (2:30 to 4:30 pm)
- Wednesday, March 10 (2:30 to 4:30 pm)
Note: Sunland Owners Association (SLOA) is a separate, overarching HOA that includes several other divisions, the pool and tennis courts, and all the individual homes in Sunland; their Board meeting schedule is separate from Sunland North Division 17.
Welcome to new and relatively new Sunland North Neighbors
We realize that many of you have not had the benefit of our normal Welcoming Committee visit, given COVID 19 restrictions, so we thought this would be a good time to provide you with a few reminders of our HOA rules and regulations.
In the past few months, we have received a number of inquiries about maintenance/landscaping needs inside courtyards or fenced patio areas. So, our first reminder is that areas inside courtyards and fenced areas are the responsibility of the homeowner. Our landscaper (contractor) is not permitted to enter courtyards or fenced areas to do any landscape maintenance.
A second reminder is that the landscaper is not responsible for maintaining any landscaping that the homeowner has added to exterior beds, such as plants, flower pots, hanging baskets, etc.
And our Established Landscape Committee always wants us to remind homeowners that the irrigation system is maintained by our landscaper and we ask all homeowners to NOT make any adjustments or repairs to the irrigation system.
If you have a problem or concern with the irrigation system, or have any other landscape requests, please submit a landscape request via the Sunland North Division 17 website: https://sunlandnorthownersassociation.com/homeowners-forms/landscape-maintenance-request/
You may also use the Landscape-Maintenance-Request-Form_Rev-Feb-15-2016 (PDF), and mail it to:
Sunland Division 17 Owners Association
PO Box 1655
Sequim, WA 98382
Before submitting your request, please note:
- Review the Sunland Division 17 Rules and Regulations, Appendix B, Division 17 Landscape Maintenance Guidelines.
- Requests and concerns should be in writing, to facilitate tracking and follow-through.
- Requests are reviewed and responded to by the board-appointed Landscape Coordinator within 30 days of receipt.
- Be advised that all personal plantings are cared for by the unit owner and will not be maintained by the landscape maintenance providers.
- Any personal plantings that result in damage to the common area will be repaired at the expense of the unit owner.
- Personal plantings cannot affect the exterior aesthetics and common architectural or decorative theme of the neighborhood.
- Do not communicate landscape maintenance items to the landscape providers directly.
Pet owners/walkers should be respectful of our neighbors by preventing their pets from wandering deep into neighbor’s yards, when on a long leash, and to make sure they are picking up after their dogs in yards, common areas, and greenspace. We have received a number of complaints about dogs coming into courtyards or front doors and urinating on landscaping and dog owners not picking up after their dog. We should be keeping our pets near the street when we are walking with them and always pick up after them.
A reminder that your Board of Directors and Committee members are all neighbors and volunteers and to please be patient if you have not received a response to an inquiry you may have submitted. We are all working diligently to respond to all requests.
Thank you all for helping us protect the aesthetics and continuity of our beautiful community. We look forward to when we can all gather together again and meet all of our new neighbors face-to-face.
Messages and Reports from Our Volunteers
President – Susan Hamman
The year 2020 is one for the history books. No one could have known at the beginning of the year that we would spend most of it canceling trips, wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and conducting HOA meetings via Zoom. Sunland North residents and volunteers met the challenges and kept the community a great and safe place to live. Neighbors stepped in to help neighbors and your Board, Committee Chairs, and volunteers worked hard to keep the HOA running smoothly.
To the many new residents who moved into Sunland North during this past year, we look forward to gathering with you socially in 2021 as the pandemic restrictions ease. In the meantime, if you have any questions about living in our community, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of your Board members. Contact information is found on the Sunland North website: www.sunlandnorthownersassociation.com
Sunland North was incorporated in 1999. 2021 begins the ninth year of the HOA being run by its homeowners, having taken over from the developer in 2012. As the community matures, we have on our agenda new maintenance and landscaping issues to address and governing documents that need review/amendments. As a self-governing community, volunteers who live here and care about the community are important to maintaining the quality of life that we all enjoy here.
