Other Board Responsibilities, Usually Delegated to Committees and Coordinators
These functions are overall board responsibilities, usually assigned to specific board members and assisted by standing committees, ad hoc committees, and volunteer coordinators appointed by the board.
Architectural Control/Exterior Change Requests*
Review, research, coordinate as appropriate with landscape and External Maintenance Coordinators, and approve or deny owner-requested modifications and additions to existing units, to ensure consistency with architectural guidelines and standards established for the Association. (This effort is traditionally delegated to the volunteer Architectural Control Committee appointed by the board.). Maintain complete records of each request and its disposition, including updating Basecamp, on the association’s behalf.
Exterior Maintenance*
Monitor exteriors of all Division 17 homes and contract or oversee volunteer efforts for needed repairs and maintenance, as budget and time (This effort is traditionally managed by a volunteer Exterior Maintenance Coordinator appointed by Board.) Maintain complete records of each request and its disposition, including updating Basecamp, on the association’s behalf.
Landscaping and Common Space Maintenance*
Monitor Division 17 landscaped areas and the undeveloped common space (open space) surrounding Division 17; arrange for contracted lawn maintenance and other landscaping tasks, as funds and time permit (traditionally managed by a volunteer Landscape Coordinator appointed by the board and a separate Common Space Coordinator, both assisted by other neighbor volunteers).
SLOA Board Liaison
Monitor SLOA board meetings and keep Division17 board members advised of issues affecting Division17; this is a reporting function, and the liaison should not be expected to speak for the overall Division 17 Board without specific authorization.
Sunland Water District Liaison
Monitor Sunland Water District board meetings and keep Division17 board members advised regarding water service issues, including water treatment plant work and consumption conservation efforts. This is a reporting function, and the liaison should not be expected to speak for the overall Division17 Board without specific authorization.
Coordinate and prepare quarterly newsletter; provide an electronic copy to Secretary for distribution to owners; post on Division 17 Website as a web page. This responsibility is traditionally delegated to a designated Newsletter Coordinator appointed by Board.
Division 17 Webmaster
Maintain Division17 Website as cost-effective means to distribute information and provide reference material to owners and potential owners. Route monthly board meeting agendas, minutes, and financial reports to the webmaster for posting; periodically review and revise website material and its organization. Implemented by individual board members directly, and/or portions implemented through a designated Division17 website coordinator.
Archive/Association Records
Compile, maintain, and safeguard archive records for Association correspondence, documents, files, and records; maintain an index to archived records. This responsibility is traditionally delegated to a designated volunteer appointed by Board.
Governing Documents
Develop proposed amendments to Division17 Rules and Regulations, Bylaws, and CC&Rs as necessary, for board review and possible adoption using procedures specified in each for their amendment; ensure board members and owners have access to updated copies, maintained on Division17 Website; advise owners of proposed and adopted changes. This is an Ad Hoc Committee established to recommend an initial round of Governing Documents changes to the sitting Board.
Board Transitions
Outgoing board members to work with new board members to ensure a smooth transition and assumption of duties.
*The Division17 Bylaws authorize the board to establish committees as needed and to appoint committee members and coordinators to assist it in its stewardship responsibilities. The first three functions listed here are among the standing committees specifically mentioned in the Bylaws, plus a Nominating Committee and a Grievance Committee. The other functions shown are ad hoc and/or have evolved over time.
See also specific responsibilities for each board officer (President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary), and for Member(s)-At-Large, listed separately.