Frequently Asked Questions about Sunland (SLOA) and Sunland North (Division 17)
Updated February 15, 2021
The Sunland North (Division 17) website contains additional information, but here are answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for new and prospective owners. Check www.sunlandnorthownersassociation.com for further information
Q. Is Sunland North (Division 17) an official part of the Sunland Owners Association (SLOA)?
A. Yes, just as are all of the other 16 Divisions.
Q. Does Sunland North Division 17 have separate CC&Rs? (Covenants Conditions and Restrictions)
A. Yes, but as with the other Divisions, they are subordinate to the Sunland Owners Association (SLOA) CC&Rs. The CC&Rs describe the rights and obligations of the membership to the Association and the Association to the membership.
Q. Is there a Homeowners Association for Sunland North Division 17?
A. Yes, and its formal name is “Sunland Division 17 Owners Association.” It is managed by an elected Board of Directors composed of resident volunteers.
Q. How many Units are there in Sunland North?
A. There are 139 units in Sunland North.
Q. What are the monthly assessments for Owners in Sunland North Division 17?
A. Assessments are paid quarterly or annually; please see the page on Fees for more information. Assessments pay for the costs of maintaining the exterior of the buildings, the landscaping, including the underground irrigation system, and structure master insurance coverage.
Also included in this assessment is the cost of administering the account and a Reserve Fund required by Washington State law for future planned and unplanned maintenance (roofs, painting, fences, mailboxes, etc.).
Q. How is this assessment determined, and by whom?
A. The assessment reflects the annual budgeted cost of maintaining the Units (homes) and common areas in Sunland North Division 17. The amount charged to each homeowner is based on the total budgeted maintenance costs divided by the number of completed Units. It is adjusted annually by the elected Board of Directors to reflect updated costs, newly completed Units, and changes in contract costs.
Q. Are there any other dues to be paid by Sunland North Division 17 owners?
A. Yes, the annual dues for Sunland Owners Association (SLOA) membership are paid separately by owners to SLOA, and charges levied for sewer and water are paid separately by owners to Sunland Water District.
Q. What are the annual dues/fees of Sunland Owners Association (SLOA)?
A. Please see the page on Fees for current information. The annual dues of SLOA cover the cost of maintaining the swimming pool owned by SLOA, tennis courts, green belt, and common areas within greater Sunland, the nightly security patrols throughout the development, and the cost of maintaining the SLOA office, meeting room (The Gathering Place), the Sunny Shores cabana, and the salary and benefits for the SLOA administrator. Sunland Owners Association website: www.sunlandowners.com
Q. Are the Sunland water and sewer systems “community” systems?
A. No. The Sunland water and sewer systems are Public Utility Districts. Sunland residents own the physical plants. Please see the Fees page for the yearly rates. Sunland Water District website: www.sunlandwater.com
Q. Do the SLOA dues/fees include membership in the golf club or allow access to the golf course?
A. No. The golf course is owned and operated by Sunland Golf Club, a separate entity.
Q. What are the plans for the open area surrounding the units in Sunland North Division 17?
A. The open space is owned by Sunland North Division 17 Owners Association and will be permanently maintained as a green space area.
Q. Are there unique requirements when presenting an offer on one of the Units in Division 17?
A. Yes. For units being sold by a previous owner, a current Division 17 Budget is required to be attached to a Purchase and Sale Agreement, along with a contact form and a copy of the CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations. Contact the Listing Agent for any other requirements.
Note that at any change of ownership, a Document Processing Fee will be charged by both Sunland Division 17 Owners Association and by SLOA and should be included in the closing costs. These fees cover the cost of research and documentation provided to the title companies by each homeowner association, and may be assigned to the Buyer, the Seller, or as a shared cost allocated between the parties.