A happy and healthy 2021 to all!
Vice President – Dianne Bresnahan
Hello from the new Vice President and Communications Chair of Sunland North Homeowners Association. My husband Mike and I moved into Sunland North at the end of March, in the midst of COVID-19, so we have not had the opportunity to meet many of our neighbors. We look forward to meeting more of you over the holidays and as soon as we can start gathering again. This is our first experience living in a community with a homeowner’s association, so I am learning a lot – about my responsibilities as Vice President as well as the responsibilities of the Board and the challenges and opportunities that we face. I have been impressed with the commitment of my fellow Volunteer Board members and their desire to serve our community and the work they do to keep our community beautiful. I encourage each of you to join our Board meetings via Zoom. Until we can get together again in person, it is a great opportunity to hear what is going on and to make us aware of any concerns you might have. Wishing you a healthy and happy holiday season!
Treasurer – Betty Gwaltney
As we close out the books on 2020, we can be very grateful for how well we have weathered the challenges it brought. While we did have some extra expenses related to irrigation system repairs and tree removal, overall, we ended the year in good shape. Final year-end figures are not yet available at the time of this writing, but annual Operating Expenses are projected to be $274,614 which is $10,086 under budget! This means we will be able to deposit at least $70,000 into our Reserve Fund account as budgeted. Reserve Funds are for specific future major maintenance requirements and in 2021, we have planned to use Reserve Funds for several major projects – exterior painting, mulch replacement, and concrete repairs.
2021 first quarter assessments were due January 1, 2021. Quarterly assessments are due the first day of each quarter (January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1). Payments are to be sent to Sunland North Division 17, P.O. Box 1655, Sequim, WA 98382 or can be personally dropped off at the dropbox of the HOA’s accounting office: Sequim Tax Service, 127 N. Sequim Avenue. Do not send your Division 17 assessment to SLOA; they are two separate entities. Sending your assessment may delay your payment, which can result in late charges to your account.
As the new Treasurer for Division 17, I am very appreciative of the thoughtful planning and financial management that our volunteer Board has done this past year and for the year to come. We will continue to strive for wise management of our money to the benefit of each owner and the community we enjoy.
Secretary’s – Lawrence Charters
With two degrees in history, I can state with confidence that you want to avoid living in a time of historic change and world-spanning crises. Such times are best viewed in the pages of a book, or in fanciful reenactments on the silver screen.
But 2020 was a time of extraordinary crisis on a planetary scale, and something everyone had no choice but to experience, individually and collectively. Within Sunland North, we still managed to complete a massive irrigation project, plant new trees, purchase or sell homes, repair roofs, track down sprinkler leaks, remodel rooms, and countless other tasks. But we also had to postpone many other projects, take far fewer trips, visit far less, and learn far more about how telephones and the Internet work than we might have wished.
2020 was a year of stress and strain, made less so by the willingness of neighbors to step up and do things ordinary and extraordinary, ranging from dropping off cookies for their neighbors to planting the trees and tracking down sprinkler problems to making face masks for those who needed them. Neighbors taught one another how to use Zoom and FaceTime and Skype, offered tips on what stores had canned goods in stock, and helped one another sort through and cope with the avalanche of rumors and hearsay and gossip.
2021 will be another year of challenge. Vaccines should, by mid-year, blunt the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic, but there are many days of strain between now and that time. Virtual meetings are not going to go away, nor will face masks, nor will social distancing. Economic strain and shortages of goods, services, and labor will continue. Trips to Victoria — or most other places — are months away.
In the meantime, we can still be neighborly, checking in on one another. Sunland North was once upon a time a developer’s marketing project; today it is a neighborhood. We live here and, metaphorically or literally, this is where we hang our hat. Help one another when you are able, be as friendly as possible while still maintaining a safe distance, and accept the fact that it may take longer than normal to have even routine things get done. Note, too, that sometimes “getting things done” may mean it will get done faster if you pitch in; Sunland North has no paid staff; we are neighbors helping neighbors.
