Sunland North Operating Principles

Sunland North/Division 17 Board of Directors

  1.  We will operate with respect for each other, all owners, and our Sunland and other community neighbors.
  2. We will approach all issues that come before the Board with a willingness to understand alternative perspectives.
  3. We will operate as provided for by Division 17 Governing Documents and the relevant law.
  4. We will strive for openness and transparency, among board members and between the board and all owners. Board meetings will be open to Division 17 members and will have a period for comments by homeowners. Executive (Directors only) sessions will be limited to discussion of certain subjects permitted by law. All votes will be taken in public sessions.
  5. We will always try to ensure clear communication by providing information through our regular Board of Directors meetings, a Division 17 website, and periodic communications such as e-mails and the Division 17 newsletter.
  6. We hope that the community will remember that we are serving as volunteers, and not place undue expectations upon us.
  7. We hope that the community will assume our best intentions, until proven otherwise, and that they will raise issues and ask questions in a supportive manner that encourages understanding and resolution, rather than defensiveness on anyone’s part.
  8. As a member-owned organization, we anticipate that every community member will contribute to the ideal operation of Sunland North/Division 17, whether it be serving on the board, serving on a committee, or in other ways volunteering their labor and best thinking for our combined well-being.
  9. To facilitate a smooth transition, incoming board members will strive to educate themselves on the issues, past board actions, our governing documents, and the effective and efficient operation of homeowner associations generally.
  10. To facilitate a smooth transition, outgoing board members will provide documentation of their role, any outstanding issues, and their recommendations for incoming board members.