2022 Annual Election Timeline and Procedures

2022 Annual Election Timeline and Procedures

Sunland Division 17 Owners Association

for Annual Members Meeting to be held September 14, 2022

NOTE: Many key actions must be completed by the board well before the actual annual meeting and election; refer to the Division 17 Owners Association Actions and Recurring Events Calendar for more detail. In summary, these early actions include:

April: Begin development of proposed budget for upcoming year;

Initiate Reserve Study planning and research;

Schedule Annual Audit/Financial Review, to be completed no later than July.

May:  Determine annual meeting and election date, reserve room, announce to Owners

June: Appoint Nominating Committee to develop slate of candidates for Sept election;

Review and update (or create) proposed election forms, election timeline, and other annual meeting documents (all will need formal board approval at July meeting).

July: Board approves election forms, process, candidate bios, etc. (see list below);

Board reviews and approves proposed annual budget for upcoming year (owners vote to ratify or reject at the Annual Meeting)

Board reviews audit and/or financial review report;

Board reviews Reserve Study results;

Secretary recruits volunteers to help assemble election packets, if desired

Aug: Assemble and mail election packets to owners (14-60 days in advance of meeting)

Sept: Conduct annual members meeting (second Wednesday of September), i.e., Sept 14, 2022

Hold New Board Organizational Meeting (within one week of annual meeting)

July 13, 2022: Deadline for completion and board approval of all documents to be included in the mailed election packet (ballots, proxy forms, candidate bios, annual meeting agenda, etc.)

All items will then need to be duplicated**, packets assembled, and postage applied for mailing.

August 5, 2022: Deadline for mailing of completed election packet to each owner.

Each Election Packet will contain:

  1. Legally required formal announcement of Annual Meeting date, time, location, and outline of voting procedures.
  2. President’s Message.
  3. 2022 Sunland Division 17 Absentee/Mail-In Ballot (Part A & Part B) (two-part form: ballot for candidates and issues plus Quorum Attendance Proxy)
  4. Sheet with bios of board candidates.
  5. 2022 Voting Proxy Designation Form for owners who wish to appoint someone to vote in their stead (different than Quorum Attendance Proxy).
  6. Association Operating Budget for upcoming year (2023), approved by the Board at the prior Board meeting, along with any (2023) budget comments.
  7. Explanation of Audit versus Financial Review (owners will be voting on preference).
  8. Explanation and form for Homeowner Approval of Proposed CC&R revisions (if any)
  9. Updated Division 17 Owner Contact Form
  10. Community Volunteer Application form
  11. A pre-addressed (but non-stamped) envelope addressed to Division 17 post office box and marked “ATTN: Election Inspectors” for owners who choose to return their completed ballots & forms to the Association by mail, in advance of the meeting.

*NOTE: Board must also review and approve the In Person/On-Site Official Ballot each year (does not go into the Mailed Election packet, but is made available at the annual meeting; should be printed on a different color paper for on-site voting only, to help distinguish it from mailed ballots).

**May want to distinguish some additional items by using various colors of paper; and/or print multiple items on one piece of paper, including using both sides of the page, to reduce paper and postage costs.

List of all documents to be prepared for annual meeting, which includes more than just the mailed election packets described above:

  1. Annual Meeting and Election Timeline—this document–review and update each year.
  2. Detailed Annual Budget for the Upcoming Year—new each year

(approved by Board in July, for owner ratification); and including any Budget Comments

  1. Explanation of Any Proposed Change to CC&Rs (if applicable)
  2. Explanation: What is the difference between financial records review and financial audit (owners vote on this question each year)

Ballot Forms:

  1. Quorum Proxy and Absentee/Mail-In Ballot—revised for each election
  2. Voting Proxy Designation (owner designates someone to vote at the meeting in their place)
  3. In-Person Ballot—revised for each election
  4. Formal Annual Meeting Notice and Instructions for Voting—updated each year
  5. President’s Message—new message each year
  6. Board Candidate Biographical Sketches—new each year
  7. Owner Contact Information Form (to prompt owners to keep their info current; review standard form each year and revise if necessary)
  8. Community Volunteer Application
  9. Election Inspector Instructions (review and revise if necessary)
  10. Vote Summation Form (for use by Election Inspectors)—revised for each election
  11. Annual Meeting Registration/Owner Check-In List—updated each year
  12. Ballot Tracking Form (specialized list of owners) for use by Election Inspectors)updated each year
  13. Annual Meeting Agenda—updated each year
  14. Statement of Purpose of Annual Meeting (attached; per Sunland Division 17 Bylaws, Article IV); see also recommended annual meeting opening remarks, purpose and protocols, from previous years.