Communications Committee – Dianne Bresnahan
Our Communications Committee welcomes new members, Kathy Gross, Sue Purdy, Ellen Valway, and Dianne Bresnahan. Kathy is our Newsletter Editor and will assist us with any other communications that we need to send to members. Sue is our Welcoming Committee chair and assisting Sue is a new homeowner, Ellen Valway. Despite the COVID restrictions, our Welcoming Committee members reach out to new homeowners to welcome them and provide helpful information about our community and our HOA. Dianne will act as Chair and have responsibility for recruiting new members when needed. Thanks to our new Communication Committee members – welcome aboard! Thanks also go out to our retiring Newsletter Editor, Kay Hatler, and Welcoming Committee Chair, Leah Prince.
Board Member-at-Large – Mike Johnson
In 2017, I retired from a career in the railroad industry that spanned 48 years. For many years that was the leading reason for my rising every morning.
In the summer of 2017, I agreed to run for the HOA board. That has brought an interesting change to my life. Getting to know our exceptionally fine neighbors and learning more about myself (not necessarily a gift) have been the benefits of this minor service I perform.
In the past, I was very aware of what was needed to conserve my property and painfully aware of what efforts it took in time and energy. Now I live in a neighborhood where all of that is magically taken care of for me, at minimal costs. If I choose, it can be handled with no effort on my part.
The first time I personally called on the HOA to correct a problem in the irrigation system outside my domicile I was surprised when the irrigation repairman showed up. Richard Helmenstine, my neighbor, was out in my yard repairing the problem.
I subsequently learned that the neighborhood was chockfull of volunteers, who were helping keep the costs of operating our neighborhood low. If you have read this far, I just want to remind everyone that they can be helpful to our HOA in many small ways.
- If you see water flowing over from your rain gutters, please let us know. The rain gutter may be plugged, and we will clean it out. Otherwise, we end up with nasty wood rot.
- If your hose is connected, please disconnect and turn off the spigot.
- A phone call is appreciated, but please also use our website to report conditions that need correcting. (I finally figured out that Lawrence Charters has brought the HOA out of the 7th century.) Using the website form will automatically generate an email to the person responsible.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Stay Healthy in the coming new year.
Insurance Committee – Jo Anne Estes
There is no official report from the Insurance Committee.
I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy New Year and to say a sincere thank you to all the people who volunteer their service to the Owners and all of Sunland Division 17.
Architectural Control Committee – Richard Helmenstine
Homeowners seeking changes to their units are reminded to read and complete all necessary Architectural Control forms and submit them to the division 17 mailing address. Forms are found on the HOA website: www.sunlandnorthownersassociation.com.
Changes to the exterior of their units should conform to the general appearance of the neighborhood. I should also remind everyone to check and be sure that we comply with county building codes if there is a major structural change to the exterior, such as adding a propane fireplace. It is necessary to check that all contractors possess a current license, and that they are insured and bonded. Evidence of such information should be supplied by the contractor and verified by the State of Washington via the link supplied: https://www.lni.wa.gov/licensing-permits/contractors/hiring-a-contractor/verify-contractor-tradesperson-business
There were 24 requests for changes for 2020: 3 pending, 1 rejection, and 20 fully approved and completed.
There are two buildings in the Mt. Baker area scheduled for painting in the spring of 2021. Those homeowners will be contacted to verify their choice of paint colors. The exact date has yet to be determined.
Exterior Maintenance Committee – Michael VanDiver
An inspection of homes for moss treatment was performed. It was noted that 36 units were in need of treatment. Some of these homes were to have been treated this year, however, our contractor was unable to get the needed supplies.
We are currently engaged in seeking a replacement contractor to handle this account. Bids thus far have been higher than anticipated.
A water leak at one unit remains unsolved. Ongoing inspections have not pinpointed the problem or any signs of a leak.
Homeowners are encouraged to ensure their outside water spigots are covered and hoses removed. Freezing temperatures can cause major damage if not properly attended to.
