July 2015 Newsletter

Sunland North


Quarterly Newsletter – July 2015

Email: sunlandnorth@gmail.com
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1655, Sequim, WA 98382

President’s Message –Susan Hamman (Volunteer)

As I near the end of my term as Division 17 President, many thoughts come to mind. When I joined the Board two years ago, I had no idea how much I would learn about what it takes to make an HOA community run. First, our HOA would have a difficult time existing without is homeowners-volunteers. They literally are the lifeblood and backbone of the community. My deep gratitude and thanks to Board members, the Committee Chairs and members, and all the other volunteers who work so hard on behalf of Division 17.

Many of you who have been on a HOA Board before have also provided invaluable advice to me throughout my term.

Each homeowner-volunteer brings unique viewpoints, opinions, ideas, experience, talents, and contributions to the community. The greater the number of people participating for the common good and benefit of the community, the better the decision making process for the community as a whole.

The health of our community and your investment in it is impacted by decisions made by the Board. All Board members are responsible for knowing and following the processes embedded in our Governing Documents (CC&Rs, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations). The Board members are also responsible for acting solely in the best interests of the Association. This can be somewhat challenging when we all have opinions as individuals, but again, Board members must ask themselves “what is in the best interst of the community as a whole?”

There are three vacant Board positions for the 2015-2016 term, which starts in September. If you wish to be considered for a Board position, please contact the Nomination Committee: Fritz Field 797-1275 or Jim Hammond at 797-1046 as soon as possible. Please note that a number of changes were discussed at the June Board meeting to encourage and facilitate your volunteerism; having quarterly instead of monthly board meetings and possible “job-sharing” with Board positions (example, “co-presidents” with each taking a six month term).

When many of us purchased our home in Division 17, we thought primarily about the benefits of living in an HOA which includesLandscape and yard maintenance! Exterior maintenance and repair! And a watchful and safe community in which to live! Being a Board volunteer has made a profound impact on me as to the responsibilites that we, the homeowner-volunteers, owe to our community as well. Please consider volunteering to help your community stay on its successful path!

If you aren’t sure what committees or Board positions you might be interested in go to the new Division 17 “Community Volunteer Application” form! It is available on the Sunland North website at: https://sunlandnorthownersassociation.com/homeowners-forms/. You can also call one of your Board members for a hard copy application. Simply fill out the form and return it either to the address noted at the top of the form or return it to a Board member.

Previous Board members and Committee Chairs can and will provide help, guidance, and “tribal knowledge” to help future board members and Committee Chairs be successful in their roles. Thank you for your consideration in running for our Board or volunteering for a committee position!

Thank you for the opportunity to have served on Division 17’s Board.

Susan Hamman, President, Division 17 2014-2015 (Volunteer)

Treasurer’s Report-Terry Main (Volunteer)

If you read the Harry Potter books or watched the movies (I’ll bet a few of you even watched without the grandkids [smile]), you may be familiar with Gringotts which is the bank of the Harry Potter wizarding world and is operated primarily by goblins. The goblins tend to be taciturn, tight-fisted and overly protective of the treasures of their customers. As Treasurer for our homeowner association, I want to protect and provide good stewardship of your assessments like the goblins of the Harry Potter world; but I do not want to be that taciturn goblin or the stereotypical “bean counter”. I sincerely want to work for the betterment of our community and provide the “biggest bang for your buck”.

Like my husband and me, I know you all worked very hard and saved your money to retire. You pinched pennies, worked long hours, and made sacrifices to live your retirement life in a beautiful location, a great community and have some money to take a special trip, pursue a new interest, or simply enjoy a leisurely life. When I recommend initiatives like the replacement of individual mailboxes with cluster mailboxes, it is not to be the “goblin” or to lessen the quality of life; but rather respect the hard-earned investment you made to get to this point in your lives.

I hope you will view the cost-cutting measures in the spirit intended and cooperatively work together for that common goal. Thanks in advance for your help.

Secretary’s Report-Judy Field (Volunteer)

There are four occupied units and four unoccupied units for sale; one of the occupied units is now under contract. One unit is in foreclosure; however, our Association has not been officially notified by the bank. Remember to notify me if you have a change of e-mail address or phone number. Call me at (360) 797- 1275 or e-mail at: sunlandnorthsec@gmail.com.

Most of Division 17 correspondence is handled electronically through e-mail. We do have 15 owners who receive notices via the regular postal service. If you would prefer to be notified through the postal service and not through e-mail, just let me know. You do not have to call me if you are already on my list.

Landscape Report-Eldon Dennis (Volunteer)

At the time of this writing we’re still dealing with very dry and windy conditions which are making it difficult to keep our lawns as green as we might wish. As I said in an earlier email, our landscape contractor and I are fully aware of the yellow/brown spots and are making an effort to limit the size and number of them. However, due to a number of reasons we will likely continue to see them for the remainder of the summer.