For reference: Sunland Division 17 Bylaws re: Annual Meeting

Article IV

  1. 1. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held on the first Tuesday in September of each year for the purposes of electing directors, presenting a financial statement showing in detail the current financial condition of the Association, proposing and ratifying a budget for the up-coming year, determining if a certified public accountant will conduct an audit or a financial review of the Association’s accounts, appointing two inspectors of election, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly be addressed at the meeting.
  2. Notice of Annual Meetings. Notice of the time, place, and purpose(s) of the annual meeting shall be sent to all Association members via US mail, hand delivered, or by electronic means (if the owner has consented to receive notice electronically and has provided an email address) not less than fourteen (14) nor more than sixty (60) days before the meeting. The notice shall be sent to each person who appears upon the books of the Owners Association as a member. If mailed, the notice shall be directed to the member at his address as it appears on the books of the Association, unless he has submitted a written request stipulating that notices shall be mailed to a designated address.
  3. Quorum. At any annual or special meeting of the Association, the presence in person or by proxy of thirty-four percent (34%) of all voting members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for all purposes except as otherwise provided by law. The act of a majority of the members present at any meeting at which there is a quorum shall be the act of the full membership, except as may be otherwise specifically provided by statute or by these Bylaws. A meeting may be adjourned by vote of a majority of the members present (in person or by proxy) without notice other than by announcement at the meeting and without further notice to any absent member. At any reconvened meeting at which a quorum shall be present, any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally notified.
  4. Voting. At every annual or special meeting of members, each member shall be entitled to vote in person, by mail, or by proxy. Each member of the Association shall be entitled to one (1) vote per owned unit. The Developer is entitled to one (1) vote for each unsold or undeveloped unit. The vote for directors and, upon the demand of any member, the vote upon any question brought before the membership shall be by ballot. All elections and all questions shall be decided by a majority of those present.
  5. Inspectors of Election. The Board shall at each annual meeting elect or appoint two persons to serve until and including the next annual meeting as inspectors of election. If any inspector shall refuse to serve or shall not be present, the Board shall appoint an inspector in his place. The failure to satisfy this requirement does not negate the election results.

64.38.034 << 64.38.035 >> 64.38.040

RCW 64.38.035

Association meetings—Notice—Board of directors.

(1) A meeting of the association must be held at least once each year. Special meetings of the association may be called by the president, a majority of the board of directors, or by owners having ten percent of the votes in the association. The association must make available to each owner of record for examination and copying minutes from the previous association meeting not more than sixty days after the meeting. Minutes of the previous association meeting must be approved at the next association meeting in accordance with the association’s governing documents.

(2) Not less than fourteen nor more than sixty days in advance of any meeting of the association, the secretary or other officers specified in the bylaws shall provide written notice to each owner of record by:

(a) Hand-delivery to the mailing address of the owner or other address designated in writing by the owner;

(b) Prepaid first-class United States mail to the mailing address of the owner or to any other mailing address designated in writing by the owner; or

(c) Electronic transmission to an address, location, or system designated in writing by the owner. Notice to owners by an electronic transmission complies with this section only with respect to those owners who have delivered to the secretary or other officers specified in the bylaws a written record consenting to receive electronically transmitted notices. An owner who has consented to receipt of electronically transmitted notices may revoke the consent at any time by delivering a written record of the revocation to the secretary or other officer specified in the bylaws. Consent is deemed revoked if the secretary or other officer specified in the bylaws is unable to electronically transmit two consecutive notices given in accordance with the consent.

(3) The notice of any meeting shall state the time and place of the meeting and the business to be placed on the agenda by the board of directors for a vote by the owners, including the general nature of any proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation, bylaws, any budget or changes in the previously approved budget that result in a change in assessment obligation, and any proposal to remove a director.

(4) Except as provided in this subsection, all meetings of the board of directors shall be open for observation by all owners of record and their authorized agents. The board of directors shall keep minutes of all actions taken by the board, which shall be available to all owners. Upon the affirmative vote in open meeting to assemble in closed session, the board of directors may convene in closed executive session to consider personnel matters; consult with legal counsel or consider communications with legal counsel; and discuss likely or pending litigation, matters involving possible violations of the governing documents of the association, and matters involving the possible liability of an owner to the association. The motion shall state specifically the purpose for the closed session. Reference to the motion and the stated purpose for the closed session shall be included in the minutes. The board of directors shall restrict the consideration of matters during the closed portions of meetings only to those purposes specifically exempted and stated in the motion. No motion, or other action adopted, passed, or agreed to in closed session may become effective unless the board of directors, following the closed session, reconvenes in open meeting and votes in the open meeting on such motion, or other action which is reasonably identified. The requirements of this subsection shall not require the disclosure of information in violation of law or which is otherwise exempt from disclosure.