Established Landscape Committee – Eric Mahnerd and Gerry Hatler
Here’s what to expect from the contracted landscaping here at Sunland North.
- The board contracts with a professional landscaping company to take care of three major facets in the common areas. Common areas are those areas outside of privacy fences. Where homes have privacy fences, the homeowner is responsible for the landscape maintenance inside the privacy fences.
- Common area lawn maintenance, mowing, fertilizing (three times/year), and weed control (three times/year). During the growing season (approximately March 1 to October 31), lawns will be mowed weekly, edging will be done every third week. During the dormant season, lawns will be mowed on an as-needed basis.
- Common area pruning is done twice a year, spring/summer and dormant season (winter).
- Sprinkler system maintenance and repair. There have been a number of irrigation issues as the systems are aging. If you become aware of improper sprinkling (too much or not enough) please notify the landscape committee via the Sunland North website link. We will have someone address the issue as soon as possible after notification.
- Bark/mulch is applied under a separate agreement and is scheduled every three years. Under that schedule, the mulching was to have been done in early 2020, however, due to uncertainty in the budget, it was postponed until later in the year. The plan originally was to have two different applications for separate neighborhoods. The Mount Baker neighborhood was to be accomplished in the fall of 2020 and the Blakely/Cascadia neighborhood was to be scheduled in the March 2021 timeframe. Due to concerns over the ability of a new contractor to complete the scheduled mulching in the fall per the agreement, that mulching will be delayed until it can be rescheduled in 2021. The March application is still on schedule to be completed. The mulching will be accomplished in a series of applications until the whole development is completed.
- Any landscape alterations (new plantings) owners make (which require prior landscape committee approval), the owner is responsible for the maintenance of those new plantings. Landscaping change requests may be submitted using the Landscape Maintenance Request Form found on our website. You can send that request via the link on the Sunland North web site. Care should be taken in making changes not to interfere with the ability of the contracted landscaper to carry out their responsibilities.
- Dormant Season pruning has begun. During this time, you may see additional pruning that you think needs to be done. If that is the case, please notify the landscape committee via the link on the Sunland North website and we will pass it along to the landscape crew.
- On a separate issue, you may have noticed the removal of some trees in Sunland North. These removals have been necessitated by root intrusion issues interfering with water mains.
Natural Habitat/Greenspace – Sarah Miller
In early November, several volunteers planted more than 30 native plants in the Natural Habitat areas around Sunland North, Division 17. These plants were provided to us free of charge by the Clallam Conservation District, in appreciation for our patience and recognition of the difficulties presented by the irrigation piping project last winter.
Most of the conifers were planted near the intersection of Sequim-Dungeness Way and Woodcock Road. As these trees mature, they will provide a sight and sound barrier between Sunland North and the (future) traffic circle.
The remaining conifers and several native shrubs were planted in the area of the berm along Woodcock Road, to the west of the RV Storage lot.
You will notice that the new plants are all in wire cages, which are intended to provide protection from the plants being munched by the Sunland deer herd. Once the plants are well established, we will remove the deer barriers.
It is important for us to provide supplemental water to these plants for the first two or three years of growth, after which they should be able to survive our dry summers. We will set up a rotation of volunteers to water the plants over our dry months, from April through October. If we get enough volunteers, the task should be relatively easy and not too frequent for any one person. If you are interested in volunteering to water the newly planted native trees, please contact me at sarah0458@gmail.com or (206) 947-1347.
Thank you!
Special thanks to Mike Johnson, Sarah Miller, and all of the volunteers who cared for and then planted the trees and shrubs in our Natural Habitat areas. In the years to come, these plantings will be an enhancement to our entire neighborhood.
Also, a big “thank you” to Betty Gwaltney and all of the participants in the Division 17 Christmas Parade! Despite the cold, breezy day, it brought some needed Christmas cheer and fun to all.

Additional parade photos can be found on the website:
As always, we thank all of our Board members, coordinators, and committee members for their ongoing support and the volunteer time they provide to our community – we couldn’t do it without you.
Kathy Gross, Newsletter Editor