As the Landscape Volunteer, since we owners assumed the responsibility of operating our Association, I would like to say “Thank You!” to everyone that has helped keep our area looking well maintained. Your reporting of issues such as broken or misdirected sprinklers, sick plants, trees or plants needing trimming or removed, plants rubbing against buildings, soggy spots, dry spots, etc. has been an important contribution to our community. On a personal level, I greatly appreciate the cooperative and supportive manner so many of you exhibited when reporting issues that needed attention.

We now need someone in our community to step forward and assume my volunteer position, as I will be retiring at the end of the Division 17 Annual Meeting in September. This position provides an opportunity to meet and get to know the great residents that live among us and to make a positive and important contribution to the community. Should you decide to give it a try, I’m very willing to share what I’ve learned these past years. Division 17 is a great place to live and with good volunteers we can keep it that way without having to resort to the additional expense of hiring a professional management company.

Architectural Control Committee Report – Cindy Meek (Volunteer)

We remind all owners that any exterior change to your unit must be submitted in writing to the Division 17 Association for approval prior to any work beginning. “Change” means any exterior modification, including the addition or modification of fences, gates, storm doors, or porch rails and modification to patio surfaces. If you have any questions, please contact me via email: meekcyn@gmail.com.

You will find the Exterior Change Proposal Checklist under the “Forms” button on Division 17’s website: www.SunlandNorthOwnersAssociation.com. Please send the completed checklist and paperwork by mail to: Sunland Division 17 Owners Association, ATTN: Architectural Control Committee, P.O. Box 1655, Sequim, WA, 98382. Requests will be reviewed and responded to within 30 days of receipt.

Undeveloped Common Space Report -Tim Paschal (Volunteer)

We’ve completed two mowings of the Greenbelt so far this season and we will most likely have a third mowing later in the summer. A lot of heat and less rain has significantly slowed the rate at which the grass has grown. The Poison Hemlock (PH) is under control and we continue to cut down any PH plants that go to flower. By doing so, we prevent the PH from spreading seed and prolonging our battle with them.

The chain gate in the northeast corner of the Mt Baker area was damaged last month and is currently being replaced. Finally, someone unknown sprayed the Scot’s Broom along Sequim Dungeness saving us from having to pull it out as we did last year.

Board Member at Large/Liaison to SWD-David Jelin (Volunteer)

Shake, Rattle and Roll. If a major event occurred cutting off power, roads and supplies, would you be able to survive for twenty, fourteen or even seven days afterward? Disaster preparation information will be left at your door during the next month for your consideration.

Preparing for a disaster, large or small, is something everyone can do. The question is, will you?

Periodically you will be receiving materials, ideas and suggestions about disaster preparedness. Richard Edes, Tim Paschal and I are putting our energies into helping the Division’s members become prepared. We hope that you will join us in this effort. As we move forward please feel free to call on anyone of us listed below to answer any questions that you have along your way to becoming prepared.

  • Richard Edes, (360) 582-0932 or RLEdes91@olypen.com
  • Tim Paschal (360) 582-0936 or bigtrees@olympus.net
  • David Jelin (360) 683-4858 or davidgjeling@live.com

FYI. Home Depot will host a Veterans’ Appreciation Day on Saturday, August 8th. This event will feature information for Veterans, drawings and some food. It will be co-sponsored by the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Military Officers Association of America, and Fleet Reserve Association among others. Please drop by and say “hi”.

Governing Documents Review Report-Gene Ross (Volunteer)

Recognizing that certain subsections of the current CC&Rs need clarification, the Board recalled the committee to address those issues and to draft any necessary amendments. The Committee has completed its initial work on insurance deductible matters and next will prepare corresponding deductible procedures for addition to the Bylaws. The Board will have a first reading of any proposed CC&R amendments at its July meeting and act on them at the August meeting. This will be in preparation for placing any approved amendments on the Board member election ballot before the Annual meeting. Any Bylaw amendments may be acted on by the Board without a vote of the Association membership.

Coordinator of the Resident’s phone list (social)-Susan Helmenstine (Volunteer)

The Division 17 Resident’s List has been updated and released. If you don’t have computer access to print the list, let me know and a printed copy will be provided for $1.00.

The List includes: names, address and/or alternate mailing address, e-mail addresses and phone numbers. If you have any questions, changes or additions to the list please contact Susan Helmenstine at parodux@gmail.com or by calling (360) 504-0019.

Please DO NOT share the list with non-residents. This list is provided for personal use only within the Division 17 neighborhood.

Welcome Committee-Barbara Paschal and Barbara Gruner (Volunteers)

Since the April newsletter, six more visits have been made to welcome new residents to the neighborhood. This brings the total number of welcome visits to 12 for the year.

The Mole Man-Mike Main (Volunteer)

I am your new neighborhood Mole Man. I recently received training from a local farmer on the capture of moles. With the purchase of a few traps, I am available to help rid your yard of the pesky varmit.

I am also looking for a few medium to large sized nursery plastic pots to place over the traps. Contact me by e-mail at Mmain1955@msm.com and provide your name, address and email and/or phone number, if you need help in this area or have plastic pots available to donate.